With the start of a new school year, it?s also the start of new school pic?s.. Just like all the other mom?s I buy everyone pic they take, we?ve had band pic?s, band camp pic?s and now Basketball.. The place that takes our schools is called BPP.. the P standing for PROFESSIONAL, so you would think they would be professional about everything. Last night I was talking to one of the other mothers who also buys these pics and she was telling me that a family member of hers that she does not care for, went down to BPP and order a photo button of my friends son. This worries me, the lady didn?t have to prove she was a family member, she didn?t have to even give her name to these PROFESSIONALS, she just had to hand them money and she got a pic of a kid that is not even hers.. I never signed a waver saying my kid?s pics other than the ones I bought myself could be sold.. It worries me that anyone off the street can walk in there, give the kids name and walk out with a up closes and personal photo of my kids. When checking BPP?s web site I found out I could go on there without a password of any kind and get pics of last years prom and other school events. When I tried to click on the list of wedding photo?s this place had took, I needed a password to get in. Why would they not protect our kids with something as simple as a password. Am I wrong for this bothering me?