good plan [img]graemlins/thumbs_up.gif[/img]
This is the third time this has happened, and i'm sick of it...
my back just starts hurting....
the first time happened probably about a year ago or so...i was winding the winch on the front of my truck up and i was having to apply some serious pressure to the wire because it was getting off track....well after i was done, i went inside and went inside to load up some of my stuff and when i picked up my backpack...that couldn't have weighed more than 10 pounds or back just gave out...and i all but fell to the ground in pain...
i couldn't move for the next 3 days straight...
about 6 months ago or so, i was picking up a desk at cristi's aunt's house and when i picked it up, i got the same pain in my back and was not able to do anything physical for the next couple of hours..
and finally today, i was picking up and moving some boxes for the boss here at work, and after a few trips of carrying these boxes of paper, my back once again got that pain, and i am currently out of commission...
what sucks is i have been telling my wife i was going to help her carry a bunch of boxes in her trunk up to the apartment tonight, but now i don't know if i'm going to be able to or not.....
we will have to see how it is feeling in the next hour...
but seriously....i'm sick of my back.
<font color="#000099" size="1">[ November 21, 2003 06:13 PM: Message edited by: GravyTrain ]</font>
good plan [img]graemlins/thumbs_up.gif[/img]
I'd say it's something to do with lifting things. [img]graemlins/smarty.gif[/img]
Not good to hear my love [img]frown.gif[/img]
Mr Brendan, have you ever considered becoming a doctor?
well, i have taken 4 naporsens (sp?) and 1 very strong pain i feel pretty good
the test will be how i handle tonight's sleep...tomorrow during the day i will be sitting in a chair all day, and i still have to load and unload my 19" monitor and my tower tomorrow...twice...
then i have the 3 hour drive to fayetteville, a nice night's sleep on a couch, and then a 6-7 hour drive to kansas city to look forward to in the next couple of days....that will be the true test to see how my back holds up....i'm not looking forward to it.
Good timing, eh? [img]frown.gif[/img]
<font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS, Verdana">Actually...... do you recall Dr. Brendan's World Of Advice? I know Adam does.Originally posted by Babi BootifuL:
Mr Brendan, have you ever considered becoming a doctor?
*high fives Adam*
Yes, yes I do.. Fark that was a long time ago..
*high fives*
That shit was whack. Bring back the doctor within brendan! It was cool when people you didn't know asked for advice.
It was also cool when I had people asking proper questions and not just "am i gay?" or "are you gay?" or "is ___ gay?"... man those kinda questions were gay.