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Thread: It's Your Health...

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    HB Forum Owner phoenixrising79's Avatar
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    Reverse Stroke Damage At Onset...
    Or Even Years Later

    LIFESAVING ALERT: If used within the first 24 hours of a stroke, this breakthrough therapy can erase the aftereffects. In fact, even when it's used years after a stroke, it can make lingering problems disappear.

    This breakthrough therapy is called hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Developed to help divers with the "bends," it works on stroke victims for a very simple reason.

    You see, strokes happen when a blocked artery cuts off the oxygen supply to your brain. But usually, only a very small part of the brain actually dies. There's a much larger area of brain tissue that's merely injured. That's because these brain cells get part of their blood supply from unaffected arteries.

    So if you can increase the blood and oxygen supply to these injured cells, they heal. And you get back your lost functions.

    This totally natural therapy involves no drugs and no surgery. Nothing more than good old oxygen. If you know anyone who has suffered a stroke, or has dangerously high blood pressure, please share this alert!

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    Inactive Member digitalsanity's Avatar
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    After years of wearing contact lenses, and tallying up the end of the year anual bill, I discovered I was spending a small fortune every year just in eye wear.. Over all from the years from exams, new glasses/frames (of course the cool ones that are the most expensive transition lenses/etc) I could have invested in a small house.

    few months ago I spent $430 per eye (actually my insurance paid for it, I paid a 10 dollar co-pay) On laser corrective surgery (now have 20/20 vision), that has a 15 year guarantee on it.

    So seriously, contact lenses should be up there in line with tape recorders, and framed in lenses along the lines of 8tracks.

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner phoenixrising79's Avatar
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    Thanks for your reply, however I thought I would let everyone know that this thread has been moved to the new "natural cures and you" board... Please feel free to comment on this topic there [img]smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    HB Forum Owner phoenixrising79's Avatar
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    Warning for Contact Lens Users

    For the 34 million Americans who wear contact lenses, disposable soft lenses have offered advantages in comfort and ease of use. However, soft-lens wearers have had problems recently from rare but dangerous infections associated with multipurpose lens cleaning solutions. You might remember that Bausch & Lomb recalled and discontinued all of its ReNu with MoistureLoc products in 2006 after fungal infections were associated with their use. A few months later it happened again -- another scattered but alarming breakout of an ameba corneal infection (keratitis) in soft lens wearers using Complete MoisturePlus Multi-Purpose Solution from Advanced Medical Optics, Inc. The offending agent was a parasite, called Acanthamoeba, present in the water supply.

    The infection it caused created eye pain, redness, blurry vision, excessive tearing, sensitivity to light and a foreign-body-in-the-eye sensation. More than 130 people were affected and experts were worried, since it was possible for damage to be so severe it could cause blindness or could necessitate a corneal transplant. Early detection is critical for effective treatment, and the keratitis frequently mimics other infections caused by fungus or herpes simplex virus.


    To learn what soft-lens wearers should do to avoid these and other infections, I called ophthalmologist Thomas Steinemann, MD, associate professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, and spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. He explains that while such parasite and fungal infections are rare, the presence of Acanthamoeba in our water supply is not. They are pretty much everywhere in nature, including in our soil as well as water. There has been speculation that the more relaxed water-purification restrictions enacted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2003 may have played a role. The EPA vigorously denies those charges and claims that the problem is an issue of contact lens hygiene, not drinking water.

    Dr. Steinemann points out that widely used multipurpose lens cleaning solutions do not protect against microbes such as Acanthamoeba as well as hydrogen peroxide two-step solutions do. While consumers should definitely avoid using the products associated with the recent outbreaks of infection -- tossing away any unused solution -- it is equally important to keep in mind that the advantages of being able to correct your vision with contact lenses do not come without responsibility. The lenses are so easy to use that people forget that they are first and foremost medical devices and there are good reasons for the rules promoting safe lens wear. Excellent hygiene will go far in helping protect contact lens wearers from such infections, regardless of their source.


    For example, many people are in the habit of wearing their disposable lenses longer than they should. Lenses are designed to be worn for a day, a week, two weeks or a month -- whatever the time frame for yours, Dr. Steinemann says to respect it and dispose of them accordingly. He advises against sleeping in them. Sleeping in lenses translates to a five times greater likelihood of developing a blinding infection, so it is imperative to avoid the practice.

    As for lens disinfecting and proper cleansing techniques, Dr. Steinemann has a number of tips. Noting that multipurpose solutions which clean, disinfect, rinse and store lenses in one fell swoop are convenient for patients, he has concerns about them because many people don't follow the manufacturer's guidelines for using the products, which increases risk. Though more time consuming, he says it might be better to use a two-step cleaner. Always follow guidelines for use of cleansers. Be sure to always empty your lens case of the old disinfecting solution, so you are putting them into fresh solution every single day -- people tend to top off yesterday's supply, says Dr. Steinemann, which means they are putting their lenses into a solution that may be filled with bacteria and ameba since these lose disinfecting efficacy after a day or two. The FDA recommends always washing hands with soap and water and letting them dry completely so water won't infiltrate your lenses. For the same reason, it is also important to let your lens case air-dry after you have dumped the used solution.

    Infection protection while wearing your lenses is largely a matter of keeping water out of your lenses. For this reason Dr. Steinemann does not recommend wearing lenses while swimming or using hot tubs. Just wearing goggles isn't good enough... even the best-fitting ones allow some water from the pool or lake to seep in, he says. Showering with lenses is also a bad idea. He acknowledges this advice might seem over-the-top, but on the other hand, it is a way to make sure water-borne ameba do not get into your lenses. Look for prescription goggles from companies such as Hilco and Sports Optix.

    Dr. Steinemann adds that occasionally people have difficulty wearing their lenses. Generally this manifests as dry eyes, particularly in women. He recommends using an artificial tear solution, which his patients have found helpful. Note: Choose a tear product that can be used with contacts. Another potential problem is blepharitis, an irritation of the eyelid and eye caused by the oil gland. Prevent this by taking supplements of flaxseed (available in grocery stores or in the eye care section of the drugstore) and omega-3-rich fish oil. These will help enhance the secretion of the oil glands.


    Thomas Steinemann, MD, associate professor of ophthalmology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland.

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    HB Forum Owner phoenixrising79's Avatar
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    More Options After Knee Surgery

    Knee injuries seem to be the price many pay for participating in the sports they love. The one I've heard most often about among my skiing set is injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). This ligament, located in the center of the knee to stabilize the joint, is indeed one of the most commonly injured. There are about 200,000 ACL injuries each year, especially in athletic people who participate in high-risk sports such as skiing, basketball, football and soccer. Often the injury is caused by twisting the knee, though it may also come from a hard slam to the side of the knee from a tackle or simply by falling on a hard surface, like ice. About half these injuries end up being treated with reconstructive surgery.

    The operation involves replacing the torn ligament with a graft of tendon or ligament. The recovery period is lengthy and grueling, particularly for those who are eager to get back in the game. Returnees typically must wear a clunky and cumbersome brace often for months, but a new study shows that may not always be necessary.


    According to Trevor Birmingham, PT, PhD, associate professor, School of Physical Therapy and Canada Research Chair in musculoskeletal rehabilitation at Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic, University of Western Ontario, most orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists currently favor bracing after ACL reconstruction. They believe that the rigid support provided by a functional knee brace protects the graft and improves both stability and function. Dr. Birmingham's research group wanted to find out if patients using the traditional bulky ACL functional knee brace had better outcomes after surgery than those using a simple (and less costly) Neoprene synthetic rubber sleeve.

    The study was a randomized controlled trial involving 150 patients who had undergone ACL reconstruction. After their six-week visit, they were provided with either a typical functional knee brace or a Neoprene sleeve to wear when they returned to physical activities after the operation. All received the same standardized post-op rehabilitative physical therapy. They were followed up over a two-year period and tested on knee function and stability. "The results showed no differences between patients using the brace and those using the sleeve," Dr. Birmingham told me.

    Dr. Birmingham's research group also collected information from the patients about how they felt while using the brace or the sleeve. "We did observe a higher (less than 15%) subjective rating of confidence in the knees from those using the conventional brace, at six months and 12 months," he told me, noting however that the finding is questionable given the small size of the difference. He also pointed out that increased confidence is not necessarily a good thing if it leads to less caution on the part of the wearer.

    Dr. Birmingham told me that the study results were consistent with other research that has questioned the effectiveness or necessity of bracing, and with his own clinical experience with patients who do not wear a brace post-surgery. Future research should concentrate on identifying sub-groups of patients who might derive more benefit from bracing than others -- for example, those who for some reason have a weakened graft or those who participate in especially high-risk sports.


    Trevor Birmingham, PT, PhD, associate professor, School of Physical Therapy and Canada Research Chair in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic, University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada.

  6. #6
    Inactive Member Kenith's Avatar
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    Re: It's Your Health...

    Health is very important to all of people. If you thin about your health is well then you should do exercise in morning and also you should do yoga. It is very useful for your health fitness. If you do this then you have never problem for health.
    [url=]Alternative Cancer Treatment[/url]

  7. #7
    Inactive Member mervadam's Avatar
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    Re: It's Your Health...

    Healthy health is most important to doing our all work are proper so tacking care of your health to doing more exercise and eating proper food. Avoid more junk and fatty food is really good to maintain good health. Drink more water and green tea is good for you. Join the Gym is good think to growing your muscles and body.
    [url=]printed pencils[/url]

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    Junior Hostboard Member harry09's Avatar
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    Re: It's Your Health...

    It is very important to take care of health. I think there is no difference between a sick person and a dead person.

  9. #9
    Senior Hostboard Member lonasin's Avatar
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    Re: It's Your Health...

    I always do sports to get the perfect body. But the best assistant in this are the best vitamin supplements for training. Vitamin supplements are a more pure form for keeping the body in good shape, for myself I use a nutritional supplement, the description of which is on the site . If you want to look great and your goal is to have a beautiful body, I recommend trying vitamin supplements for training.

  10. #10
    Junior Hostboard Member JaneBult's Avatar
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    Re: It's Your Health...

    I think you need to have some time to yourself and rest. Or you can try going to the gym to relax and feel refreshed, and gummies with Delta-9 THC can be good for your exercise. You can find out more on this site cbd oil and I am sure you will find a way to solve your problem.

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