You better hurry and get here Ray Ray *L* i'm takin over board *L* i'm bored of my two boards plue i'm waitin for them to change my board remove that name on my board biggrin...then i'm gonna try and figure out what to do on it...but i'm bored on my mischief board too...I already done Johns board for New Years and I'm not gonna make any changes to my both boards well i did to my CanadianGirl board but not gonna make anymore...and i'm leavin Mischief how it looks cuz i think it looks good, now i'm invadin yer board today biggrin *cuddles wif Ray Ray* cuz theres no one else to cuddle wif and i know you'll let me biggrin...Oh yeah...I want to thank you for that day for helpin me out with that asshole i really appreciate that...I didnt know how much i could of took from him i was on the edge as it was with him...and when i was gonna leave the net thanks for stoppin me you made me realize i have alot of friends on here who cares about me and would be upset if i left here...I know i shouldnt let anyone step on me like that but yanno i've been goin thro so much in the last couple of month and if you werent there i probably would of went crazy...yer like my little brother *L* i was jus about to say big brother, forgot that you were younger then me for a second biggrin but anyways see ya when you get on
