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Thread: Born in a day

  1. #1
    Inactive Member Draco_High's Avatar
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    Most people look to the books of the past to see the lead of the future. The true development is a slow repeating cycle of evolution of the thought process. We have a draw back the development that we seek in the form of the economic structure and social effect of the adverts and media. Born in a day where what you wear and the place you go is the point of a persons esteem, even the drink we hold in our hands in an attempt to be more popular or more successful, to what I am still at a loss. Perhaps the enduring drive to find a mate and this is now simply a more elaborate form of mating dance that drives our society on to more and more ludicrous ideas of what this is all about.

    A lass I have found no great answer and even find myself wearing the designer label of the masses and joining gyms etc in the weak feeble desire to ?fit in?. The notion that I am unique and if only the people could see the person inside then it would all become clear is not a new one and just one of billions around that meek out an existence thinking that what I do matters on some level of perception.

    Social order and government working on the idea of supply and demand and what laws will make you more popular for the next vote over what is better for the society has and always was common practice. For what is the point of a leader that no one follows anyway. Trying to find a reason that makes you wish to leap out of bed and embrace the new day with a smile and purpose is something the vast majority of people only dream of. Some perhaps not even doing that and washed down over time and environment to ?accept ones place?. A bizarre idea and one I still fight to this day, it has made me unpopular at times and not in with the in crowd but I have found that having integrity and the desire to be yourself no matter the social norm. Trying to fit at the same time is a hard act of balance. One does wobble now and then and one way or the other you, like many others, may well find that you hold back or at least dilute your idea in order to fit back in again.

    I am plagued with a wash of thoughts and ideas about not only society but also the basic ideology of what I need to do to be me. The problem is that thought alone has little effect and time walks on down the beach to the shore while your ideas stay with you and you follow the crowd as always just wishing that you had done this or said that. I, when speaking with others, may well seem to have done much with my life but the gapping hole of I only get one shot at this and the deep resounding burning to explore and experience as many things that I can continues within. Not all are grand ideas but some as simple as seeing the northern lights or walking on the sand of the Sahara. I hate computers with a passion and yet spend more and more time on them, becoming one of the army of the leather chair explorers that are out there. Even to the point of creating a new persona and role-play an entire new way of being. It is just a past time and something to do in my spare time, spare time what a novel idea. Spare from what? Work is the main answer and time spent working is then seen as the important time and what we should be doing rather than our time being all ours. It has become so rare to have to enjoy your own time or that of your family that society has even given this a name ?quality time?. A great way of saying that you may cram those few hours that you get away from work to spend with your family and friends and how best even to use this time. We are now in a position that we have to be told that quality time is important. I do enjoy my job and I work as a Specialist Police Officer, not with the home office but it does have its rewards if you dig deep. The main call has to be the fact that it is a position that my intellect and personality of leadership can handle with little effort and it pays well. Would I rather be walking in the Brazilian rain forest with my Lover? Bet your **** I would and we should remember that work is never more important than people. People are the reason we are here and the relationships we develop. Then there is religion......-chuckles-

  2. #2
    Inactive Member The Reverend Dark Angel's Avatar
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    Why worry about the masses? They don't worry about you. They don't need to know you, they don't need to know anything about you. Chances are they won't ever know you or anything about you anyway. What matters is you to you. Yes in certain ways you will try to fit in with a crowd. It's how we find friends, it's how we learn that this product is better than that one, it's how we even know that the sky is blue and the grass is green. But your clothes, your hobbies, your electronics and kitchen ware do not make you who you are. The only thing that makes you who you are is you. Inside your mind you know who you are, who you want to be, and because of that you will always be that. It may change from time to time, but you will know that you will still be you. No one made you become a police officer, they may have suggested it, they may have even offered to help you become one, but what made you a police officer was you. You took that step, you made that choice, and you saw it through to the end. But that is what you are, not who you are. Who you are is an individual mind. In the grand scheme of things, that's what matters most. You won't lead an army, you won't change the world, but you will lead yourself and you will change your own world. You are yourself, unless you have split personalities, then you might be a few people.

  3. #3
    Inactive Member Draco_High's Avatar
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    So true that you are never alone with schizophrenia!! But to try and answer you in my own opinion I would say.

    Why worry about the masses? As in society as a whole you do not need to worry but you must behave within certain accepted parameters in order to function it. It is very true that you are you always no matter what and the environment and experience make up for a vast amount of why you became who you are thus far. Top connect with others outside of a word world where the sense of self and image play a vastly more important role in the self esteem of the individual and how that pertains to how that individual is then seen. The views of others should never persuade a person but they do and always have to a more or lesser degree. From childhood peer pressure to the accepted pressure to be a member of your society. Knowing you are you is something we all have and the depths of the individual will only ever be really known by them. What we show to others and our ability to communicate in all ways we can is how others will perceive us.

    What made me do the job that I do? No one, the simple fact was it pays well and with my background I was well suited to do well in the position? far ?LOL- I have never been my occupation but it does refer back to how people perceive you in the first place and any experience, good or bad, that they have of the stereotype they are thinking of. Of course that does change when you get to know the person.

    Thanks Rev, very interesting reading

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