Read your excellent sand baffle article, but saw no place to comment like you offer on some others ; so yes, the goal is to either mass load it to resonate below the driver's passband or above it, which requires more stiffening and in your case presume it pushed the baffle's Fs sufficiently below the driver's Flc, whereas if a low Fs, best to make it rigid enough to resonate above its Fhm* passband.
* The box only loads the driver to its upper mass corner (Fhm) where T/S theory peters out:
upper: Fhm = 2*Fs/Qts'
lower: Flc = Fs*Qts'/2 (AFAIK only used for reactance annulled BLHs and mass loading the speaker)
Qts': 2*Fs/Fhm
Fs: Fhm*Qts'/2
BTW, who are you? I would like to bookmark it.