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Thread: few tests for ya

  1. #1
    Ray Ray
    Guest Ray Ray's Avatar


    give em a click

    horny test

    drunk test

    high test

    sanity test

    <font color="#DDDDDD" size="1">[ October 22, 2002 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Ray Ray ]</font>

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Graciebaybe's Avatar
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    The Sanity Test

    Result: You're a risk taker.

    Personality: You are not bound by the limits of society's expectations. You are willing to leap off cliffs for thrills, no matter what danger lies ahead. You like roller coasters, and have probably come home plastered many times, not caring what your parents/significant other/spouse thinks.

    Sanity level: Just above normal. (That's what THEY think *L*) You are capable of making accurate decisions, and being in control. You handle situations well, although you're very agressive in the sack.

  3. #3
    Ray Ray
    Guest Ray Ray's Avatar


    *L leap of cliffs for thrills? .. remind me never to mess with Grace!

  4. #4
    Ray Ray
    Guest Ray Ray's Avatar


    Horny Test

    Result: Others get horny thinking about you. You must know what you're doing.

    Sociotype: This is probably your only few minutes online today, because you're most likely out the rest of the day mackin' it with the gals (or guys). Good job!

    what a load a fuckin bollocks .. i had to double check that i put i was a male!!!!! ...

    <font color="#DDDDDD" size="1">[ October 24, 2002 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Ray Ray ]</font>

  5. #5
    Ray Ray
    Guest Ray Ray's Avatar


    ooops .. i read it wrong .. i thought it said males get horny not others *L

  6. #6
    Guest CanadianGirl's Avatar


    sanity test

    Result: You're pretty hip.

    Personality: You have some inkling of a clue what is going on in this world. You are willing to take small, calculated risks and be open to new ideas.

    Sanity level: Average. Nothing to complain about. You're probably here because you're bored right now. Go find something to do.

  7. #7
    Guest CanadianGirl's Avatar


    horny test

    Result: Your horniness is somewhat fulfilled.

    Sociotype: Once a loser, now on your way to being a player. You're moving up in the ranks. Your name has been screamed a few times. But you still have some more to learn. Keep on doing your thing, you're getting the hang of it.

  8. #8
    Ray Ray
    Guest Ray Ray's Avatar


    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=2 face="Comic Sans MS">quote:</font><table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#333333" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FF9900"><tr><td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000"><font size=2 face="Comic Sans MS">Originally posted by CanadianGirl:
    But you still have some more to learn. </font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></BLOCKQUOTE>

    im a good teacher [img]biggrin.gif[/img]

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