November 16th, 2005, 10:17 PM
Inactive Member
This is a work in progress. I thought it might make an interresting Childrens story when I finish. If I could find some talented artist who could draw castles, dragons and princess.
Julie & The Dragon Of Dreams
Once upon a time,
A long time ago
In a land far far away,
In a land you wouldn?t know
There was a magic factory
that supplys us, all of our dreams.
From outside looking in
It is a perfect place it seems
The owners awarded Julie a job
She was so proud, coming from common folk
Everyone said she was lucky
it was often said as they spoke
There was a magic dragon used
As the story was told
Even its breath was used,
to keep the workers from the cold
Mistress Julie showed up for work
her dress freshly patched and clean
?I am so thrilled, please tell me what to do?
?I am here to fulfill my dream
She was welcomed there
By the Chairman of the board
?Your job is very important Lass,
A job that can not be ignored
We will pay you well
In gold coin of the realm
In packets so large
You will be over whelmed
Upon this news, she heard
She clapped her hands with glee
?I?m so excited by your news,
This job, I can?t wait to see
She was lead to a bolted door
Thick oak covered with gold
Her expression changed quickly
seeing Drangon?s Den, written in bold
?Oh My? Mistress Julie exclaimed
I don?t think it is right
to send a peasent girl
into a hungry dragons sight
Don?t worry Julie child
It?s not upon humans he feasts
He much prefers to be fed
Bar-B-Q wilderbeast
Your job is a simple one indeed
You keep him happy, clean & fed,
We will send him his meals,
You keep fresh straw for his bed
It?s really so simple, they all agreed
Through the door Julie slowly went
Nearing the bottom steps
She smelled the dragons scent
Her young body was all a tremble
As she quitely edged near
The dragons voice rumbled
?Come Closer, You have nothing to fear
She beheld the Wonderous beast
Shackled with a colar of gold
A chain encrusted with jewels
led to this dragon of old
His once gleaming scales
Were now covered in moss
His wings were dry and brittle
His horn had lost its gloss
?So my new keeper
Has finally arrived.
I am so old now,
That I?ve outlived the last five
...To Be Continued...
January 30th, 2006, 01:58 AM
HB Forum Owner
Roger! This is great! I cant believe I missed
June 4th, 2006, 08:51 PM
HB Forum Owner
Roger?? When ya gonna finish the story?? I have
been waiting patiently! *L*
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