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Thread: Any recommendations internal speaker wire?

  1. #21
    Senior Hostboard Member LowOhms's Avatar
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    Re: Any recommendations internal speaker wire?


    You wrote :

    Jeff Medwin,

    WTH did your link to Dennis Faker's post have to do with the topic? It seems like personal 'guru' promotion to me. IMHO, of course.

    I take it, " WTH " means......" What The Hell ". WOW..... How short-sighted.

    That " IMHO" IS your opinion, and it is ONLY your opinion because you are stuck in Australia, and have never had a chance to hear systems in audio shows, like a RMAF, something hosted by Steve Schell, or by Dennis Fraker, to determine what sounds fantastic.

    I am not in the audio business, and I have never claimed to be a guru, ....that is your own MIS-perception.

    I was a Business Administration major, ex stockbroker, am in sales, etc.

    MY primary claim is that there is typically only ONE best way to get the BEST possible result, and I seek that, and will promote it, share information, if I think I know of it. Let the audio system LISTENER ( not the bookworm ) decide !! Fly to RMAF this year, 2017, mah .

    Read and digest that beautiful referred-to post, and also, read what I have posted on this Forum consistently. It has EVERYTHING to do with ALTEC speakers, and wiring IS discussed!!

    But really, get a life other than posting on Forums. I don't think there is any way to help you, you are too far set in your EE ways, and too far gone in a general sense. LOL, you wanna see those old papers, that " support" THEORETICALLY what you think is correct. I say, use your ears, listen, instead.

    - - - - - - - -

    What about 2017? What actually sounds best today, in practice, where the rubber meets the road???

    To get an ALTEC speaker to play, as best as possible, takes a VARIETY of things that precede the speaker.

    The referred-to-by-me post outlines PRECISELY.... ( beautifully, intelligently ), what that would be !!

    a) It takes a proper amp, 99.9% of them flunk-out, ( D- to F- ) if you seek the BEST possible ALTEC listening result, which "I" do.

    b) It takes a certain type of wiring, amp to crossover, in the crossover, crossover to drivers, and the referred-to post also very clearly explains that, and explains importantly, critically, the result of NOT having proper wiring.

    I am not talking theoretically,. mah,

    Need I say it again?? Dennis' "ALTEC" system ( GPA 604 in his MLTL ) was singled-out by the Stereophile reviewer, as his favorite room ( and person ) in the 2016 RMAF / Denver audio show.

    Guess what, the speaker wire, and wiring tips I shared in this thread were USED in that room, and will be used this year also. However, there will be an improved sounding amp on the GPA 604s, in 2017, which I intend to hear.

    So there we are. Come to RMAF 2017, if you can afford the airfare, and give a listen, That is all it takes !! Very simple way to learn, what end is up !!

    Jeff Medwin
    Last edited by LowOhms; June 15th, 2017 at 06:33 PM.

  2. #22
    Senior Hostboard Member mah's Avatar
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    Re: Any recommendations internal speaker wire?

    Jeff, I would never refer to you as 'guru'(teacher, mentor).

    You often name Dennis Faker as one of your mentors and frequently promote his opinions and products on various internet forums - to a degree that could be considered excessive, if not obsessive. Get a life, huh?

    "I am not in the audio business": You identify your occupation as "design and market specialised tube audio power supply magnetic products"on the Audio Asylum forums.

    Audio Asylum - Inmate Mail

    Your claim that there is only one way to get the best result is misguided and possibly self-serving, given that you seem to think Dennis and yourself are the high-achievers in this regard.

    There are many audio demonstration shows around the world with products that receive much more acclaim than Dennis' products. As you might say; "go and hear for yourself".

    I thought your put-downs of those who disagree with your nebulous opinions would have stopped, following your last enforced absence from this forum. It seems not.

    My off-topic comment stands.

    Apologies to Kipduff whose thread has been waylaid.
    Last edited by mah; June 15th, 2017 at 11:48 PM.
    Opinion is only as valid as its verifiable supporting evidence.

  3. #23
    Senior Hostboard Member LowOhms's Avatar
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    Re: Any recommendations internal speaker wire?

    Yo mah,

    (1) It AMAZES me, that you would take the time in your day to find a twelve year old post, 2005, on a start-up venture I pursued for only about six months.

    To quote you :

    "You identify your occupation as "design and market specialised tube audio power supply magnetic products"on the Audio Asylum forums."

    (2) It DISGUSTS me, that you would infer to all readers that I seemingly lied in 2017, in this thread, when I said " I am not in the audio business ".

    Partial truths, written by anyone, you or me, don't cut it.

    - - - - - - - - - - -

    The next public misrepresentation of me, you are promoting, is in the following paragraph you wrote :

    "Your claim that there is only one way to get the best result is misguided and possibly self-serving, given that you seem to think Dennis and yourself are the high-achievers in this regard."

    My response:

    (1) "Best" by definition, is a singular achievement. There is only one best, in any given area. There are not multiple ways of being the best !!

    In the case of amps for high efficiency speakers, over 98 dB, it is rather evident to me, that no one has been the equal of Dennis, no one any wheres, at any given time, since 1989, when he introduced his first 2A3 SET amp. His 2017 amps, are seemingly better yet.

    (2) "Dennis and yourself are the high achievers in this regard".

    Whohhh mah.

    I have NEVER ever lumped "myself" as any " high-achiever " in the same league as Mr. Dennis Fraker. YOU are lumping me with him, as his equal almost. You were mistaken ( or mischievous ) to mention my name with his, in this regard !!

    I am just a DIY audio enthusiast. First Robert W. Fulton, and then Dennis Fraker, mentored me in audio and amp building. Dennis for three decades now.

    One cool fact, I personally have been listening to ALTEC 604s, off and on, from the time my Mother was weaning me, in late 1944 -1945. Dad bought a early 604, and when the 604B model came out, the two became our stereo.

    I can never equal Mr Fraker's experience, build capabilities and his sensitivities regarding audio amplifier design. Nor does anyone else I know of equal him, to my best knowledge in audio. He is the high achiever, not I. As I stated plainly above, there is only one best. I am an amateur compared to him.

    Yes, this is a post about wire, but as SOON as you posted and opened up your mouth, your post #18, addressing me with " WTH", this post has totally degraded.

    I NEVER said a thing bad about the other five or so people who offered wire suggestions to Kip. And their suggestions were counter to mine mostly. I treated them with TOTAL respect. Let me name them Posts #4, #5-yours!, #8,#9,#15-yours again and #17. It was post #18, where YOU posted, went aggressive, and lost it.

    It is also a fact, no one in this wire thread was remotely as detailed and focused as I was, in offering speaker wiring suggestions.

    I hope and believe, we both can serve positive functions on this Forum, but I would really LIKE to see the Moderators simply ban you from addressing me in a thread, and vice versa. Don't get in my face, and I won't get in yours !!!

    That way, we can each offer and do, what we think is best, make contributions to the topic, without wasting bandwidth, and other people's time up here, and MINE !!.

    Forum Members are smart, they will pick and choose who they want to read and who to ignore, according to their self-interests.

    Also, Moderators, I have asked - in my previous posts, that we two guys don't address each other, directly, for several months now.

    Regards and better wishes to you,

    Jeff Medwin ......Low Ohms
    Last edited by LowOhms; June 16th, 2017 at 02:04 AM.

  4. #24
    Senior Hostboard Member mah's Avatar
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    Re: Any recommendations internal speaker wire?

    That 'post' is actually personal profile details provided to AA by you. I cannot be held responsible if you don't update it. Rest assured that I spent only30 seconds on confirming what was previously listed was current.

    By the bye, I didn't say you were in the audio business - you came out-of the-blue denying that you were. Your AA details contradicted your statement. I am glad that you have clarified the matter. No doubt you shall now amend the incorrect profile entry.

    Again, I would want to know why Faker's AA ramblings on SET amps was relevant to the Thread subject: Internal Speaker Wiring Tips?

    ****** I expect your put-downs and slurs, and also your attempts to censor my posting, to STOP. ******

    An Adult Education Course in clear and rational thinking would benefit you in forum discussions and assist you to avoid jumping to erroneous conclusions and trying to defend the indefensible - just trying to be helpful.

    I have no more to say to you in this thread.
    Last edited by mah; June 16th, 2017 at 09:23 AM.
    Opinion is only as valid as its verifiable supporting evidence.

  5. #25
    Senior Hostboard Member LowOhms's Avatar
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    Re: Any recommendations internal speaker wire?


    I only "put down" YOU in this thread, as a result of your third post, #18, when you deserved it.

    Lets all get that straight.

    Answering your question, about my referral of that insightful post, is easy,

    Mr. Fraker spelled out about nine different ways, one " loses" it, in the audio amp, and he is talking of high efficiency speakers, uses GPAs himself,

    ONE way to lose it, is with wire, and he mentions it !!

    To quote :

    " Speaker cables are a big issue here. You can
    easily lose the whole thing in those cables alone. "

    My own contributions in this wire thread, specifically details to others how NOT to "lose it", at least, to the very best of my own understanding and ability. This is rather evident.

    Jeff Medwin ............Low Ohms
    Last edited by LowOhms; June 16th, 2017 at 12:55 PM.

  6. #26
    Senior Hostboard Member BillWojo's Avatar
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    Re: Any recommendations internal speaker wire?

    Jeff, you put down everyone that doesn't subscribe to your baseless babble. According to you, all of us are running garbage amps, have wired everything with garbage wire and most importantly are not using Fulton lengths!
    I'm sick and tired of you non stop repeating yourself.
    Please take another sabbatical, this time for a long time.


  7. #27
    Senior Hostboard Member LowOhms's Avatar
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    Re: Any recommendations internal speaker wire?

    Quote Originally Posted by BillWojo View Post
    Jeff, you put down everyone that doesn't subscribe to your baseless babble. According to you, all of us are running garbage amps, have wired everything with garbage wire and most importantly are not using Fulton lengths!
    I'm sick and tired of you non stop repeating yourself.
    Please take another sabbatical, this time for a long time.

    No, I only put down mah - recently, when he got in my face. I did have an early go or two with you, but, after having a nice conversation with Todd White, one time, have since changed my approach.

    You may not like me speaking my mind, as to what I find works, but I intend to do that Bill, as I see fit.

    This is America, we have freedom to responsibly speak our minds. You have the freedom, not to read any post I put up.

    Best wishes,

    Jeff Medwin

  8. #28
    Senior Hostboard Member BillWojo's Avatar
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    Re: Any recommendations internal speaker wire?

    As posted by LowOhms, #19

    a) It takes a proper amp, 99.9% of them flunk-out, ( D- to F- ) if you seek the BEST possible ALTEC listening result, which "I" do.

    Need I say more. Seems that only you and a few of your guru's customers have anything worth listening to. The rest of us have amps that "flunk-out", if that is not insulting, I don't know what is.
    I mean, were in the D- to F- category, now excuse me while I carry my MC40 monoblocks to the trash can and put my Altecs on the curb.
    Seems I am delusional as the the fine outstanding sound that this combo makes. Only you and your guru seem to know what works best.


  9. #29
    Senior Hostboard Member Elitopus1's Avatar
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    Re: Any recommendations internal speaker wire?

    I agree there is not one "best" way to setup an Altec system. There are many good ways.

    As a group, I know we all use different types of Altec speakers, different amps, and wire etc. with excellent results.

  10. #30
    Senior Hostboard Member LowOhms's Avatar
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    Re: Any recommendations internal speaker wire?

    Quote Originally Posted by BillWojo View Post
    As posted by LowOhms, #19

    a) It takes a proper amp, 99.9% of them flunk-out, ( D- to F- ) if you seek the BEST possible ALTEC listening result, which "I" do.

    Need I say more. Seems that only you and a few of your guru's customers have anything worth listening to. The rest of us have amps that "flunk-out", if that is not insulting, I don't know what is.
    I mean, were in the D- to F- category, now excuse me while I carry my MC40 monoblocks to the trash can and put my Altecs on the curb.
    Seems I am delusional as the the fine outstanding sound that this combo makes. Only you and your guru seem to know what works best.



    The Mac 60 monos, not a 40, is the best sounding of that whole group.

    There is a LOT better sounding amplification, available today to an open-minded, and open-eared listener, than a McIntosh MC40, which one can use with a well set-up VOTT.

    You state " Seems that only you and a few of your guru's customers have anything worth listening to.".

    Good Bill, you read me 100% correctly !! Very good !!

    Yes, from what I have heard on ALTECs and GPAs, and even what I build myself as a amateur DIYer, other amps DO flunk. My comments were meant to inform you, not insult. Its the cold, hard truth - just as I hear it, the last ten to twelve years.

    Its such a shame, that I don't still live in Trenton, NJ or Morrisville, PA, where I could easily get over to Burlington, NJ, and insert my newest designed / built 1.3 Watt Type 46 SET amp into your system,. and let you hear that. How informative that would be, for you.

    No, on second thought Bill, ......I couldn't do that, the amp would never get heard - to its full potential.

    I saw photos of your crossover, on AudioKharma an hour ago, and could just imagine, besides having to fully rebuild the crossover (with numerous film bypass caps), I'd have to re-wire your system, from amps to drivers, so you could best hear what is possible with a decent amplifier.

    Oh well, you are invited to Missouri, my place, or best of all, the Denver RMAF show, October 6th through 8th, 2017, to hear for yourself and finally understand, what I am talking about.

    Amps, not speakers, really are the turkeys. I truly believe, very few people have fully heard, what an ALTEC, or GPA driver is totally capable of doing !!

    Jeff Medwin............... Low Ohms

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