haha yeah, i remember.. cant blame the man for trying.
*delete this farging post*
<font color="#990000" size="1">[ April 21, 2005 09:37 PM: Message edited by: JazZ MasTeR J ]</font>
haha yeah, i remember.. cant blame the man for trying.
Dean sucks. He tried to make me sleep with him.. HA! Remember that? Nick? Adam in particular.. he's the one who came to my rescue [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Oh yes I can [img]mad.gif[/img]
<font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS, Verdana">i need to know more about this...i didnt' know it was possible to "make" someone sleep with you. (not counting rape which is illegal in our country)Originally posted by Babi BootifuL:
Dean sucks. He tried to make me sleep with him..
Nah.. I went to Dean's house with Adam and Nick..
He more or less took my pillow and doona and put it in his Dad? or Mum's? room (we were all home alone) and set me up in the double bed with him.
I realised what he had done.. went and told Adam to go get my stuff and put it in the family room with him and Nick.
So yeah.. literally "sleep" [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Hahahah, that was all a pisser! Nice of you to bring that photo from year 9 into it nick, made me lol like a mofo
hahaha... he was probably just setting you up it the most comfortable bed and had no ulterior motive..
good o' Pin. always putting everyone else before him. [img]tongue.gif[/img]
<font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS, Verdana">That's what I was afraid of..Originally posted by nickhead:
always putting everyone else before him. [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Rape is illegal in the US DJ? Man, that really is a messed up country you live in...
As for Pin, I totally agree with Amy, he's a poof.