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Thread: My Altec-Lansing collection

  1. #1
    Junior Hostboard Member Thunder1942's Avatar
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    My Altec-Lansing collection

    Hi, everyone. This is just to open this thread about my collection of Altec-Lansing sound equipment. It is almost midnight here in Fairfield, Texas, and I don't have my list handy, so I'll be back another day to share that list of equipment, which could very well be for sale, if anyone might be interested. I am almost 83. I'm still singing and telling people about Jesus Christ and what He did in my life some 52 years ago.

    I'll be back soon. More later.
    Be blessed,
    Don D. Thornton, Staff Evangelist
    First Baptist Church,
    Fairfield, Texas

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner Todd W. White's Avatar
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    Re: My Altec-Lansing collection

    Hello Don!

    I'm not too far from you (Tulsa). Send me a list of what you have.
    Todd W. White, Owner & Webmaster
    Altec Lansing's (unofficial) Homepage

  3. #3
    Junior Hostboard Member Thunder1942's Avatar
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    Re: My Altec-Lansing collection

    Todd, here is my best effort of listing what I have. The drivers are mounted on the horns that are posted beside them.
    Thanks for your interest. Are you connected to Altec-Lansing? I see you are in Tulsa.

    A-L Drivers Ser # Horns Ser # (Two of these drivers ohmed 12.5, but can't remember which. The other is open.291-16K K192503 MRII 542 0046
    291 16K K192494 MRII 542 0039
    291-16K K192588 MRII 542 0055

    291-16K (12.5 ohms) K192487 MRII 594 0119
    291-16K (12.5 ohms) K192499 MRII 594 0205

    Cabinets Speakers Ser.#
    816A 515 8G HP no #
    816A 515 8G HP no #

    Power Amps Ser#
    1289 A63842 (B337)
    1289 A63840 (B337)__

    Preamp Ser#
    1889A A63295 (B333)

    I have two other square, unmarked speaker cabinets that have good 15" AL woofers in them. These two are not listed here, as they are buried behind some other equipment. i can get that tomorrow. i'm not sure I'm ready to part with these two cabinets. I still use them occasionally. I have installed AL metal labels on them and added some mesh to protect the speakers from being poked. These boxes are what I use with the 291-16K #K192487 & K192499 drivers on the MRII 594 horns. With an old EV mixer I can take this set outside and almost light the trees on fire. OR, I can run it where it is comfortable within 10 feet, then walk halfway across the next block and hear perfectly and understand everything that is said or sung. they are amazing.

    Part of this group was taken out of First Baptist Church, Pasadena, Texas and the rest came out of First Baptist Church, Fairfield, Texas. Both churches replaced their systems and I was blessed with all this amazing equipment.

    The two power amps both have some sort of problem, but both have one good channel.

    I've never plugged the pre-amp into anything.

    After more than 50 years in the traveling ministry of Evangelism, I am at the end of my ability to move these things around. I am interested in knowing their value now. Thanks for your interest.

    The woofers for the 816A cabinets both have open coils. At the present time, I have 15" EV woofers from a pair of Dietz speakers, but it just isn't the same.
    I have photos on my phone, but not sure i know how to put them on here. If you can share a cell number, I'll be glad to send to you. I look forward to your reply.

    Be blessed,
    Don D. Thornton, Staff Evangelist
    First Baptist Church, Fairfield, Texas
    Last edited by Thunder1942; January 12th, 2025 at 12:26 AM. Reason: Did not finish. I hit the wrong button. Sorry.

  4. #4
    HB Forum Owner Todd W. White's Avatar
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    Re: My Altec-Lansing collection

    Hi Don,

    Here are my opinions on these items:

    A-L Drivers Ser # Horns Ser # (Two of these drivers ohmed 12.5, but can't remember which. The other is open.291-16K K192503 MRII 542 0046
    291 16K K192494 MRII 542 0039
    291-16K K192588 MRII 542 0055

    - These are great speakers, but the 291 will not receive as much interest as the 288 or 299, even though they work quite well. An informed buyer will probably want to retrofit them with 299 diaphragms. The MRII594A Horns are very well behaved.

    291-16K (12.5 ohms) K192487 MRII 594 0119
    291-16K (12.5 ohms) K192499 MRII 594 0205

    - These are great speakers, but the 291 will not receive as much interest as the 288 or 299, even though they work quite well. An informed buyer will probably want to retrofit them with 299 diaphragms. The MRII594A Horns are very well behaved.

    Cabinets Speakers Ser.#
    816A 515 8G HP no #
    816A 515 8G HP no #

    - I personally really like the 816 hybrid Bass-reflex/Bass Horns. The 515-8GHP is a perfect match to them.

    Power Amps Ser#
    1289 A63842 (B337)
    1289 A63840 (B337)__

    - These have always been problematic amplifiers, and are not repairable, as parts are long gone for them.

    Preamp Ser#
    1889A A63295 (B333)

    - I'm not familiar with this unit.

    Regarding value on these items:

    Well, the large drivers DO have a reasonable value, BUT, because they would need to be retrofitted with new diaphragms, that's going to get EXPENSIVE because Great Plains Audio/Acoustics has sold and the new owners have jacked up the prices for EVERYTHING to absolutely RIDICULOUS levels. They're probably going to price themselves out of business. When you're pricing them, keep that in mind.
    Last edited by Todd W. White; January 13th, 2025 at 04:36 PM.
    Todd W. White, Owner & Webmaster
    Altec Lansing's (unofficial) Homepage

  5. #5
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    My Altec-Lansing collection

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    Re: My Altec-Lansing collection

    Are you sure that's not a 1689a? You might get 50 bucks on a good day.
    Last edited by Old Guy; January 13th, 2025 at 07:46 PM.
    Your neighbors called. They like your music.

  6. #6
    Junior Hostboard Member Thunder1942's Avatar
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    Re: My Altec-Lansing collection

    Todd, thanks for your reply.
    Being new to this board, is it ok to post things for sale?

    All of these pieces came from First Baptist, Fairfield, TX about 5-6 years ago. Someone had gotten into the booth and did considerable damage to the system by overdriving it. These long horns, short horns, amps and preamp all came from here. The unmarked boxes with AL speakers came from FBC, Pasadena when they did a total replacement, probably 20-25 years ago.
    Presently, I use the unmarked boxes with the short horns on occasion, outside, with great results. It is usually just me using professional accompaniment tracks.

    The 816a cabinets weigh close to 100 lbs, so I can't maneuver them around anymore. I really have no usage for something that size. The three long horns, I just have no way to use them. I offered them to the Freestone County Rodeo Association but they already had their system set up.

    Any idea of the cost to repair the 515 8g woofers? I got no resistance on either of the coils. The cones on both are good, but one has some distortion in it. At present I have a pair of 15" EV speakers from a pair of Dietz speakers and even I could tell the difference in the sound.

    Since this equipment was gifted to me, I have no idea as to the value. Most likiely the 816a cabinets, with no speakers and the three MRII594 long horns would be the only things I would sell right now. The two 515 bg hp speakers would need repair to be used in the 815a cabinets. Where could I turn to get this kind of information.
    Thanks for your help.

    Be blessed, DT

    - - - Updated - - -

    You could be correct. It was at night and all I had was a small flashlight. I'll check this morning to be sure. thanks.

    - - - Updated - - -

    oops, post went to the wrong place.
    Old Guy, I will check this morning to be sure.
    Be blessed, DT

  7. #7
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    My Altec-Lansing collection

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    Re: My Altec-Lansing collection

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder1942 View Post
    Being new to this board, is it ok to post things for sale?

    Hi Don we have a Marketplace thread at the top of the board if you can post them there for sale would be great Thanks ! I sent a pm to Todd to ask him where he would like them to be posted .. If you need help with pictures I would be happy to help you.... The attachment feature here is limited it's best to host the photos on a third party site like Flickr which is still free.. If you want to do that. I will write you instructions in a PM to show you how to post them here.. Welcome to the Board !

    Here is the link:!.html

    All The Best ~ AB

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    HB Forum Owner Todd W. White's Avatar
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    Re: My Altec-Lansing collection

    Go ahead Don, and post them in the marketplace. I could find uses for any of it here at our church - just don't throw anything away.
    Todd W. White, Owner & Webmaster
    Altec Lansing's (unofficial) Homepage

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    Re: My Altec-Lansing collection

    Are there pictures of all this? TIA
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