CC has live through the death of three close relatives, his dad, uncle, and cousin in just the past six months.

I wonder if it's weird for CC to watch Milton Bradley's shenanigans over basically the small stuff while CC has to shoulder big time anguish. If your friend lost a couple of family members, including their dad, would you sweat the little stuff in front of them?

What must it be like for CC to see Milton Bradley have a tantrum over a manager doing the job they are supposed to do while in CC's own life he's dealing with the death of family?

These are the hidden reasons why players like Milton Bradley can foul team atmosphere up so much. Yes Milton Bradley did give a Eulogy at Jim Warfields funeral, but doesn't Milton Bradley stain that eulogy when he places so much importance on one badly called strike, or cursing a manager who is just doing his job?

Sorry to mention Milton in this post, but it sure does bring home to roost why he was traded, and why I'm glad players like CC don't have to put up with it.