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Thread: George "W"

  1. #111
    Inactive Member Australis's Avatar
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    I heard a Red Cross representative mention last night after i posted the previous post that the US government is pressuring other countries governments to hand over all Iraqi assets and investments (government & civilian) that they currently hold... [img]graemlins/thumbs_down.gif[/img]
    talk about common criminal activity... *L* this Bush government seems to think the money belongs to them somehow... who knows what rationale they are applying here.

    But then who would expect fairness & sensitivity from the Bush administration.. i certainly don't especially after seeing the interview with a US corporal who is fighting to NOT participate in this war.... her reason for not wanting to go? not because she doesn't agree with the war itself but because her husband is already fighting in it and they have a 4 month old baby. The military's suggestion to her..... Adoption... she rightly told them "that isn't an option"
    [img]graemlins/thumbs_down.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/thumbs_down.gif[/img]
    I would have told them to fuck off and kiss my ass on the way... tossers...

  2. #112
    Inactive Member Moby's Avatar
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    Captured Humanely?

    killed while surrendering

    "...we expect them to be treated humanely,
    just like we'll treat any prisoners of theirs
    that we capture humanely."
    — G. W. Bush
    (Source: The White House)

  3. #113
    Inactive Member Moby's Avatar
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    It's where I got the thing above...there's more

  4. #114
    Inactive Member Moby's Avatar
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    If it's not careful the U.S "liberation" of Iraq could turn into a situation that will make Northern Ireland look like a Sunday picnic.

    The Iraqis opposing occupation are not remnants of the old regime

    Jonathan Steele, Baghdad
    Friday July 25, 2003

    There is evidence that resistance is supported by some Sunni mosques, which were not closely linked with the former regime. Indeed the potential rise of Islamist resistance, both Sunni and Shia, ought to be worrying the Americans more than the issue of the discredited Hussein family. The young cleric, Muqtada al Sadr, called several thousand supporters on to the streets of Najaf last week for demonstrations against the Americans. US officials have sought to marginalise him by denouncing him as a hot-headed populist. It is true that he does not represent the mainstream of Shi'ite thinking but he could start to do so if the occupation authorities fail to improve living conditions for ordinary people quickly.

    Before the war critics argued that invading Iraq would encourage fundamentalism throughout the Islamic world. This seems to be happening, as al-Qaida elements and other antiwestern groups see the American presence in Iraq as a new source of easy targets.

    No wonder the United States would like to internationalise the coalition presence. Only a few small countries which want favours from it have offered help. The best hope remains the United Nations. At the UN security council on Tuesday, Kofi Annan called for a road map and a date for an end to the occupation. "There is a pressing need to set out a clear and specific sequence of events leading to the end of military occupation," he said.

    The US needs to take his advice. Officials talk informally of a year before an Iraqi government can take over, based on two months to choose a constitutional commission, eight months to write and approve the constitution, and two months to hold elections. This calendar ought to be spelt out. It could be done under a new UN mandate in which the UN takes overall control of Iraq's transition to independence. This would make it politically easier for anti-war nations to join a peacekeeping contingent in which the US might remain as the largest member but no longer with supreme control. There is little doubt that US troops would welcome light at the end of the tunnel, as would Iraqis. Whether Bush and Rumsfeld are ready looks more doubtful.


    No Ossama, No Saddam, No Weapons.
    If this was baseball...the Bush administration would be out...But it's is game..this is not a game.

    Someone should tell that to the boys in Washington.

  5. #115
    HB Forum Owner Më£ïñÐa's Avatar
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    <font color="red"> these links i posted as i found them.....towards the middle of the post is where i found...what there was of...tapes....of U.S. hostages</font>

    (((Aurora Australis))) Can anyone verify what i have read in another thread recently about footage of US soldiers being executed? i have looked at tons of articles on news sites online...
    <font size="4" face="times new roman">if you can stomach the sick Porn on this site :

    its a web site like but massive!

    in the video section there are alot of executions and also the pic section....

    things that are smuggled to these people are somewhat hidden amongst porn and chopped up shit...

    like the Hussein guys, the title that you click on only says
    : For All You Non-Believers Out There

    The Proof Is In The Pudding....And Bullet Wounds

    size: 31K Date it was submitted : 7/25/2003

    ...the pic : CLICK

    ok ..and looking further into the video section they have a video of the pic, apparently its been aired on our fox news?

    *WE.. are.. fucking sick arent we? our news people dont know when to shut the fuck up! ever! fucking idiots!

    to see the video's you'll need Windows Media Player 9....

    It Won't Be Long Before Their Dad Joins Them..
    Uday & Qusay Hussein, in the morgue.

    *L*Rammstein live

    BUT! what i was getting at was, if there were a video of U.S. soldiers being executed, these people would have it! no doubt! because i've seen a video of an American Journalist getting his head chopped off by Palestinians and them warning us that there will be more if we dont do such n such...i forgot why....sorry

    Moby? who are these people??
    WARNING! sick!

    Making Our Job Easier... WARNING! its sickening!
    Iraqis killing Iraqis.

    ....<font color="red">XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</font>

    LOOKS LIKE I MIGHT have found some.....its sad..

    Hostage cruelty

    One More Good Reason To Nuke Baghdad..<a href="" target="_blank">
    Al Jazeera footage of dead American soldiers</a>

    And Yet Another Reason
    <a href="" target="_blank">
    Al Jazeera footage of American POWs.</a>

    ummmmm! if the videos arent here when you click on them...they were forced by the US government to take them down...all who were interviewed here, are now dead.....
    all they show is the interviews tho...

    .....<font color="red">XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</font>

    i dont know how long it takes for dial up to dl load these videos ....with DSL they just play..

    anyways throughout the site they have these called "American Fire Power"...
    just pics of the war.... jets dropping bombs an stuff...

    this ones of a ground missle: It's the smell of victory

    gross execution
    Allah Akbar, Dude
    Life and death under the Taliban

    also they have a few scattered videos called.. "Islamic Anti-Pork Propaganda"
    1 video they had these huge hogs tied up and their mouths tapped shut... they used torches to burn their skin off....all the skin off....
    ...i guess? to see how long the hogs could live without skin????

    now i feel yuck!! i know i put alot more than you'd probly wish to know about...
    but i just put the links here as i found them...

    i need to sleep.... i hope i dont get nightmares ... gnight

    <font color="#9900FF" size="1">[ October 02, 2003 05:20 PM: Message edited by: M?????a ]</font>

  6. #116
    HB Forum Owner Më£ïñÐa's Avatar
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    Douglas O'Rourke: To Die In Iraq
    Friday, 3 October 2003, 11:57 am
    Column: Douglas O'Rourke

    To Die In Iraq

    by Douglas O'Rourke
    Monday September 29, 2003
    LOS ANGELES, September 29, 2003 ( -- They had it all.

    For the first time ever, the neoconservatives essentially controlled the Republicans and the entire U.S. Government. They'd dictated the Presidency, dominated the House and Senate, and owned the future of the Supreme Court. They didn't have a majority of the voters, but they did have a majority of the Fox News and Talk Radio audiences and a big pile of eager corporate money.

    How could they miss?

    They were going to show the whole world what true American patriots could accomplish leading a great Christian nation in the new century.

    And so they did...

    A funny thing happened on the way to Mr. Bush's second term.

    In a country run by and for millionaires, the surplus got spent. The rich got tax cuts, and the future got hocked. The environment got screwed. Bechtel and Halliburton got contracts. Religious schools got public funds. Big CEOs robbed and ran free. Good jobs disappeared by the millions. Bankruptcies and child poverty set new records. Big Oil did just fine, thank you.

    Ken Lay still has your money.

    The rich got richer, the poor got poorer, and in the mean time, in between time, ain't we got war?

    Mr. Bush claimed Saddam Hussein's well known WMD presented an immediate danger to the whole world, so we set out to topple him, destroy his WMD and win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. "They'd welcome us in the streets."

    A parade of retired talking head generals danced on TV amid a sparkling CGI World of maps and cute graphics. Fox had the war wired -- they had Geraldo.

    Ever notice how one culture's noble rescue mission is another culture's ugly infidel invasion?

    Just before we started "Operation Iraqi Freedom" we exploded the 'Mother of all Bombs.' It's sort of an apt title for the entire Bush War Plan so far.

    The whole world told us not to do it, but Mr. Bush knew better. Mr. Cheney smugly knew better. Mr. Rumsfeld absolutely knew better! Don't mess with "Tex" Bush! Cable news proceeded to "Riefenstahl" the war to be. Country music got mixed with tracer fire in promos. Hot Damn! Shock and awe!

    The Press got embedded and blurry. Reality went South. The Polls and TV ratings went up, so the balloon went up too.

    Americans died. Iraqis died.

    We spent millions on massive air attacks to finally kill Saddam himself: over and over and over. He reportedly still checks in by phone.

    And then Mr. Bush dressed up just like GI Joe and flew out to the carrier on May 1st to tell us that 'non-victory' was at hand in Iraq. We never found the WMD, but over 300 of our people are still dead -- more than half of them since that flight deck photo-op. Mr. Bush was at the very top that day.

    Absolutists of all sorts can be a risk because they and their followers have so much invested in their own perfect worldview they must and will prevail, so the 'War on Terror' is an odd fight. Consider that America and its darkest enemies are both currently run by ultra-conservative religious fundamentalists, with ties to big oil.

    Both sides are certain that their God can beat up your God. To each, theirs is the only 'true' cause, and they can justify anything to win. Both sides exploit conflict and fear, but it's hard to sustain.

    Sometimes you just have to fib a little.

    History will have to sort out the long, complex, but fruitful alliance between the Bush, bin Laden, and Saudi Royal families, and all that it portends.

    Mr. Bush, never quite found or defeated Mr. bin Laden's boy Osama, for staging 9/11 despite his proud promises to do so. He then decided our real terror problem was actually Saddam, and he demanded we invade Iraq and impose peace. Somehow, Al-Quaida, 9/11, and Mr. Hussein all merged in the growing public panic. The neocon irresistible force had finally met the Islamic immovable object.

    The Bush folks then tragically inserted our kids into a deadly and endless radical Islamic shooting galley that now draws angry militants from everywhere. Time is on their side.

    We may have saved Iraq from Mr. Hussein, but can we save the US from Iraq? The Bush people plan a bright new multi-billion dollar Islamic democracy there. The fundamentalists plan a simple, traditional Jihad.

    When Mr. Bush entered the Presidency through the back door, he took over a nation at peace with a little cash in the bank, a fat investor class, and low unemployment. He just needed to keep a reign on Big Business and a sharp eye on a troubled world. He did neither.

    Mr. Bush's return to address the U.N. this week was mythic. He boldly asked the same people he'd belittled last Spring to risk their own troops and money and triumphantly join him, as long as America still runs the show. The French and Germans and many others were polite enough not to laugh out loud. That's what diplomats do best.

    Absent international help we're set to call up even more Guard and Reserve folks, to join tired forces already stretched thin by worldwide commitments.

    The Bush people still publicly contend that everything's really swell in Iraq, but the liberal media just focuses on the 'few' bad apples. Meanwhile the U.N. is pulling the bulk of its people out because the US apparently can't protect them in 'Free Iraq.'

    This leaves the Republican-controlled Congress in a delicate position. They'll have to decide if their own political survival is better served by backing the Bush people or by grilling them in front of hot TV lights on the Evening News. It would be bigger than O.J.

    Almost everything they ever told us about Iraq was wrong. Mr. Bush has the only absolute defense -- he was just following orders.

    For all this Administration's compliant media friends, hyper-secrecy, and careful spin, Mr. Bush is now at an all-time low in the polls. Sending in the Troops is always a winner at first. Mr. Bush got a 20-point bump last March. To openly question 'The Plan' back then was to border on treason.

    O'Reilly ranted, Rush roared, and Rummy ruminated. Everything was going exactly according to the detailed Bush Administration Iraq Victory Plan.

    American kids are still dying today for the lies we were all told last Spring.

    Ever notice neocons just love the Troops? They proudly use the Troops for grip & grin photo-ops, but they also tried to screw them out of extra pay, benefit hikes, small tax breaks, and even veterans care.

    Our courageous Troops have been short-supplied, over-deployed, under-supported, under-protected, and generally sold out by the politicians who so bravely sent them to get the critical WMD by which Saddam was holding the world hostage.

    The kids on the line die now by ones and twos at the hands of the very people they came to 'liberate.' They and their worried families have but one question, "Who will be the last American to die in Iraq for George W. Bush?"

    Their sacrifice is very genuine, even if their leadership is not. They keep the faith anyhow, and their families wait. They are the best we have.

    They are led by the sort of men who allegedly 'outed' a serving CIA officer via syndicated columnist Robert Novak. He named her just after her husband, former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, questioned Mr. Bush's claim that Iraq had tried to purchase African uranium. It not only ended her operational career, but leaking it happens to be a serious crime.

    Some people figure one great way to really support our Troops is to call them all home now and let the Iraqis sort this out for themselves. A lot of people wonder what $87 billion could do for our own country. In either case, we'll have to borrow the money. The Bush folks have seen to that, too.

    Dictating policy is so much simpler when God is on your side and you're 100% right every time. Saddam's deadly WMD left us no option! The Bush people wrapped themselves in the Flag and the Lord and proceeded to screw up in front of the whole world in truly 'biblical' proportions.

    Meanwhile, the people who brought us 9/11 are still out there. They'll be back. They watch us constantly, and they know where we're strong and where we're trying to get by on the cheap. They know where we live and work and play. They are patient, vicious, and not facing an election. It's not clear how really scared they are of Tom Ridge.

    Despite the best efforts of the folks at Fox News, a majority of Americans polled reportedly want Mr. Bush replaced, a full 13 months before the election. Even the people who never vote are pissed off. It's a good thing he's only up against the Democrats or he might be in real political trouble.

    George W. Bush has created a war he can't quite seem to win or explain, for reasons so clear and urgent that nobody who backed the war can now recall them. Both Mr. Bush and Tony Blair have alienated their voters.

    Mr. Hussein, in all his messianic madness, could never have hoped that he'd really damage both the Bush and Blair Governments. All he had to do was lose the war, and two creepy sons nobody much liked anyhow.

    The nervous voices of the far right continue to insist the economy is strong and the Iraq War is going fine -- the 'real truth' about the Bush Administration just isn't coming out in the liberal media.

    We wonder. If the 'real truth' got out about the Bush people and what they have done, would they still serve just one term?

    Perhaps, but only if they all run concurrently...

    Copyright ? 1994-2003 http://www.columnleft.comAll Rights Reserved

    Douglas O'Rourke is a writer in California, and can be reached via Commercial use or republication of this original material in any form without written permission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Individual Columns may be freely shared on a non-commercial basis as long as they are not altered and full attribution is included. Design and content are sole property of the copyright holder.

  7. #117
    HB Forum Owner Më£ïñÐa's Avatar
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    The lesson learnt by those on the US hit list? Arm yourself and arm yourself to the hilt with Nuclear weapons because, judging by the different ways in which North Korea and Iraq have been dealt with, that is, ironically, the only way you might avoid a US lead invasion in the short term.

    Soak up that propaganda
    By Christiaan Briggs

    Editor's Note: New Zealander Christiaan Briggs was until recently a voluntary Human Shield inside Iraq. His photo-reportage has provided insight for thousands on Iraqi pre-war life.
    Saddam's regime is on the brink, a joyous occasion to be sure, after years of tyranny, supported by the US, UK and other western governments while committing his worst crimes, and then 12 years of sanctions which made his regime stronger and ordinary Iraqi people weaker. Sadly it means nothing to the thousands killed by US and UK bombing campaigns, the hundreds of thousands killed by sanctions and, if we take a cursory look at history we know, despite what you'll be told by corporate media, it doesn't mean much for the future of those left alive either.

    Since the Second World War the United States Government has bombed 21 countries. None of these bombing campaigns led to the establishment of humane democracies in the countries involved. What most of them did lead to was the crushing of any semblance of a challenge to North American dominance and capitalism, and democracy in most cases.

    China (1945-46 & 1950-53)

    Korea (1950-53)

    Guatemala (1954, 1960, 1967-69)

    Indonesia (1958)

    Cuba (1959-61)

    Congo (1964)

    Peru (1965)

    Laos (1964-73)

    Vietnam (1961-73)

    Cambodia (1969-70)

    Lebanon (1983-84)

    Grenada (1983)

    Libya (1986)

    El Salvador (right through the 1980s)

    Nicaragua (right through the 1980s)

    Panama (1989)

    Bosnia (1995)

    Iraq (1991-2003)

    Sudan (1998)

    Former Yugoslavia (1999)

    Afghanistan (2001-02)

    How many more are they planning to bomb? Bush's advisers say Iraq is just a 'battle in the wider war'. They have named North Korea, Iran, and even Syria, Cuba and Libya as possible future targets. They call it a war without end.

    The images you see on your TV will subside. The people celebrating on your screens, mostly of the Shiite majority will be forgotten just as those in Afghanistan and many other countries have been forgotten, while the US Government moves onto the next target. The US Government won't for a minute entertain the idea of Shiite (Islamic) self-determination in Iraq. Prepare now for the installation of a US puppet regime in place to ensure democracy does not ensue. Prepare now for US military occupation. Prepare now for US Evangelical Christian missionaries ("relief workers"). Prepare now for asset stripping of oil reserves by US corporations and lucrative reconstruction contracts awarded to US corporations, all of which have close ties to the US Government. Prepare now for Iraqi resistance to US occupation. The Star-Spangled Blindfold draped over the head of a Saddam Hussein statue by a young US marine pretty much sums up the hidden imperial nature of North American motives. Prepare now for the next target. What will the pretext be? Another terrorist attack?

    The lesson learnt by those on the US hit list? Arm yourself and arm yourself to the hilt with Nuclear weapons because, judging by the different ways in which North Korea and Iraq have been dealt with, that is, ironically, the only way you might avoid a US lead invasion in the short term.

  8. #118
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    I think Evo is right on with his statement. I agree with Evo 100%. I have gotten where I am "middle of the road" in politics. I am a Bush supporter though.

    Heidi also has a very good point. I agree with Heidi's comment in that, I would like to know Where is Osma Bin Laden while all this is going on? Have we just forgot about looking for him or what he has done?
    I try not to watch news and politics any more because it upsets me too much and I feel too strong about it and I usually end up screaming at politicians on the news anymore.
    However, my friends that have been over there, one a nurse, came back from Iraq with pictures of soldiers that were brought in the emergency tent. Soldiers that were seriously hurt and dismembered. You would not believe these images. Some of them were so distorted and grosse that I had to look away. So, while war scares me and I do not like war either, I do think we have a right to do what we have to do over there to keep our soldiers safe. I wish they could all come home soon. But if all of you could see those pictures and the images they would leave in your mind, it's something you wouldn't forget.
    I agree with alot of what Bush is doing, but like Heidi said, there are some things that I do not agree with.
    But hey, in a perfect world there would be no wars, no poverty, no hungry people all over the world. Everything would be sunny and bright and perfect in a perfect world, but that is some place we just don't live.
    I do not think however it's settling a score for daddy, as some people have said. After all, Bush gets his information and what's going on from the Pentagon. He isn't acting on what was going on while his daddy was in office. He is acting on what's going on NOW.
    Just like many told me awhile back when I started talking about Clinton, many of you are still going back to the past to talking about the former Bush president, George W.'s father.
    Anytime I said anything about Clinton I was told I was living in the past to throw something from the past up. Isn't that the same thing some of you are doing though by throwing up George Sr.?
    Anyway, I believe that we do have to do SOMETHING about what's going on in Iraq. And let's not forget before war even broke out, George W. gave Saddam his time limit to be out of Iraq by. He gave him a dead line. Is it George W's fault that Saddam did not leave by the dead line??
    Like I said before, war scares me too. I have many, many friends in the army and now even my husband. I don't want anything to happen to anyone I am close to, let alone anyone else's family members or friends, but something has to be done.
    I still support Bush. I'm not gonna say he doesn't scare me a little as well though. I just hope for the best and prepare for the worst and have faith that sooner or later this will all make sense, although war never does. I still have a friend over there and I hope he is safe, although I haven't gotten any word or message from him in months now.
    I don't have the answers everyone wants to hear, and this is just my opinion.

  9. #119
    Inactive Member Genie!'s Avatar
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    damn, I just realized there were 5 pages to this. I just wanted to say one more thing though.
    It's easy for us to sit over here in America in our own parts of the world, safe in our homes and look at the war and what's going on and say, "Oh I could fix that", or "So-and-so could do a better job than George W."
    I just want peace in the world for everyone and people to have a little humanity. Even George W, but we don't know "everything" that he is doing good or bad. We only know what the news and reporters let's us know, and we hear the words that comes form his own mouth. Being president of a country would be hard for anyone, and still everyone in the world would not agree with him or what he is doing, or even agree on who he is or who the president should be. Some people will agree with George W. and others will not. Some people will support him and others won't. Such is the world and being different and having our own opinions.

  10. #120
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    George W. gave Saddam his time limit to be out of Iraq by.
    <font size="4" face="times new roman">if he didnt leave, he'd be dead...

    Isnt the bottom line of the war, because Saddam and his family were inhumane and fucked in the head rulers???

    thats enough, to fuck'm up! so now lets get the HELL out of there!!

    we can get Bin's and Saddam's ass with underground shit, when they least expect it!!

    everbody hates us, enough as it is...
    all that stuff i posted up there...
    scares the hell out of me, and i'm just among the working, poor majority, that <u>CAN'T</u> GIVE A FUCK!! cuz there's not a God Damn thing we can do about it!!!!!

    So, i work, sleep, live from paycheck to paycheck, until the day i drop dead, or killed, or eatin by disease...

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