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Thread: in memory of ~LISA~

  1. #11
    Cindy Belle
    Guest Cindy Belle's Avatar


    ..She was always very nice to me..She will be greatly missed...*S

  2. #12
    Inactive Member BIGJOHN??'s Avatar
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    Hello to all that knew Lisa...This is a tough time for all of us that knew her and loved her. She was a wonderful, smart, funny person that I fell in love with online. If you had told me that would have happened two years ago I would have told you you no way.

    I can't even begin to tell you the number of hours we've spent together laughing, loving, and comforting each other in the last two years. It was a lifetimes worth for most people.

    Thanks to all of you that have posted or emailed their condolensces. I'll be back online soon. It's just taking some time for me to deal with all of this.

    I was aware of her illness and we spent many nights together online when she didn't feel well. We had plenty of time to say our goodbye's and we did that and more.

    To say that I'm devastated would be a huge understatement. I'll be fine though. I've been through this kind of thing before.

    Lisa remains in my heart and mind and I'll love her forever.

    "An angel came down from heaven yesterday...She stayed with me just long enough to rescue me...and she told me a story yesterday...about the sweet love between the moon and the deep blue sea...Then she spread her wings high over me, and she said come back, come back tomorrow...and I said fly on my sweet on through the on my sweet Angel...tomorrow I'm gonna be by your side...sure enough, this woman came unto me...silver wings silhouette against a childs sunrise...and my Angel said unto is the day for you to rise...Take my hand you're gonna be my man, gonna rise...then she took me over yonder...and I said 'Fly on my sweet on through the sky...Fly on my sweet Angel...forever I'm gonna be by your side'"


  3. #13
    HB Forum Owner Më£ïñÐa's Avatar
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    ooooh! John!!!
    i used to have a web site with a page of Angels on it...With those exact song lyrics...
    *I Love that song...

    Thank You very Much for posting, you have no idea how much i wanted/needed to hear from you....
    i was worried boutcha,....
    I miss see'n you two..... almost every night together.... can i get your e-mail address???

    *this still aint easy

  4. #14
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    While I sent a personal condolence to your Hotmail account, I wanted to also publicy do the same. I am jsut glad that Hostboard was one of many stopping grounds for both of you and I was able to provide an environment where you made friends and were able to pass some time here with them.

    Best wishes,

  5. #15
    Inactive Member BIGJOHN??'s Avatar
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    ...I go in and I try to chat 'cause I miss my chat friends a lot...It's really good to see all of you online, but it just hurts too much sometimes.

    Special thanks to mel, sierra, ERICA, rain, B?b, Mary, War, Flick, Bri...and probably a few others I've forgotten about. I appreciate your support and the fact that everyone has tried to help me through this.

    I do have some good news. I was offered the chief engineer position at Club Dada and Borderline Records and I took it. It wasn't a really easy decision. The money is good and steady, but I liked being an independent engineer and the freedom it offered me. It'll keep me busy though and that's part of what I need right now.

    If ya wanna see where I work the addy is It's a fun place with some good people who have been helping provide an outlet for good original music for a long time. I'm proud to be an intregal part of that team.

    Thanks again to everyone who has tried to help me through this. I hope to see you all soon.


  6. #16
    Inactive Member BIGJOHN??'s Avatar
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    Well it's been a year now. Not so much pain left anymore. I remember the laughter and the good times. I thought I would take this opportunity to share a little piece of chat magic that Lisa and I entitled Fuk Yu Dinner

    Kevin says:
    Lisa says:
    hey there
    Kevin says:
    I got food!
    Lisa says:
    what are we eating?
    Kevin says:
    chinese tonight
    Kevin says:
    -gets out the candlabra, sets table, lights candles-
    Kevin says:
    -lights down low-
    Lisa says:
    *S shall I invite trace to play the baby grand? *S
    Kevin says:
    yes please do!
    Kevin says:
    -pulls your chair out for you-
    Lisa says:
    I'll have her wheel it outside, so we can have some privacy
    Kevin says:
    Lisa says:
    chinese? .....aren't we supposed to sit on the floor and feed eachother?
    Kevin says:
    hmmmm well if you prefer *s*
    Kevin says:
    sounds kind of nice...let me get the pillows
    Kevin says:
    -gestures toward one especially for you-
    Kevin says:
    -beautiful silk pillow trimmed in satin, pink fringe, and a butterfly
    Lisa says:
    had to put a robe on ..was in a towel
    Kevin says:
    Lisa says:
    -bends down slowly and gets comfy on the pillow--
    Lisa says:
    can we open out fortune cookies first? *eg
    Kevin says:
    -takes your napkin, folded into the shape of a swan, and snaps it out for
    you, places gently in your lap-
    Kevin says:
    of course
    Lisa says:
    --ting--- it hits me in the face
    Kevin says:
    I'm terribly sorry, let me kiss it for you
    Kevin says:
    Lisa says:
    all good ...just a little welt...don't think the eye will swell shut ..*S
    ...where were we
    Kevin says:
    fortune cookies?
    Kevin says:
    here is one for you -hands you cookie-
    Lisa says:
    *note to self* wear safety goggle when dinin with BigJ
    Lisa says:
    thank you ...--snaps it in haf--
    Kevin says:
    -takes one for self does same-
    Kevin says:
    -looks at mine and *s*-
    Lisa says:
    mine says "ging ku pow cha cha cha*
    Lisa says:
    Kevin says:
    LOL turn it over
    Lisa says:
    Kevin says:
    no not the lottery numbers
    Lisa says:
    --eats the paper and tosses the cookie--- need more fiber in my diet
    Lisa says:
    --munches--- pass the saki babe
    Kevin says:
    here ya go
    Lisa says:
    what does yours say ---sips---
    Kevin says:
    mine says -you will develop a wonderful relationship with someone who will
    change your life for the good forever-
    Kevin says:
    damn that is a big piece of paper!
    Lisa says:
    you must need more fiber then I do
    Kevin says:
    *L yeah probably do
    Kevin says:
    I have two soups egg drop or hot n sour?
    Lisa says:
    --snags the paper away from you ...flattenes it out ..and sucks it againsts
    my mouth--- here let me blow you...err..I mean IT to you
    Kevin says:
    -grins- liked the first suggestion better
    Lisa says:
    hot and sour for me..
    Kevin says:
    flies across the room at amazing speed and sticks to my nose-
    Lisa says:
    what? LMAO
    Kevin says:
    -pours your soup-
    Kevin says:
    the fortune *L
    Lisa says:
    Oh ...hehehe
    Kevin says:
    -I don't notice it however and continue dinner-
    Lisa says:
    --acting as tho I do not notice either--
    Lisa says:
    ---the hot & sour is so hot, my eyes water and I fear my nose may bleed---
    Great soup hon =)
    Kevin says:
    why thank you dear, are you alright you look a little warm?
    Lisa says:
    ---breaking a sweat--- ...I'm good
    Kevin says:
    great lets see I have sushi, and steamed veggies
    Lisa says:
    what kind of suchi? --peers over, eyebrow raised---
    Kevin says:
    looks like squid, and some salmon rolls
    Kevin says:
    ginger I believe
    Lisa says:
    --pokes at it with a chopstick...makin you look a quick
    lightenin motion, swipes your fortune of your nose and eats it-- ..I'll go
    for veggies
    Kevin says:
    loses 4 squid before gettin one on my plate
    Kevin says:
    here are the veggies, steamed rice for you?
    Lisa says:
    Lisa says:
    may I share a chinese food story with you?
    Kevin says:
    -serves you the rice. spilling much of it on the floor, some gets into the
    Kevin says:
    yes please do
    Lisa says:
    --likes the smell of burning rice--
    Lisa says:
    I was in SanFransisco with my family..china town
    Kevin says:
    Lisa says:
    We went to a swank FUK YU restuarant for lunch, I ordered the seafood
    Kevin says:
    FUK YU, I know the place!
    Lisa says:
    Incredible ambiance, I have a pic on my hard drive I believe
    Lisa says:
    Lisa says:
    The chef brought the cooking table to ours and began making my order. He
    dices and slices, it's looking great
    Lisa says:
    Then just as he's about to serve it to me, he pulls out a quid from a bucket
    and slaps it onto the hot grill's dancing around... *GASP*
    Lisa says:
    never could handle quid since
    Kevin says:
    -tries to chopstick some veggies into your mouth, and drops them in the
    Kevin says:
    *L I can just imagine
    Lisa says:
    I can fish for those with my tongue
    Kevin says:
    well Gooneygoogoo!
    Lisa says:
    --puts my face into the soup....moments later comes up with a julien carrot
    between my teeth, a small piece of broccoli danglin from one eyelid---
    Kevin says:
    what talent!, what skill!, you should be rewarded!
    Lisa says:
    -tries to pick up a veggie with my chopstick ...tries..and tries...finally
    stabs it-
    Lisa says:
    love this FUK YU food
    Kevin says:
    -*s* pulls a couple of forks from my pocket and hands one to you, nearly
    dropping it in the egg foo young-
    Lisa says:
    ever used chopstraws?
    Kevin says:
    -notice mine has a little lint on it so I stare deeply into your eyes and
    *S* and wipe it on my shirt sleeve-
    Kevin says:
    no can't say I have
    Lisa says:
    --is mesmerized--
    Lisa says:
    Kevin says:
    what are they?
    Lisa says:
    The recipe is ...---feeds ya some broc--- You need a margarita, macadamia
    nuts and two skinny straws and patient friends *S
    Lisa says:
    You fish out the macadamia nuts with the straws and feed em' to friends
    Kevin says:
    hmmm sounds interesting...-throws the fork over my shoulder and picks up
    some bok choy with my hands and places a piece in your mouth-
    Lisa says:
    --sucks it in slowly...lettin it slide in and out a couple times..before
    letting my teeth have a chance at it---
    Kevin says:
    -gets a raging hard on and has to shift on my pillow a bit- More saki Lis?
    Lisa says:
    ---covers my cup-- I better stay at one cup, might be d-r-i-v-i-n-g
    ..later, wanna keep my wits about me
    Kevin says:
    of course my dear, I have some excellent home made rice cakes, would you
    like one? -as you lean to cover your cup I get a generous flash of your
    breastflesh and can do nothing but stare openmouthed-
    Lisa says:
    ----unties my strap and pulls my robe open ---> just to the nipples and
    closes it again----
    Kevin says:
    are you warm darling?
    Kevin says:
    Lisa says:
    no babe ...I'm hot
    Lisa says:
    your hotter
    Lisa says:
    and fum-alicious
    Kevin says:
    -eyes watering- yes I believe I am -removes jacket and loosens tie-
    Lisa says:
    -resists the urge to sage--
    Kevin says:
    let me light another candle -uses four matches in an attempt to cover the
    Lisa says:
    here, start my thumbnail on fire
    Lisa says:
    after the hot and sour soup and subsequent nose bleed..I can't smell a
    Kevin says:
    ooooo cool, lights a few more and the vaporous scourge begins to dwindle
    Lisa says:
    ---raises her burning thumbnail into the dark...swaying back and forth
    ..lightly humming ..."We are the world"
    Kevin says:
    what a wonderful tribute my dear...and so timely -notices the flame
    reflecting off of your eyes and thinks it is just sooooo sexy-
    Kevin says:
    -has to shift again-
    Lisa says:
    Lisa says:
    my thumb out
    Lisa says:
    it's not working
    Lisa says:
    so I stick into the saki
    Kevin says:
    oh baby are you hurt? -longs to suck your thumb-
    Kevin says:
    let me see it
    Lisa says:
    --offers it---
    Kevin says:
    -takes your hand in mine and kisses it gently, touching the end with just
    the tip of my tongue running it all around staring lustily at you all the
    Lisa says:
    --reaches over and plays lightly with your hair---
    Kevin says:
    -pulls your thumb into my mouth with my lips and licks it generously with my
    rather large tongue-
    Kevin says:
    better Lis?
    Lisa says:
    uh huh ...sec ... let light my pinky nail on fire ...*S
    Kevin says:
    of course! why didn't I think of it!
    Kevin says:
    -reaches for the matches, and then drops them, taking your hand in mine and
    licking all of your fingers one at at time runs my tongue inbetween them-
    Lisa says: ..about that extra thumb ...
    Kevin says:
    oh my! what dexterity you must have! said the BIG BAD JOHN
    Lisa says:
    my what big teeth you have
    Kevin says:
    *EG* -begins to understand your lack of bowling skills-
    Kevin says:
    *whispers* the better to eat you with my dear
    Lisa says:
    It's too my advantage actually ..creeps everyone else out ...well that and
    the gliding high heel bowling shoes
    Kevin says:
    the ones that make your feet look so...well...ummmmmmm...dainty?
    Lisa says:
    yezz.. wanna borrow them?
    Kevin says:
    -tries to put on your bowling shoes and can barely fit a couple of toes in
    them- Ohhhhhh my such a shame too they would have gone great with my bermuda
    shorts and bolo tie!
    Lisa says:
    the bolo is a nice touch, I could wear one as a belt and we could match!
    Kevin says:
    yesyes! the cow skull clasp would give it such pinache!
    Lisa says:
    Or we could wear them as thong swimsuits
    Kevin says:
    marvelous idea...could keep us warm in the winter too...well if we have
    constant body contact that is
    Lisa says:
    we could just buy clothes a couple sizes bigger and jump in together
    Kevin says:
    hey now that's an idea I could get used to!
    Lisa says:
    I have always wanted to learn to walk with a swagger
    Kevin says:
    and I have always desired constant body contact!...let's do it!
    Kevin says:
    Hey I have rather large Dickies...lets try them on! -pulls overalls from
    Lisa says:
    smells really good outside tonight
    Lisa says:
    Kevin says:
    Lisa says:
    someone has a wood fire going in there house
    Kevin says:
    after rain thing?
    Kevin says:
    Lisa says:
    was just a sprinkle
    Lisa says:
    enough to make everyones hair go bad *L
    Kevin says:
    Kevin says:
    There are some rather interesting smells outside of my abode as well
    Kevin says:
    smells like...ummmmmmmm...caca del pero *L
    Lisa says:
    Kevin says:
    don't know why but it is very strong near my front door *L
    Kevin says:
    burning bag have anything to do with it?
    Kevin says:
    Lisa says:
    You pothead you!!!
    Lisa says:
    Kevin says:
    Lisa says:
    no wonder we ate chinese tonight
    Lisa says:
    ...the Japs got a way
    Kevin says:
    brilliant plan wasn't it!
    Lisa says:
    Lisa says:
    can you imagine you and I high together?
    Kevin says:
    O...M...G lookout world!
    Lisa says:
    laying on the floor laughing
    Lisa says:
    until ...munchies hits..and we race for the chips
    Lisa says:
    no holds barred
    Kevin says:
    chips a flyin'
    Kevin says:
    bag ripped to shreds
    Lisa says:
    such romance
    Kevin says:
    such passion
    Lisa says:
    I'd just pour the dip on my tummy
    Lisa says:
    and a chip between my knees
    Kevin says:
    and I'd drop the freakin' chips and plunge my whole face into it
    Kevin says:
    well the task at hand that is hehehe
    Lisa says:
    knew I'd find a way to get the chips
    Kevin says:
    knew I'd find a way to get your knees apart hehehe
    Lisa says:
    Kevin says:
    well when the chips are down...go down with them is what I always say
    Lisa says:
    Hey thanks for dinner, the swellin has gone done considerably!
    Kevin says:
    Kevin says:
    and you're welcome

  7. #17
    HB Forum Owner Më£ïñÐa's Avatar
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    hey you!! thank you for posting this...

    alltho, i'm sorry it took me this long to come in here and read this.... i'm reading this at a perfect time...
    its been awhile since i've really smiled...
    its a magical feeling, it feels good..

    and once again Lisa spreads a little ray of sunshine in this harsh, cruel life...
    (both of you)

    Thank You, so very much!!

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