it doesn't turn me on either....i would hope that it turns no one on that posts on this board....and if it does turn you on to stand in your own pee....let me know, i would like to ban you from this board and then infect your computer with a virus.....
but besides the point....i can see how it is gross for females to not want to pee in the shower....but guys have aiming capability....and after 23 years of practice, i have learned to aim pretty well and can basically hit the drain 85% of the time.
and in a shower...all the water is pushing the urine back to the drain...that little amoutn of urine that didn't hit the drain at first.....
also, i guess i realize that i'm in the shower anyways, if i'm going to get some on me....i can just wash it off immediately...
ok, it doesn't matter to me that people don't like to do it, i just found it a bit surprising....i guess that was my thing learned for the day.