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Thread: New RPG's ???

  1. #1
    Inactive Member stingger's Avatar
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    Can anyone recommend a RPG as good as Diablo 2 or 1 ???

    I have tryed Icewind Dale but found it to complicated...or is Diablo "The Top Standard"?

    Other RPG's I have played and liked are:-
    Final Fantasy VII & VIII.
    Breath Of Fire 3.
    Vandal Hearts.

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Terygon's Avatar
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    Gwaa, I thought you meant real RPGs, the kind you get a bunch of people together to play and interact with.

    Sorry, stingger, I don't know much about the topic. While I can see the appeal of the games, I've been sort of boycotting them 'cause they stole the name and I really don't see much if any role-playing in them.

    I'm willing to be converted though. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner Branflakes's Avatar
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    stingger: I've heard good things about the Baulder's Gate series and NeverWinter Nights. There's also EverQuest. My gf has friends who play that one a lot. I've never played any of the games, though. Let me know what you find.

    Terygon: Both have their good and bad. I like them both, but don't consider them the same thing. From what I've heard about EverQuest, it's the "closest" thing to real role-playing. It's still a video game, though. [img]wink.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Inactive Member stingger's Avatar
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    Baulders gate I think was same company that makes Icewind Dale...not as easy to get going as Diablo.

    Everquest I'll have to check...if its same company as above ones [img]frown.gif[/img]

    For Terygon I would say give Diablo 2 a spin, especially as its gone low price now after being out for a while. Diablo one on PC IMO sucks, you can't save your character with anything new you pick up in game unlike the PSX time I think the PSX version out guns the PC version.

    So what RPG's do you play in real time then Terygon?? any gamesworkshop ones ??

  5. #5
    Inactive Member Terygon's Avatar
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    If I can ever afford a game system I'll take your suggestions (we have my Fuzzy's old Sega Genesis that I occasionally pull out to play "Toe Jam and Earl" or "Sonic Spinball" on).

    RPGs I play, hum? Well, I'm mostly a World of Darkness girl, although it's been said that the way Fuzzy game masters it, it's more of a 'World of Murky Greyness", but I like it that way. I mostly like Mage, with some Werewolf and/or Changeling thrown in. I'm really fond of my Olmec Celestial Chorister, Cruz, who's helped clean two corrupted Node/Caerns, helped repel a 'Martian Invasion' and become part of a Werewolf's pack. Oh, and she's Bastet kinfolk.

    I've been playing D&D and Shadowrun, both mostly because friends like them and offer to run. I had a really cool Halfling thief named Siobhan whose claim to fame was stealing an archmage's tower (yes, the whole thing) but couldn't make a back-stabbing roll to save her life. Literally. The GM retired the campaign soon after the tower thing. She was 2nd edition, but I like the d20 version of the rules a little better.

    When it comes to Games Workshop, all I know is Warhammer and WH 40K. I'm trying to get a Sisters of Battle army together, but it's tough on a tight budget. What RPGs do they put out?

    (I hope I'm not side-tracking this thread where no-one else wants it to go.)

  6. #6
    HB Forum Owner Branflakes's Avatar
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    Everquest is created or at least partially owned by Sony Online. I think you have to subscribe monthly to keep playing it online. I don't know if there is a single-player version. They have EverQuest 2 coming out soon which has some impressive graphics. I'm too afraid to try it cause I KNOW I'll become addicted.

    As much as I love Diablo II, I'm not convinced it's an ideal RPG as Tery might like. It's a bit heavy on the slash-and-go action. But, that's just my opinion. And it is cheap now. Plus the expansion pack really turned it into a great game. Again, I AM addicted to it.

    And don't worry, Tery, I may not know any of the games you're talking about, but I like reading about them. [img]biggrin.gif[/img] Makes me want to get involved in RPG's again one day.

  7. #7
    Inactive Member Kamikaze's Avatar
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    In my opinion, Baldur's Gate (Interplay) is by far and away the greatest CRPG ever made. It's put out by Interplay and has one official expansion:Tales of the Sword Coast; and one unofficial expansion that's really worth checking outark Side of the Sword Coast. This is and RPG straight out of AD&D. It has a good mix of hack-n-slash and character interaction.

    Baldur's Gate II:Shadows of Amn (Interplay) has a lot more emphasis on character interaction allowing you to start and mantain romances with various NPC's that are part of your party. It has one official expansion:Throne of Bhaal (which is more of a seperate game since you can't travel back and forth between the game areas); and many unofficial expansions, one of note is The Darkest Day (I haven't personally played TDD because I could never really get into BGII).

    Icewind Dale (Interplay) is a very linear hack-n-slash game with few side quests. What sets ID apart from BG and BGII is you do not get the chance to pick up any NPC's. You play the game with the party you start with. Good for those who like to control everything about their characters but cuts down on the interaction between party members. ID has one official expansion:Heart of Winter; one official free download only expansion:Trials of the Luremaster; and several small unofficial add-on's.

    Icewind Dale II (Interplay) is virtually identical to ID in gameplay and style. The biggest difference that sets it apart from the previous games is it's incorporation of the 3rd edition D&D ruleset. This game currently has no expansions that I know of being so new.

    Planescape Torment (Interplay) is one that I've only recently acquired a working copy of so have not yet been able to actually play it. It is however based on the AD&D ruleset so should play similar to other such games.

    The above five games plus expansions all use the critically and commercially acclaimed Infinity Engine, which aside from allowing great gameplay, allows fans to easily hack the game and create their own mod's especially using certain free online tools. Anyone can modify the game files to suit their "desires". Want to level up every time you gain 1 xp, possible, but could (and likely will) kill the enjoyment. These games tend to involve HUNDREDS of hours of play each, unlike many console based RPG's.

    Interplay has also put out 13 old (we're talking DOS games here) AD&D games in a collection. These include:Eye of the Beholder I,II, and III: Pool of Radiance; Curse of the Azure Bonds; Secret of the Silver Blades; Pools of Darkness; Gateway of the Savage Frontier; Treasure of the Savage Frontier; Hillsfar; Blood & Magic; Menzoberranzan; and Dugeon Hack. One of the two versions of the collection I've found includes a one-disk demo of Baldur's Gate.

    Fallout and Fallout 2 (Interplay) are two post-apocalyptic RPG's that put a small spin on the character creation process but have little in the way of actual interaction.

    Soulbringer (Interplay) is another one that I've been unable to yet play, but is sitting in the stack waiting its turn. This one is not based on any version of D&D, and apparently uses its own unique set of rules.

    Dungeon Master II:The Lengend of Skullkeep (Interplay) apparently has a bug in the setup program, not even allowing you to start the game. A free online patch is supposed to fix this, but I've been having trouble making it work so I can't say much about the value of this RPG.

    The above are all CRPG's that I own. The below are one's that I've either played a demo for or have heard about.

    Dungeon Seige has great graphics. Infact, that was all anyone was really saying about it when it was in production. Having played a demo on a midrange machine, I'll say it did have pretty good graphics and a fairly inventive gamestyle. However the damn thing crashed before I got too far. Of course demos do that, but I didn't feel like restarting.

    Divinity was a really great demo I got ahold of and has convinved me to buy it when I finally manage to save up enough money. Definitly recommended to try especially if you can find a free demo of to take it for a test run.

    Everquest looks like a really good game, but I personally refuse to play it. First, you have to buy the $50 game. Then you have to pay I think $20 a month just to play it. If you want to stay on top, then you have to buy the four or five expansions available for between $30 and $40 apiece. I have something against paying the company to have a copy and then paying to play that same copy. The sequel coming out will work the same (buy the software, pay to play). Their is a Playstation 2 version as well. I don't know if it's online or not.

    Neverwinter Nights (made by the same people that brought you Baldur's Gate) is supposed to be the big daddy of all CRPG's and finally bring the PnP (Pen and Paper) quality to a computer. The single player version appears to be good, but, it's the multiplayer side which is getting all the attention. This allows a group of players to get together and play a game. Sounds simple right? Here's the kicker, the game allows one person to not only create his very own unique campaign but allows him to play Dungeon Master. The DM can either take a passive role and allow the game to play out as he designed it or take a more active role and even take over the monsters currently fighting the party. The company has included the same tools they used to make the game so that fans could have an easier time of making mods than with the Infinity Engine. NN uses the Aurora engine, which appears to have displaced the IE as the company's future engine of choice. It has been said that virtually every single D&D module ever put out by TSR has been recreated in NN. Neverwinter uses the 3rd edition D&D rules so the fans of old might feel left out in the cold.

    And personally, I don't play real-life RPG's. Just not my thing.

  8. #8
    HB Forum Owner Branflakes's Avatar
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    Great info, Kam! Wow. That should help you out, stingger. [img]biggrin.gif[/img]

  9. #9
    Inactive Member stingger's Avatar
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    Red face

    Yes I think I am in a minority, not likeing Blauders gate,ice wind dale and the rest.

    I crave simpler ones lol ... simple game for simpleton.

    I want a cross between diablo/final fantasy/breath of fire 3.

    A diafantfire VIIVI (the sequal) [img]smile.gif[/img]

    real RPG I'm Blood-Bowl (GW) but more so as a
    figure collector and painter.

  10. #10
    Inactive Member Terygon's Avatar
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    Our resident D&D GM is talking about getting a computer campaign together using Neverwinter Nights. We'll see how that works.

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