Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are...

Autumn is nearly here, and this time of year things get a little public
in the World of Wicca. After all, there are Pagan Pride Day
celebrations all over the place that we want to attend, and with
Samhain right around the corner, you can be sure the local news
channels will drag out a heavily-made- up black-clad Pagan to get on
television and explain Why Wicca Isn't Satanism. All well and good --
and it's a time of year when a lot of people begin considering coming
out of the broom closet. After all, Wicca and Paganism is all over the
news in the fall -- and thanks to Bunky Bartlett, even more people are
becoming aware of its existence -- so if you've been thinking
about "coming out", maybe now's not such a bad time to do so. On the
other hand, for some folks it might not be such a good idea.