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Thread: Diabetes Update

  1. #1
    Inactive Member Bill-DC's Avatar
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    I had a follow up doctor's appointment the other day and my A1C is 5.5!

    This is below the 5.7 I was projecting after averaging the 350 or so blood sugar readings I've done since I was officially diagnosed with Type II Diabetes in mid July.

    This is down from the whopping 11.5 when I was last tested in July. When I left the office I was all confused and didn't understand the significance of this number then and I forgot about it as I was thinking was I had to make serious lifestyle changes. I'm stunned it was so high then, but I saw the results from that appointment when I was there today.

    It was 7.4 back in March, three months after I collapsed in my basement. For those keeping score I go from 7.4 --> 11.5 ---> 5.5

    Here's a quick rewind: I collapsed briefly in my basement in December. A lot of factors were involved. Stressful job situation, a minor car accident the day before and I had a cold as well. I went to the doctor and a variety of tests were done to see if I suffered a stroke, had any heart or brain damage when I was passed out. I'm in my 40's and the only real activity I had was the occasional round of golf. In other words, I was not getting as much exercise as I used to have.

    So I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and pre-diabetes then. Being the stubborn person that I am, I did nothing but take the blood pressure and cholesterol medication I was prescribed. No diet change, no real exercise and I still ate/drank what I wanted. I work for a CPA firm and during the tax season they had all kinds of food and sweets available in the kitchen. Not helpful but tasted good.

    Then comes the July doctor's appointment and I was Type II diagnosed. I had to do something so I got very serious with my diet and exercise. I couldn't just pop meds and have everything magically disappear. So after three months of exercising 45-60 minutes a day, five days a week, I feel healthier and stronger today. I can't get down at myself for the six months I blew off to start the year as time can't be replaced once passed, but I know now not to take a break. This is with me for life.

    Truthfully, I don't miss the ice cream, donuts, cakes and candy I used to pound down. I don't miss McDonald's, Wendy's or soda. No french fries or potatoes anymore and I'll drink either water or unsweetened tea with meals. I actually like the time on the treadmill, elliptical and bike as I can listen to music and sweat uninterrupted. I have healty meals and snacks now thanks to the help of a nutritionist.

    According to the scale in the doctor's office, I have lost 20 pounds, down to 196. I'm 5'10 and want to get to 170 so there is still some work to be done. The good news is I don't have to go back to the doctor's office for six months.

    My attitude is I'll die with the disease, not because of it. I don't want to check out early.

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner WillieMcGee51's Avatar
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    Thanks for the update. Godspeed, Bill.

  3. #3
    Inactive Member Bill-DC's Avatar
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    Down six more pounds plus I've been using the weights a lot more. I'm a lean, mean machine now. I need to drop 20 more pounds to get to 170.

    Fukk you diabetes!

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