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Thread: George "W"

  1. #31
    HB Forum Owner Annabananabelle's Avatar
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    *LOL @ aurora..

    you think mighty highly of yourself little sister.. do you honestly believe my patriotism or disdain for hostility towards my country really has a rats ass to do with your feelings about my personal life? I posted here because unlike anyone else posting here ( and please correct me if I am mistaken.. I do not intend to slight anyone.. ) I am actually am a veteran as well as an American so I take this matter very seriously. I just spent some time abroad where everyday I was confronted narrow minded people like yourself who could only see one side of an issue.. I simply presented a different viewpoint.

    I thought this was an intelligent discussion between people of differing viewpoints.. I won't let you turn it into the jerry springer hour... like redhead.. you can have your topic back. [img]wink.gif[/img]

  2. #32
    HB Forum Owner Annabananabelle's Avatar
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    *smooches heidi....

  3. #33
    Inactive Member rotten's Avatar
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    pfffft!!! [img]tongue.gif[/img]

    <font color="#0000FF" size="1">[ February 08, 2003 12:10 AM: Message edited by: rotten ]</font>

  4. #34
    HB Forum Owner Annabananabelle's Avatar
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    I never have said that we are better than anyone... I personally think there are many faults in our gov. ... however I also know I won't get dragged into the streets and shot for saying so... I defend my country, yes.. as all good people should.. however I am not the close minded one Moby.. YOU are the one lumping so many of us into one category. To me the definition of narrow mindedness is to assume that everyone who disagrees with you has their head up their ass. I simply pointed out that one should confront both sides of an issue and be less quick to pass judgement.. but I suppose sitting in judgement is what you do best so cheers to you up on your pedistal... *Raises my glass* here's to your health! [img]wink.gif[/img]

  5. #35
    Inactive Member imzredhead's Avatar
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    <font color="#0000FF" size="1">[ February 22, 2003 10:54 AM: Message edited by: imzredhead ]</font>

  6. #36
    Inactive Member Virgo's Avatar
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    I'm not Anti American...I'm anti Bush

  7. #37
    Inactive Member heidi!'s Avatar
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    Yanno Mobes...You're not always right..Just as everyone that comes to this board....You do come off on this thread as if you believe that though....and I'm here to tell you ...You're wrong about Redhead on this......Of course she is going to defend her country.....I do the same with mine....I'm sure she loves the country she grew up in...that gave her the oppurtunity to have freedom of for her children.....the right to fly whatever flag she wants and the right to tell anyone she wants to fuck off...why shouldnt she be proud and defend her country.
    I feel the same way about Canada...Soon as anyone hints they are bashing the country I love...I defend it .....its a natural reaction...and if you were anti Canada.....then I would arguing with you about that..*shrugs*
    Everyone has a right to their opinion.....and as soon as you realize this ....You'd do better in a conversation where not everyone is going to agree.

    And btw You'd never convince me there isnt a God either..... [img]smile.gif[/img]

  8. #38
    Inactive Member Moby's Avatar
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    You'll probably just say I'm backing Aurora cos were married.... think what you like I don't give a fuck.

    I wouldn't say I'm anti American. but to a certain extent I suppose I am. To me there are two types of American, there are the ones who see the faults in their country and are aware that America is not "The Greatest Country In The World". That would be you rotten. And then there is the other kind, the ones that are blinded by the star spangled banner and walk around wearing their stars and stripes blinkers professing that America is "The Greatest Country In The World". That would be you banana and you Red.

    The sooner you actually realise that your country is no better than any others, the sooner global opinion of you will change (This is not just my opinion it is shared by many people throughout the western world). Until then your country will remain to be categorized as arrogant, irritating and narrow-minded. It's an attitude that starts as a whisper in the U.K and the time it reaches the Middle East it's an ear-piercing scream.

    We want to like you….we try to like you…but the minute you start telling us how wonderful you are…we wish you’d just fuck off.

    I could sit here all day, but I'm not going to waste my time on those who stick their head in the sand. So I won't bother.

    One thing though...Red if you really want to blame someone for 9/11...try you own government...they sacked the guy who knew what was going on... his superiors at the CIA didn't want to know what he had to say...his new job?...head of security that's fucked.

    Also on the subject of terrorism...It was your government that allowed IRA funding from business and celebrities (Gene Kelly for one) about a double standard..

    We ( the rest of the world) do not want to be Americanized, we don’t want your products, so stop sanctioning us when we say no. The sooner you realise that you are not the only civilized country in the world and that your just as bad everybody else…the sooner global opinion of you will change.

    I know I’m wasting my time…I’d have more luck convincing the pope that god doesn’t exist.


    Don’t bother I won’t be back.

  9. #39
    Inactive Member Australis's Avatar
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    I would like to make it clear that far from lumping all americans into one category, as was suggested by both red and anna, moby & i are fully aware that not all americans are blinkered or believe they're country is the "be all, end all". We both have american friends and have met plenty of americans who are warm, funny and friendly and it's those americans who bitch the loudest about the other type of american. As for expressing my dislike for the current Bush administration, i make no bones about it, i don't think much of them. However, i will quite willingly admit that i have just as much dislike for our current Liberal government (the biggest bunch of spineless asses we've ever had in government) I'm certainly not naive enough to think that a whole countries people can be either bad or good. Life just isn't like that and is neither black or white but in shades of grey. There are people in ALL nations (including my own) that suffer from blind patriotism and it's those people, whatever nationality, that i dislike.

    It's MY OPINION that believing your country is a great is a good thing but believing that your countries government is therefore incapable of being in the wrong is naive. In MY OPINION patriotism in sport is great... patriotism in politics risks turning into blind patriotism and extremists are quite often born out of it. They exist in EVERY country and my comments about america have been spoken by more than a few americans too... as for my comments being motivated by some "bias" against america, my idea was based on the fact that in iraq there certainly IS a "bias" against americans (probably mostly due to the propaganda that the iraqi government feed their people and the fact that they are only ever shown examples of the blinkered american) and so in MY OPINION it probably isn't such a good idea, diplomatically speaking, for the US to be involved.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=2 face="times new roman">quote:</font><table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#333333" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FF9900"><tr><td width="100%" bgcolor="#00003C"><font size=2 face="times new roman"> you come off in all of your posts like you are holier than thou and no one else could possibly touch the knowledge you have... </font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></BLOCKQUOTE>

    yeah your opinion and your entitled to it... i'm still not sure whether your view there is based on the fact that i can eloquently state my opinion, the fact that i have one, or that my opinion doesn't conform to yours. whatever.. we all have an opinion.. to which we are entitled... so much for the 1st ammendment on this board though huh? *L* learn to practise what you preach.

    When Red misconstrued my opinions and believed them to be racially motivated she was wrong and as i said in my original post "if your an extreme patriot you won't agree" and then i asked for other peoples opinions... because i AM interested in others opinions. I thought i made that clear from the start of the thread. So thanks to those who gave an opinion on the topic itself and fuck off to those who caused it to degenerate into name calling and finger pointing. I said right from the start i don't care for people like that's opinions.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=2 face="times new roman">quote:</font><table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#333333" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FF9900"><tr><td width="100%" bgcolor="#00003C"><font size=2 face="times new roman"> Should in the future your country require backing on anything governmental or military, I sure hope we don't go out of our way to appease or help you </font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></BLOCKQUOTE>

    This statement seems like just another "where would you be without us" statement (which is something the blinkered american spouts constantly), to which i would say, It works both ways... all countries have something they can provide to another country.... and as we in australia don't have ANY weapons of mass destruction we aren't generally a target to others... and correct me if i'm wrong, but we aren't the ones asking for help here. Our government has however, deployed troops to the gulf, with no doubt an unconditional guarantee to support the US, even though in doing so our government are ignoring the wishes of the majority of it's people.

    Now, i could say Red, it's MY OPINION that you are possibly one of those blinkered americans that i dislike, it's MY OPINION that your not too intelligent if you can't comment without plagiarizing half my post to do it, *L* next time you might like to reply using your own words. *L* now that's not to say i'm 100% right... just that that's MY OPINION of you, and...
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=2 face="times new roman">quote:</font><table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#333333" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FF9900"><tr><td width="100%" bgcolor="#00003C"><font size=2 face="times new roman"> I'm allowed that right.... </font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></BLOCKQUOTE>
    And for the record, i certainly don't expect my husband to agree with me on everything and if he doesn't deny him sex, to suggest that is purely ridiculous. *L*

    Just like i'm allowed MY OPINION of you anna, that opinion is now only slightly different. I still think your naive and irresponsible but now it's also MY OPINION that your a liar. After all if what you said in another thread about your age is correct (and you DID say i shaved a dozen years off your age, not 15 or more years), and you are roughly 24... then do the math... your NOT OLD ENOUGH to have served in the gulf in desert shield, 12 years ago. *L* oh, and one more thing.... it's pedestal, not pedistal... if your going to insult someone anna... first consult a dictionary and learn how to spell the word your going to use.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=2 face="times new roman">quote:</font><table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#333333" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FF9900"><tr><td width="100%" bgcolor="#00003C"><font size=2 face="times new roman"> Yanno Mobes...You're not always right..Just as everyone that comes to this board....You do come off on this thread as if you believe that though.... </font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></BLOCKQUOTE>

    you know heidi that is a strange thing to say... noone would post something unless they believed it were right... and NOONE on this planet doesn't want to be right... and if they claim they don't, they're a liar... *L* and you of all people should know this... after all how many drop down, drag out arguments have i read on this board where you claim yourself to be right... bit like the pot calling the kettle black that comment is in "my opinion".

    The truth is, and it's been said before by a few others, that unless your a reg on this board you better just agree with their opinions... *L* heaven forbid someone should have a different opinion or worse yet, point out to a reg that they were wrong about anything. There are probably a few other people who post here who agree with what i've said but i doubt anyone would say so... not now anyway, *L* after seeing what happens when you post something a reg doesn't agree with. I certainly am not saying that i'm always right either, but it would be nice to see comments here other than those of a "Reg's cheer squad/ support group". The "they're right, because they're one of us" mentality is rife on this board. *L* That said, i have better ways to spend my last week of leave than arguing with you moany faced bitches, so you can shove your schoolyard mentality up your ass... i'd rather discuss this topic with people who can be adult about it.

    Sorry to everyone for the length of this post btw, but you have to literally spell it out to some people.

    <font color="#0000FF" size="1">[ February 10, 2003 05:06 PM: Message edited by: (((Aurora Australis))) ]</font>

  10. #40
    Inactive Member imzredhead's Avatar
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    <font color="#0000FF" size="1">[ February 22, 2003 10:56 AM: Message edited by: imzredhead ]</font>

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