Good chance of destroying the unrepairable tweeters on the 601
I've been wanting 9862s and have been collecting 416s and 414s. The tweeters came up on ebay and I got outbid. The horns seem to be hard to source as well. I bought a pair of functioning 601-8Ds I was/am going to put in @4.5 ft3 enclosures that are loaded with Bozaks I'm not fond of. I was brainstorming and thought a 416-8B, 601-8D, 2404H(ceramic) in a 9ft3 enclosure might be something. I have some EV TL3512 freebie cabinets in storage I can change the front baffle on. A passive crossover would be a challenge. Panomaniac helped a guy on DIYAudio design a crossover and it was really interesting. I have a DBX Driverack PA2, but didn't really want to multi-amp. I could, though. Don't know how the 3000 and 2404 would mate up. Good idea or not so good? Thanks
Good chance of destroying the unrepairable tweeters on the 601
Your neighbors called. They like your music.
It’s my understanding you’ll be using the 601 woofer section only right? Basically treating them like 414
I am going to be using both sections. A 4-way like the 9862. I have some 412s, but I need another voice coil for the 414 recone. I have these R-H SSD-1800 that might be suitable.
Last edited by ckp; August 4th, 2024 at 01:23 PM. Reason: forgot picture
I have a few pairs of the RH 1800 and 1801 drivers and really like them. They could use a super tweeter on top if you really want some sparkle. Otherwise they’re very good for an all around 2 way HF driver. Very solid from 800hz and up.
I can’t tell the size by the photo, but those look like some of their 1200 hz horns. I usually go by the horn dimensions and match up with the spec chart. Since the horns I’ve had don’t have model numbers stamped on them
The opening is about 14 x 4 1/2. I have no experience with them. You remember when I got these, I finally found some horns for cheap. Are they top quality? How would they compare to say a 288 mid range magic? Better than 802s? I wonder if they will have good synergy with a 414. They will fit in the enclosure nicely.(I've reached my quota on images. Know anything about this?)
I think they’re model SSH 800 horns.
I really like the 1800 and 1801 drivers. I’ve used those along with Emilar EA/EC 175 drivers interchangeably with Altec 802. In pairs of course.
Have a listen and see what you think.
I built some Altec 9849 inspired speakers. They have 414b woofers and 32b horns In repurposed Santana cabs. I used RH 1800 drivers for while and now I have Emilar EA175 in them. I might put my 802 drivers in eventually. They all sound good to me.
I think I'm going to use these fresh Radian 475PBs that have been simmering on the shelf. Maybe put the 601s in the Barzilay cabinets like I planned. Then it would be a 416>414>475. I don't think an UHF would be needed with the Radians.
Any 'fast' transients > 30-35 W will pop its wafer thin microphone based diaphragm and having never seen a schematic for any of its 3000 Hz XOs, don't know how much effort Altec invested ensuring it.
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