October 26th, 2005, 01:25 AM
Inactive Member
Chapter 1
<center> Dragon Shells</center>
The bright light hurt the unfocused eyes of the red hatchling as it struggled to escape it's shell. On tiny wobbly legs it staggered onto the warm sand of the beach.
With a little difficulty the wings began to unfurl as it stumbled across broken egg shells, headed for the dark shadows of the beach rocks. With a flurry of sand the hatchling stumbled and rolled over a small dune, Never realizing how close he came to dying.
The other eggs and the few hatchlings that were struggling to escape their shells, were not as lucky as they had caught the attention of the giant Periguins, that swooped down and started feeding upon the clutch of eggs. The scavengers started screaming and flapping of their wings in a feeding frenzy.
The noise caused the small red dragon to start backing in to the over hanging rocks, shivering in fear, it was seeking some sort of protection from the winged massacre that was taking place just a few feet away.
October 26th, 2005, 02:24 PM
October 27th, 2005, 02:51 PM
October 27th, 2005, 03:39 PM
Inactive Member
As the morning sun started to rise in the clear sky, The little red woke, a gnawing hunger drove him out into the open, His wings unfurled and flapped as his eyes squinted toward the carnage left behind by the periguins.
With one flap of his wings he rose to his back legs and with his slowly focusing eyes he noticed the fast movement of a small rat like creature, shuffling among the mound of broken shards of egg shells.
With an instinctive move he was in flight before realizing his ability, His talons grabbed the furry little scavenger with such force it broke the creatures spine, killing his first meal instantly. Red banked in mid air and headed back to the jagged rocks to fill the natural urge to gorge.
After his first feast, Red leaped into the air and took flight, looking for a safer nesting ground than that was provided by the rocks along the beach.
His first flight took him north over fields of short grasses, before giving way to the short shrubbery that signaled the start of a gentle hill. Red's nostrils flared at a peculiar odor coming from a strange mound of stacked rocks with smoke rising from a hole in the top.
Red circled the mound noticing the reeds lying across the top. he came for a landing near the smoking stones. he shuffled closer, feeling the heat, and with his belly full and the exertions of his first flight, he burrowed deep into the reeds and very soon had drifted off into a deep sleep
November 1st, 2005, 03:23 AM
Inactive Member
As the eastern sky turned from black to the grey of first light, The occupants of the stone dwelling still slumbered, except for Pere', who had started stirring the glowing embers of last nights fire.
He stared adding twigs and wood chips to the embers, He then leaned forward and blew gently until small fingers of flame erupted inside the small mound of shavings. As the flames grew he laid a few larger branches across the dog irons.
He added water from the bucket on the side table into the cast iron pot that hung from the swing arm. he pushed it into the fire place over the growing flames, so it would be heated for his mother when she awoke.
He reached into the corner for his boots, He pulled them up over his leg, and started lacing them up, He grabbed the empty bucket and headed out the door into the slightly pink dawn and headed the short distance to the creek that ran from the mountain heights to the north, To refill the water bucket before the rest of his family awoke.
This was his favorite time of the day, as it gave him a feeling of being in control of his destiny. He wandered down the beaten path as the morning birds started their early songs, as he came around the corner he startled a doe with two fawns that had come to the stream for an early morning drink of the icy cold water.
November 1st, 2005, 03:25 AM
Inactive Member
Oops, I doubled posted....Sorry!
<font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ October 31, 2005 11:27 PM: Message edited by: ellanoize ]</font>
November 1st, 2005, 03:11 PM
I really like that story Roger, please post morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre*w
November 29th, 2005, 02:56 AM
Inactive Member
I am so mad right now. I just wrote another short chapter and somehow lost it before it got posted...Its getting late tonight, I will try again tomorrow....Arrrgggg [img]graemlins/grrr.gif[/img]
December 1st, 2005, 11:22 PM
Inactive Member
Red felt the slowly warming rocks, beneath his body as he watched from between the reeds that covered the dwelling. The slowly building hunger in Reds belly grew as he saw the fawns bolt into the forest from their interrupted morning drink. Although he was too small to actually attack the fawns, he followed them with his eyes until they were lost in the dense wild woods.
He turned his attention back to the strange creature that was dipping water from the stream. Reds ears twitched as he listened to the strange sounds that the creature was making as he turned and walked back toward the house. Red lowered his head till the only thing showing were the two watchful black orbs and the tip of a red snout.
Pere' knelt by the ice cold water and dipped a hand in before raising it to his face to wash the sleep from his eyes, He was excited because his father had told him over the last evenings meal that after this mornings chores, he could use the day for hunting. Pere' was always excited to be off in the woods, away from the day to day drudgery of his many chores.
He dipped the bucket into the swift moving water and filled the bucket, splashing water onto his boots. As he started back toward the home he shared with his parents, Pere' started whistling as he hurried up the path.
After the door closed Red emerged from his hiding spot and spread his wings and took flight toward where the strange creature had stood. As he softly landed, his nostrils flared as he took in the creatures smell. After taking a long drink from the stream, Red took flight and spiraled above the path that the deer had taken during their earlier flight. Reds vision was improving constantly, as was his hearing. He heard the ******r of two large white mountain squirrels, as he focused upon the greenery below he spotted one of them sitting on a limb, busy barking at the one on the ground, It never realized what hit it as the Red Dragon dived with outstretched talons and grabbed it from its perch. Red flew to an outcropping of rocks near the northern end of a large meadow to have its morning meal.
December 2nd, 2005, 10:40 AM
*brings freshly baked cookies and hot chocolate and sits next to Roger to hear more,...*
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