you'd be surprised at how much cash you can make
doing that kinda shit....
but 'you yard' is funny [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Well KN, i didn't have the camera with me, it was still in the car, and I didn't have my dock hooked up, so i would have had to set that up it would have taken a good five minutes, and i didn't want to do it...
but i've done it here it is...sorry if it takes a while to load, i didn't want to shrink it any more than i did....
You Yard
you'd be surprised at how much cash you can make
doing that kinda shit....
but 'you yard' is funny [img]tongue.gif[/img]
I wouldn't be suprised at all, I've got a friend who does it [img]wink.gif[/img]
He must do a great job decorating yards, with hte fantastic work he's done on his sign. ANd really thorough, too.
You oughta ring him and tell him what a jerk he is.
Ha, that reminds me. at schoolies, we had mailboxes for our apartments (which I never knew until I saw it while walking home drunk) so I grabbed all I could, and looked at it all. one was like "desperately seeking tickets for grand prix etc, call this number".. so I called the dude and he's like "nah that was ages ago mate" and I kept yapping to him in a drunken stupor. he must have been really confused
Kirk does that shit for rich people...he makes a shitload doing it...
<font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS, Verdana">Yea....that's what i meant with this post, i dont' know why i just didn't say KirkOriginally posted by GravyTrain:
I wouldn't be suprised at all, I've got a friend who does it [img]wink.gif[/img]
Hahaha that reminds me.. Today, on the way home from me getting my license, there was a mitsubishi ute in front of us, and you know how it says M I T S U B I S H I on the back of their utes, the dude got white paint or something and put a T on the end of it.. it was piss funny.. AND, later on, there was a parked car with the number plate 'TORIA' .. and because of the great state we live in, above it there was 'Vic'
That is a link to an ebay auction that italipino pointed out to me. If you will read the bold red letter at the top of the description, you will understand.
THANKS ITALIPINO.....<font size="1">great party [img]biggrin.gif[/img] </font>
some asains fundraising in the mall the other day for something... sooth instead of south... thats all i have. sorry it wasnt funnier with pictures or a great story... [img]smile.gif[/img]