and the next thing will be that they will be moved out [img]graemlins/broken_heart.gif[/img]
In 28 oldest baby...will have
attended his senior prom....graduated from
Vo-Tech....graduated from high school...and
will be ready to start his new job....
<font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ May 09, 2007 02:03 PM: Message edited by: mRs.GaToR ]</font>
and the next thing will be that they will be moved out [img]graemlins/broken_heart.gif[/img]
ACK! I dont want to think about that yet! *L*
aww the do grow up too fast..*hugs MrS G
*HUGS* for both of you!
I really lost it last night...I KNOW he is graduating...
and I am TRYING to deal with it....BUT....
seeing his announcements last night...seeing it
in writing...reality hit hard and I was in tears! *L*
awww i know i'm like that with my lil sister...i got her wedding invite*hugs you*
hes almost ready for a weekend with Uncle every single strip club i can think of..or at least am still allowed
hahaha do you really want that judy especially after scaring Amanada off *L
i didnt scare amanda say what shes busy doing but this board is for
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">ACK!!!!!! *covers my ears and eyes* I DONT wantOriginally posted by EvolutionHasBegun:
hes almost ready for a weekend with Uncle every single strip club i can think of..or at least am still allowed
to think about that!*L*