In CC's last two starts, it became clear that CC was not going to get through an early inning unscathed, yet it was much too early to take CC out of the game. Taking CC out of a game in the 3rd or 4th inning can possibly compromise our bullpen for a couple of nights.

It appears that CC pitches better when no on is on base. So if we see a big inning brewing, put CC at first, bring in Rhodes or Sauerback to get us out of the inning, then when the next inning rolls around, put CC back on the pitchers mound!

The Indians do this with with Sudden Sam McDowell back around 1972. (I was just a babe in the woods but I remember).

If Sudden Sam McDowell was in a jam, the Indians would bring a relief pitcher in and make Sudden Sam the temporary second baseman! Then after the reliever got out of the jam, Sam would go back to the mound and pitch a few more innings. Of course, what made the switcheroo exciting was the possibility that the ball might be hit to Sudden Sam, who was suddenly playing second base!

If my youthful experience is correct, the Indians tried this three times, and it worked perfectly the first time, the last two times, it did not work! However, I think second base is more difficult to play than first when it comes to hiding a ballplayer for a play or two.

The next time CC is in a jam and it's still early in a game we try bringing in a reliever and put CC at first for the remainder of that inning.

Then the next inning put CC back at the pitchers spot. WE are UNIQUELY qualified at first base, whether we start with Ben and then go to CC for part of one inning, then bring in Hernandez, or if we start the game with Hernandez, go with CC for part of an inning, then bring Ben in; what's the difference????

Heck, we subbed Ben for Hernandez in the middle of the game tonight anyway! I believe CC could handle first base for a hitter or two, and in the process we actually help preserve the pen and give CC a chance to play on.