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Thread: It's Aliiiiive!!

  1. #1
    HB Forum Owner Rogue Angel's Avatar
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    *maniacal laugh*.... i'm back! to all those people who hoped i dropped off the face of the planet... NOPE! [img]biggrin.gif[/img] i've just been sick for a few days...

    *chuckles*... seriously... i wasn't around all weekend... even though i was AWAKE almost the entire weekend... i was too miserable to come in here and get online... and if i had, i probably wouldn't have anything to say... errr, well... nothing NICE anyway... [img]wink.gif[/img]

    apparently there is a HELLA stomach virus going around... the guy i work with got sick... and was gone for a couple days... but he says that his wife and daughter had it much worse... well gee... thanks Randy, so did i! *L*

    this was NOT the typical 24 hour stomach virus kinda thing. I didn't puke (much) and all that stuff... i think i would've felt better if i could've. I just had the MOST incredible pain in my stomach... i could hardly stand up... i would get queasy at times, but didn't do much getting sick... i had a fever of 101-102 for 3 days... fkn CRAZY. and i ached well... all over. [img]frown.gif[/img] and had THE worst headache... i'm not sure if that was from being sick, or from not eating... i got kinda scared there for a while that i was gonna have to call someone and go to the emergency room... it just would NOT let up... at all... i would get exhausted i guess, and fall asleep for an hour or so at a time, but no real rest, until this morning... from 3:30am to 6:30am, i actually SLEPT!!! 3 whole hours in a row, woo hoo!!!

    i feel better today... MUCH better... just still not well enough to go to work... particularly when they are questioning my productivity as of late. (long story) Since i couldn't function at 100%, i felt it was better to stay here and get paid for doing nothing... rather than going in and only functioning at about 25% and my boss bitching to everyone else about it. [img]eek.gif[/img]

    besides... i'm still weak and achy... have a headache...and haven't tackled any food as of yet. Um, also... i didn't do ANYTHING this weekend, lol. I didn't clean, i didn't do laundry... i didn't do anything... but cry and hold my stomach, and take many the whirlpool bath at my mom's house (that does wonders when you're sick and feverish for the aching in your body... plus i nearly froze to damn death all weekend. i was using my heat in friggin 80 degree weather. insane, especially for ME... i am never EVER cold.) So i would've had no clothes to wear, looked like a pile of crap, still felt achy, and tired from not sleeping. So i said screw that and took a day to recover and get some shit done. I'm about to tackle some chicken noodle soup. It ridiculous, that has never sounded so good... lol. i have been living off of riptide rush gatorade on ice for DAYYYYYYYYS.

    Hey! what did i do with that terrorists are out to get us thread? lmao. i just un-stickied it the other day... they're at it again! i think they almost got me this time!!! [img]tongue.gif[/img] No such luck, however... looks like i'm gonna make it... [img]wink.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Inactive Member wildnthewind's Avatar
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    Somebody did the layin' on of hands I see.. [img]biggrin.gif[/img]
    Glad you're back!

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner Rogue Angel's Avatar
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    lol... thanks, wild... [img]graemlins/kiss.gif[/img]

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