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Thread: PSD Files -Interlude-

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    HB Forum Owner Argus Steele's Avatar
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    Case file #672398-2180

    Daemons and the Science Fiction/Alien connection ...

    -By Tohmaz A. Steele

    This is my take on some of the movies that introduce us to the fact that we are NOT alone on this big blue marble ...

    Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

    Roy Neary sets out to investigate a power outage when his truck stalls and he is bathed in light from above. After this, strange visions and five musical notes keep running through his mind. Will he find the meaning of the visions, and who - or what - placed them in his mind ?

    Planes reported missing in 1945 suddenly appear in the Mojave desert. A commercial flight is buzzed by a 'bright' object that the pilot 'wouldn't know how to describe'. Roy Neary, while working one night, has a Close Encounter... The US Government determine where the visitors plan to land and create an elaborate cover-up to keep people away. However, a group of people, including Neary, share a vision which draws them to the place and a meeting with new, and old, friends.

    "My take on this? It was one of the first REAL movies to touch base on what's been going on for generations, well before Independence day and their sorry version of Area 51. This movie was meant to test America's concerns that there just MIGHT be something out there. Needless to say it was received rather well, due to the Hollywood influence. The Daemons knew they had something. This went beyond the black and white movies with Frankenstein, The wolf man, Dracula, you get the picture. What better way to up the ante, test the waters by giving us a little better taste into their world?"

    E. T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

    While visiting the Earth at Night, a group of alien botanists is discovered and disturbed by an approaching human task force. Because of the more than hasty take-off, one of the visitors is left behind. The little alien finds himself all alone on a very strange planet. Fortunately, the extra-terrestrial soon finds a friend and emotional companion in 10-year-old Elliot, who discovered him looking for food in his family's garden shed. While E. T. slowly gets acquainted with Elliot's brother Michael, his sister Gertie as well as with Earth customs, members of the task force work day and night to track down the whereabouts of Earth's first visitor from Outer Space. The wish to go home again is strong in E. T., and after being able to communicate with Elliot and the others, E. T. starts building an improvised device to send a message home for his folks to come and pick him up. But before long, E. T. gets seriously sick, and because of his special connection to Elliot, the young boy suffers, too. The situation gets critical when the task force finally intervenes. By then, all help may already be too late, and there's no alien spaceship in sight.

    "My take ... Once again, another testing of the waters in the form of a HARMLESS alien, that SOMEHOW forms a connection with a Earth child. Riiiiight. C'MON!!! Did anyone even bother to guess WHY they were there to begin with??? Checking out our plant life??? Sure. Whatever you say. They learned they could bond with our children, positives and negative results. Did I mention this movie was ALSO directed by the SAME guy who did Close Encounters???? These buggers just DON'T think these things up on their own, you know."

    V (1983) (TV)

    Aliens pretending to be friendly come to Earth and are received openly. The aliens have masqueraded themselves to look just like humans. When it is discovered that the aliens' planet is dying and that they have come to rape the Earth of its natural resources, the war for Earth begins. An important key to the humans' success is distinguishing the their own from the aliens.

    The main cities of Earth are surprisingly visited by fifty-one huge alien spacecrafts, and their leader introduces themselves as a friend people looking for cooperation with earthlings. Sooner, they blame the scientists of sabotage and uprising against the visitors. The journalist Mike Donovan (Marc Singer) discloses the real intentions and the reptile appearance of the aliens, while groups of people organize resistance against the invaders.

    A year after Liberation Day, courtesy of the red-dust bacteria, the humanoid, lizard-like aliens develop a resistance to the micro-organism and try to regain control of the Earth--only now some humans are knowingly working with them.

    This series features the characters from the two mini-series about aliens coming to Earth claiming to be friends but in reality have an ulterior motive. The aliens may have been beaten in the mini-series but there are still a lot of them out there. In this series, Nathan Bates, the industrialist who manufactures the biological weapon that was used to defeat the aliens, wants to get his hands on the aliens' technology, so that he could profit from it, makes a deal with Diana, the alien leader. Rebel leaders, Mike Donovan, Ham Tyler, and Julie Parish know that Diana can't be trusted, so they are constantly trying to figure out what Diana is up to and stop her.

    "My take? This is the adult version of E. T ... Note how we humans will do whatever it takes to be on top? They play on our greed, like pigs to the slaughter."

    They Live (1988)

    This science fiction thriller is about a group of aliens who try to take over the world by disguising themselves as Young Republicans. Nada, a drifter who makes his way into an immense encampment for the homeless. There he stumbles upon a conspiracy concerning aliens who have hypnotized the populace through subliminal messages transmitted through television, magazines, posters, and movies. When Nada looks through special Ray-Bans developed by the resistance leaders, the aliens lose their clean-cut "Dan Quayle" looks and resemble crusty-looking reptiles. Nada joins the underground, teaming up with rebel-leader Frank to eradicate the lizard-like aliens from the body politic.

    "My take? This was one of those movies that not too many took very seriously. That's what they were shooting for folks!!! Make it silly enough, and who would give that notion a second thought?? They are out there ... And no pun intended? They Live."

    Closing thoughts - "Not EVERY movie out there has ties to the Daemons, but if you want a percentage? 86% and climbing every year. Hollywood has done its job to create a comfort zone about aliens and our ability to over come those stacked odds no matter what. Lets us sleep well at night, all snug and warm, knowing we are indeed the most dominant species in the world, galaxy, and universe. Yeah right. We are to the Daemons what pigs, chickens, fish, and cows are to us. Now that's food for thought, huh?"

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    HB Forum Owner Argus Steele's Avatar
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    Case File #753241-221410
    Demons, Daemons, and all points inbetween

    By Jared Rico

    Due to recent events, I have reason to update this particular file, offering more insight on the role the daemons/demons play in all of this. As history or Hollywood would have it, demons were always classified either male or female. That's not actual, nor factual. I guess it's easier to fantasize about the alternative. Here, let me break it down for you with several examples.

    In medieval legend, a succubus (plural succubi) is a demon which takes the form of a female to seduce men (especially monks) in dreams to have sexual intercourse. They draw energy from the men to sustain themselves, often until the point of exhaustion or death of the victim. According to the Malleus Maleficarum, or "Witches' Hammer", succubi would collect semen from the men they slept with, which incubi would then use to impregnate women. Children so begotten were supposed to be more susceptible to the influence of demons.

    In some beliefs the succubi would morph into the Incubus with its newly collected semen ready to impregnate their victims. This was to account for the fact that demons could not reproduce naturally, however the incubus could impregnate women.

    From the 16th century, the carving of a succubus on the outside of an inn indicated that the establishment also operated as a brothel.

    In Western medieval legend, an incubus (plural incubi) is a demon in male form supposed to lie upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sexual intercourse with them. The Incubus drains energy from the woman it performs sexual intercourse upon in order to sustain itself. In most cases it either kills the victim or leaves the victim in very weak or fragile condition.

    In religion, folklore, and mythology a demon is a supernatural being that has generally been described as a malevolent spirit. A demon is frequently depicted as a force that may be conjured and insecurely controlled. The "good" demon in recent use is largely a literary device (e.g., Maxwell's demon), though references to good demons can be found in Hesiod and Shakespeare. In common language, to "demonize" a person means to cast aspersions on them.

    The words daemon and daimon, sometimes d?mon, are used purposely today to distinguish the daemons of Greek mythology, good or malevolent "supernatural beings between mortals and gods, such as inferior divinities and ghosts of dead heroes, a malignant spirit that can possess humans."

    This in turns plays into those seven deadly sins that the demon/daemon community knows better that us mere mortals, and they use this knowledge to exploit our weaknesses, especially those of flesh.

    I guess that expalins the booming porn business, the movies and the internet. No man can be THAT huge/long, or the women getting their chest enhanced to the point where they can't even STAND??? That's plain scary ... Unless you're into that sort of thing.

    And that's what they are banking on. I just got through watching a campy b-grade DVD entitled ...

    Flesh for the Beast (2003)
    Turn-of-the-century occultist Alfred Fischer acquires a mystical medallion and conjures up a trio of ravishing, ravenous demons from the depths of hell. Taking the form of beautiful women, the succubus beasts demand a steady diet of fresh human prey that only a mortal human servant can provide.

    Almost a century after Fischer meets his mysterious demise, a crack team of six parapsychologists investigate the manor and former brothel only to face an obstacle course of the seductive, sexy beasts, the madman owner with a satanic secret, and a horde of zombies making up of past victims bent on a rampage of carnal slaughter!

    That one hits TOO close to home, dude!!!!!

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