This spell, taken from page 112 of The Book of Dragons, is summarized here:

<font size="4">Earthbind</font>
<font size="3">Transmutation</font>

<font size="2">Level</font> Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
<font size="2">Components</font> V,S
<font size="2">Casting Time</font> 1 Standard Action
<font size="2">Range</font> Close (25' + 5'/2 levels)
<font size="2">Targets</font> One Creature
<font size="2">Duration</font> 1 minute/level (D)
<font size="2">Saving Throw</font> Fortitude partial
<font size="2">Spell Resistance</font> Yes

This spell temporarily removes the ability to fly. A creature affected while in flight falls to earth as if under a Feather Fall spell. New spells and affects allowing flight during Earthbind's duration will fail, though this not prevent other means of becoming airborne, such as leaping, Levitate or Air Walk spells.

If the target saves, flying speed is diminished by 10'/caster level, with a 100 ' speed reduction maximum. The target may never be slowed to less than 10' by use of this spell.