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Thread: ~Ya Dad~

  1. #11
    HB Forum Owner Tee Ehn's Avatar
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    aight....lets try this a different way.....

    first leaving dad alone...

    second - its all okay to listen to peoples advice and sometimes as it may come its not advice but an opinion and everyones opinions are different (most of the time)....if you ask 1 person = 1 opinion / 50 people = 50 different opinions all said differently most of the time...

    third - in my 33 yrs of this life, i have learned that people sometimes listen to people and it ends in a complete mistake, then again sometimes you can listen and it makes sense and ends up good. but. if making decisions was an easy way of life it wouldn't be in this lifetime. impulse decisions is a rolling gamble.

    here's where my dad comes in....*q's dad to walk thru the post*....he took me to buy a pair of cleats one day for a softball tournament, i picked up a pair, and put them down..looked and looked til he finally said look gurl its obvious that something about the first pair, an hour ago, that caught your attention, had they not YOU wouldn't of picked them up...this was true...when i make my decisions i try to do it without the influence of any one else and make sure i understand myself, the outcome is no ones fault or glory but that of my if i just get lazy and do what someone says i get pissed at myself for its my life and i should do my choice making on my own. Now if i get confused, well you know i'll ask ya what do ya think but most of the time, my opinion, which sometimes is pathetic is the one i give a shit about cuz well if you can make a decision on your own, i think thats a big deal. Life is too difficult to be confused bout decisions/opinions/ and "i wish i had's".....

    [img]biggrin.gif[/img] most of the time i do impulse shit that comes back later to bite me on the ass but sometimes it works for the better *LOL* simple okay but difficult in a simple kinda way.....when things go astray ya better betchaself ill call dad *LOL* to help me get outta what my decisions got myself into lol...

  2. #12
    Cindy Belle
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    ..My dad is the coolest and smartest person i know..i guess 40 yrs in the military will do that..he was a workacholic.(guess thats where i get it from) cause i am to...Dad's are special and Im SO glad my children have a good Dad to...*S*

  3. #13
    Inactive Member Snow Kitten's Avatar
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    **Shakes**.. Dad.. I'm 30 years old and I still take orders from him.. He's not a bad dad, but he's a very old fashion one.. I have took his advice for many things in my life. But there are two times that I'm glad that I didn't pay him no mind.. the first time I went against him was when I was 27, married with two kids.. I took a trip he didn't believe in, one to meet the FireChic,and it was one of the best things I have ever done.. Second time I went against him was more scary.. I got a divorce, that just wasn't done in my family for any reason, once again one of the best things I have ever done.. Moral of my story is, dad is right most of the time, but sometimes you just need to know when to stand your ground.. [img]smile.gif[/img]

  4. #14
    HB Forum Owner Beautiful~Mistake's Avatar
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    i see all you guys talking about your dad and it breaks my heart... i just wanna call mine up now...

    my dad is an abusive alcoholic....

    he worked long hours, because he owned his own business... so he was gone when i woke up and i was asleep when he got home... but when he was home.. he was drunk..

    and.. i was too scared to talk to him.. because i was afraid of him...

    i haven't seen my dad in three very long months...

    he's been sober for 6 months!

    i've done a lot of things to him.. that well.. he's got salt and pepper hair now *laffs*

    we haven't fought in about a year.. since i moved after the last time he hit me... now i moved again.. and the last thing he said to me.. was that he was losing his baby girl...

    he still emails me about once or twice a week.. he's a musician now.. he has acd.. and he just signed a record label.. is selling our property and packing my family up and moving...

    he's gonna be touring all winter.. and he's never home anymore...

    but i still miss my dad...

    no matter how much he hurt me..

    *cries* i miss my daddy!

  5. #15
    HB Forum Owner Tee Ehn's Avatar
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    paigey maybe you otta send him here and let him read this thread? okay well the contents of the other threads might give him more salt n pepper but uhm anyways maybe you should remind him that ya miss him?

    hugs ya tight.

  6. #16
    HB Forum Owner SummerStorm's Avatar
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    ahhhh*hugs paigey tight*'s are the best...I remember one time iwas upset cuz a boy was mean to me*L*...I was like 16 or 17 and had a huge crush on the guy....anyways my dad comes in my room hugs me and says...he didn't deserve you anyways......what a great guy....I miss him so much...He was always there for me...Loved me no matter what....*whispers* I love you daddy

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