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Thread: George "W"

  1. #81
    Inactive Member Genie!'s Avatar
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    I agree with alot of you. I don't think anything good comes from war. I hate this is happening as much as the next person. But the question is, what else is America suppose to do?? Tell Saddam "Ok, go ahead stay there as long as you like continue your dictatorship, then later you can take away our oil and bomb us and bomb all American cities and we will just smile, wave and say thank you???
    Does anyone really expect Bush to just say that? Or say "Ok, America is wide open for any and all terroists to come and do whatever you want to America".
    I am scared at the thought of war as well, and I don't like it, but I do support Bush. He is about getting the job done. I do disagree with his father, the first Bush, he should have went ahead and let the American troops finish Saddam off the first time, then we wouldn't be in this situation now.
    Yes, Bush might be a war crazed president, as opposed to Clinton who was a draft dodger all together. How are you gonna become an American President knowing you ran from fighting for your country and what it stood for in the first place? You asked me to bring Clinton in it so I am. Don't forget either, that Clinton did his "own" share of "puffing" on his selected drug". Clinton did drugs as well, his bullshit exscuse of trying to deny it "Oh I didn't inhale though", YEAH OK.
    The present time is, whether we like it or not Bush IS our president, we might not agree with everything he does but it's not in our hands anymore. I feel better with a president who isn't going to just sit back and let other countries come and do whatever they want. He isn't going to let America become like these other countries who have no freedom to vote, freedom of speech, persecution for freedom of opinions,religion or speech. He isn't going to let America become a country of dictatorship.
    I mean, look at Iraq, and other countries is that really what we want???
    I have been watching CNN since this war started and Bush said he is comfortable with his actions. Whether we like it or not, it is out of our hands and we just have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Like I said, nothing good ever comes from war, but I will back and support Bush. Then again, for those who don't like the current president or doesn't love America then why the hell are you still here? If you hate it so much, then why not just get out??? I will just pray for God to guide Bush's decisions and stand with our troops. I pray that God will get all our troops and our president through this and guide all their decisions. If it's one person I trust more than Bush, it's God.

  2. #82
    Inactive Member Genie!'s Avatar
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    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President George W. Bush told the world Wednesday night that the United States and its allies had launched a campaign to oust Saddam Hussein from Iraq and "free its people."
    Bush warned the nation that the conflict "could be longer and more difficult than some predict."
    But he assured Americans that "this will not be a campaign of half-measures, and we will accept no outcome except victory."

    *** Bush said that "coalition forces will make every effort to spare innocent civilians from harm." ****
    Saddam Hussein has placed Iraqi troops and equipment in civilian areas, attempting to use innocent men, women and children as shields for his own military; a final atrocity against his people," Bush said.
    He said Wednesday night's actions were only the beginning of a "broad and concerted" military campaign to oust the Iraqi president and his regime.
    "American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger," Bush said.
    Bush said the United States has Iraq's best interest in mind as the invasion begins.
    "We come to Iraq with respect for its citizens, for their great civilization and for the religious faiths they practice. We have no ambition in Iraq, except to remove a threat and restore control of that country to its own people," he said.
    Bush also told Americans that "helping Iraqis achieve a united, stable and free country will require our sustained commitment."
    In closing, Bush said, "We will pass through this time of peril and carry on the work of peace. We will defend our freedom. We will bring freedom to others. And we will prevail. May God bless our country and all who defend her."

    So let's see hhhhhmmmm..(reads news report again)

    OH MY GOD!!!! You mean he wants to spare innocent civilians from harm,free Iraq's people,defend the "WORLD" from grave danger,restore control of iraq to it's OWN people,carry on peace,defend our freedom and bring freedom to others?????
    Your right, what an awful, awful man! why would anyone want to support Bush? He wants to keep America safe and defend our freedom and bring freedom to others [img]confused.gif[/img] is he insane?? Oh yeah I'm going to go protest against Bush right now! Your right why should anyone support such an awful man [img]rolleyes.gif[/img]

    <font color="#0000FF" size="1">[ March 20, 2003 07:31 AM: Message edited by: Genie! ]</font>

  3. #83
    Inactive Member rotten's Avatar
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    oh brother.. yeah bring clinton into it. *L*

    well clinton isnt in office and bush is a war mongering idiot. but your'e right im sure bush isn't concentrating on his drug addiction or alcoholism etc.

    Please just argue bushs many strenths instead of being another person who has to point to clinton.
    Yeah at least clinton isnt there who might not be pushing for war so vehemently(sp?)... clinton who might not be ignoring the UN. wow you're right its painfully obvious we're lucky to have bush in. Please look around and realize bush is president.. as tempting as it is for you backward folk to turn and point at clinton. Well try to focus on the present and you might actually come close to making a point.

    <font color="#0000FF" size="1">[ March 20, 2003 12:15 AM: Message edited by: rotten ]</font>

  4. #84
    Inactive Member Moby's Avatar
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    CNN is nothing but a propaganda machine.

    Ever seen the film "Wag The Dog"?
    Don't believe all you see.

    Ever read the book "1984"?
    Read between the lines.

    Iran will be next after Iraq, then probably Syria.
    They want to control Arabia. I'm pretty certain they believe ( the coalition of the blinkered) that by controlling the price of oil, that is produced in the middle east their economies will be more secure....just a theory.

    Bush v Clinton....I'd rather have a guy that daydreams about fucking his secretary than I guy that daydreams about war.

  5. #85
    Inactive Member heidi!'s Avatar
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    God bless those that fight for the very freedom You enjoy..

    my thoughts are with the troops and their familes now..... [img]graemlins/heart.gif[/img]

  6. #86
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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=2 face="times new roman">quote:</font><table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#333333" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FF9900"><tr><td width="100%" bgcolor="#00003C"><font size=2 face="times new roman">Originally posted by Genie!:
    but if we DON'T go to war, what are we telling other countries??? YES, you can take whatever you want from us, you can bomb us, our cities, you can do ANYTHING you want to, to us and we will do nothing, we will sit by and just say thanks for the bomb hit. It's like the old saying, "You have to stand for something or you will fall for anything". If we don't go to war and stand up for our freedom and our rights here in America we will eventualy get to be like other countries where we aren't fighting with other countries, but we will end up fighting amongst ourselves. </font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'm not looking to start any fights or cause any bad feelings, just gonna state my opinion.

    Now as for that quote last time I checked this war has nothing to do with the freedom of American citizens nor does it have anything to do with bombs being dropped on American soil. This war has nothing to do with the Taliban or Bin Laden. Lord knows Bin Laden hates Saddam about as much as Americans do *L This war is supposed to be about disarming Saddam and his political leaders and all the weapons they have that they would not agree to disarm themselves in a "peaceful manner"

    I'm torn on what to believe is right when it comes to this war. I personally don't think it should be happening this way. The United States and Britain are going against The U.N. and everything it stands for but at the same time Saddam needs to be stopped and taken out of power and there is nobody else that could accomplish this task but the United States Armed Forces backed by Britain and many other Countries.

    This is supposed to be about disarming their nuclear, chemical and biological weapons so why couldn't The U.N. send in troops to do so?? In my opinion because no other Armed Forces would be taken seriously enough, as a threat in order to have them back down. I know I seem to be all over the place but that's because I'm just sort of typing what's in my mind right now and it seems to be a little jumbled up *L

    Basically I just wish there was another way out of the situation but I honestly believe that when it comes to Saddam there is no other answer. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't totally agree with this war BUT even though I'm not American but Canadian and we are not taking part in this war I will say God Bless all the troops out there fighting this war and all their families. I hope they can bring this bastard down once and for all and maybe then the Iraqi people will feel safe in their own Country and will be able to have a better quality of life *shrugs*

    Just my 2 cents....... [img]smile.gif[/img]

    <font color="#0000FF" size="1">[ March 20, 2003 06:22 PM: Message edited by: AngelKiss ]</font>

  7. #87
    Inactive Member Genie!'s Avatar
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    Exactly, thank you! That's what I'm trying to say. I really do not want to fight with anyone over this either. We all have the right to our opinions and no one is right and no one is wrong. Yes, that's exactly what this war is about is running Hussein out of Iraq so that the people of Iraq can have THEIR freedom and land back. War is never easy to understand and it is always a political "taboo" subject.
    I really wish we didn't have to go to war either, but I feel if I don't support Bush and what we are doing and what all of our armed forces are doing, then it's almost like, if we don't believe in what they are doing...then alot of them have to feel like, "what are we fighting for...what is it all worth if we don't even have our own country supporting us"? Alot of the vets felt that way after vietnam. They didn't even get a parade or a welcome home or anything. If we don't stand behind our president and our troops, then what are we saying? Are we telling them their fight means nothing? I have alot of friends who are over there right now who are in the army. I don't pretend to understand war and God knows I don't have all the answers, but Saddam is one man who definatly needs to be taken out. We should have done it along time ago, but we didn't.
    I just support Bush and thats my opinion and my right. We can all agree on one thing...and that's to disagree.

    <font color="#0000FF" size="1">[ March 20, 2003 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Genie! ]</font>

  8. #88
    Inactive Member Australis's Avatar
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    Everyone is going to have an opinion now war has started... and few people will agree on everything thats happening, except maybe hopes for innocent lives to be spared... but i didn't get this and i wondered what u meant...

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=2 face="times new roman">quote:</font><table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#333333" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FF9900"><tr><td width="100%" bgcolor="#00003C"><font size=2 face="times new roman"> But the question is, what else is America suppose to do?? Tell Saddam "Ok, go ahead stay there as long as you like continue your dictatorship, then later you can take away our oil and bomb us and bomb all American cities and we will just smile, wave and say thank you???

    who's oil are u talking about?? the iraqi's oil?? or the US's oil???
    and when did saddam bomb or even threaten to bomb US soil?? as far as i'm aware saddam doesn't even have missiles with anywhere near that kind of range...
    i just don't get it i guess.. *shrugs* [img]confused.gif[/img]

  9. #89
    Inactive Member rotten's Avatar
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    I personally wasn't disagreeing about war.. saying its good or bad. But it does annoy me when people still point to clinton to deflect away from the present.

    I rarely heard "what about bush sr though" when clinton was being criticized non stop. He's out of office now.. has been for a while. Its time bush stood on his own two feet without clinton haters bringing in an ex president as if it excuses anything. Argue bush's strenghts but it says something if you always have to instead say "well no matter how bad bush is.. clinton..clinton" lets live in the present.

  10. #90
    HB Forum Owner 2CUTE's Avatar
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    I've stayed away from this topic mainly because a couple have no problems expressing their views, but somehow for some reason, their "views" become "fact" and others are talked down to when they make any post that is different.

    I don't claim to be the most intelligent person...but I'm not stupid. I have a right to have an opinion just like anyone else, so don't bother attacking me or talking as if my intelligence is lower than yours.

    I, like AK have so many things going through my head right now...I'm having problems writing them all sorry if you dont feel this makes sense or is as eloquent as you'd like.

    I pray for the men fighting for freedoms that I enjoy. For people they don't know, people they will never know or meet. War scares me, but having no freedom would scare me even more. Saddam needs to be removed from his position of power, his people deserve to have basic human rights and freedoms. I couldn't imagine living in fear...I thank the men and women past, present, and future who are willing to put their lives on the line to ensure I never have to.

    My country of course is now divided in views (which it always seems to be). The country I live in gives us all the right to have our own opinions. Which is why I find people protesting ironic. The only reason you're allowed to protest is because we live in a free country...a freedom we enjoy because brave men and women fought for it.

    Not right, not wrong...just my 2 cents also.

    One more thing...J, you're comment took me off guard...are you getting soft and mature in your old age?


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