I predicted the World Cup final score on Cleveland live...

352785. OT: World Cup final
by DLee25, 7/9/06 0:02 ET

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352785. OT: World Cup final by DLee25, 7/9/06
1. World Cup by realoldccfan, 7/9/06
1. 0-0...Just like WWII... by DLee25, 7/9/06
2. i did bet on a tie by mattbgsu, 7/9/06
2. 2-1 Italy. by thedumbguy, 7/9/06


I thought Argentina was the most dangerous team. I think Italy played the best soccer of the tournament but they also avoided playing both Argentia and Brazil and that didn't hurt.

However knocking out Germany in Germany was huge as well. Italy's victory against Australia and Germany both had storybook elements to them. Against Australia I think they were down a man and were about to enter overtime and Australia had saved perhaps all of their substitutions???

If the game goes to overtime, Italy probably loses because of exhaustion. I think the penalty kick call was legitimate because the Australian player did indeed just fall to the ground in front of the Italian player.

Wonderful give and take in the finals. The first penalty kick was a bad call against Italy, but late in the game, there was a make up call in which the Italians could have been called for a penalty kick but were not.

Then Zidane's head butt, although not originally seen, it was the correct call to eject him, even if the rule book says you cannot do it if the refs don't see it happen.

Sorry, but if Zidane had not been sent out, it would have sent a horrible message to all fans that it is ok to head butt an opposing player as long you don't get caught.

Fucck rule of law in this instance, the rule of what is right won out, and this is how it should be.