Once Brehnic was convinced that Eve wasn't an Agent, he let the mini-reunion take place. "Don't forget, time is a luxury we don't have right now, and we've been lucky so far."

Evan made a face as Brehnic went back into the media room, then nudged Jara out of the way for a hug of his own. "Don't mind Mr. Kill Joy there. Finding you is the best news we've had in days! I wasn't sure Lilith could pull it off!"

Then came the sound of a hand smacking the back of his head, and Jara plopped down beside the pair, with a semi-smile of her own. "Be nice, Evan. If not for Brehnic, you'd be Daemon food. How you feelin', buddy?"

"He's tense. I don't blame him." Eve gave her shoulders a roll and leaned in for the hug, swinging her legs off the couch to sit up better. "I feel like someone's popped me in the head, behind my eyes." Yep, that was what she meant. Not between them, but behind them. There was a dull ache settled in there, and a tingle that reminded her of a waking limb. "So, while I'm extremely glad to see you guys, who wants to fill me in?"

"What do you want to know first?" Evan and Jara spoke at the same time, then laughed.

Eve gave the two of them a look, then one corner of her mouth quirked in a half-smile. "Yeah, you two make a cute couple. But I want to know ... well ... everything. Like exactly what's going on here?" Her brows drew together in a thoughtful frown. "The last thing I remember *before* I woke up to that apparent hell was Tohmaz saying - " And there, right there, Eve cut herself off abruptly, mouth snapping shut with a click of teeth, and her cheeks colored a little. Oh. Funny, but it was fuzzy until she tried to verbalize it. " - And then being hit with some power that *burned*. And then ... And then I woke up there." Those events were a bit *too* clear, really.

Evan was giving Eve the *look.* "What's with the redness?"

Jara was *so* all over this one! She smacked her knee with a devious grin. "That's right! I had forgotten all about that!"

Evan was now looking back and forth at the two girls, chomping at the bit. "Wha-wha-wha-wha-what?"

But then, something amazing happened: Jara showed *mercy!* Her smile softened, expression changing to one of total seriousness. "Bloody Cromwell caught us with our knickers down, tha' was fer sure. I woke up here, wit' no one else in sight. She can tell you better than I can." Jara rose up from the couch long enough to point in the direction of Lilith, whom was sitting by a window, staring out of it and paying them no attention. Her usually storm cloud greys were instead obsidian black, which was, physically, the only telltale difference between the two.

Evan nodded. "Yeah, she saved my bacon, too. I thought it was you at first, from the whole guess-who's-been-sleeping-in-my-bed episode from before. She pulled some whacked out mojo on me that caused me to remember everything, and we located Jara shortly after. It was like being in Resident Evil Six or something."

She was giving Jara the *look.* Jara ... Jara *didn't* tell it all? Eve opened her mouth to ask who she was and what she'd done with Jara Rico, then snapped it shut again. No. That joke was *waaaay* too bad, given the circumstances! "Yeah, creepy. But, um, is she the one that was doing the murders, or no?" Well, at least she and Eve weren't *total* mirror images; the eye color was subtle and major all at once. It made Eve recall, just a little *too* clearly, the specter she'd seen for so long - save that she'd had no eyes to speak of. "So I haven't seen Steele; who else are we missing?" Coming around there made things a little blurry. Evan, Jara, Brehnic, even EveX/Lilith. She didn't remember seeing Arion or Devantious or Jared yet either, but they might have just gotten lost in the blur.

"Well, there's been no Steele - *any* of them. Brehnic's been working non-stop to find any sort of lead, an- "

Lilith addressed those present then, her voice quiet, sounding almost haunted. "That is because he simply refuses to accept the fact that we are in an Alternate Reality, and none of his base theories will hold much weight here, despite what his eyes have seen." And just like that, she went silent once more, her gaze never leaving the window.

Evan stared at her for a few seconds after that, then suppressed a chill of his own, whispering. "Okay, she scares the living shyte outta me, in that breaking glass sort of way."

Jara glanced over at her as well, then looked back to Eve. "Seems that she found Brehnic first, before the two of them went looking for others. As you've seen outside, it's all Silent Hill out there." Leaning in closer, Jara whispered. "She has a spirit inside her, Eve. She's possessed, but nothing like I've seen before."

She eyed Lilith for a moment before scooting to the edge of the seat, and trying getting to her feet. Oh, look, she was even steady now. Lilith *was* on the scary side of things, and had a way of making the skin along the back of her neck prickle, the line of her spine positively freeze. "Yeah, I have to agree with that." She spent a moment peering out the same window Lilith looked through, considering what she'd said. "So we can't find him because he won't believe what's really going on?" Well, that was sort of what it sounded like Lilith had said, anyway, and it proved a bit confusing to Eve. She drew a breath as if to say something else, then turned and headed for the media room.

Jara grabbed Eve by the arm and nudged her towards where Lilith was sitting. "You *really* need to talk to her. She won't speak to me or Brehnic much, and she talks a little around Evan. But *you*..." That's all she would say before letting her go. "C'mon, boy-toy. l'm having a munchie craving. Mebbe I'll fill you in on what Eve was blushin' about."

Evan followed suit, but not before messing up Eve's hair. "Oh, this just has to be good!" During all of this, Lilith made no effort to even look their way.

Oh, wonderful. Why was it she'd had the feeling she'd get to talk to the scary one? Eve shot Jara a look that said she'd get her back for this one later (and telling Evan what the blush was about!) before sighing and turning back to Lilith. Eve stared at the still figure for a moment before approaching, and rather than sitting down, she hooked her thumbs through her belt loops, studying the other female for a moment. "So when did you become Lilith?" Small talk, anyone? Not that she really expected an answer to that, but she thought she'd ask, given that she'd only known her as Eve-X, before.

"When the mirror shattered, and the glass broke."

Arching a brow delicately, Eve wondered what it was with that phrase. She'd used it herself so many times, and she'd heard it used countless times by her alternates. The tip of her tongue darted out to dampen her lips. "Why are you helping us?" Well, she seemed to be, at least.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Are you the one that was killing people, before?" Question for question.


"Mmm. You threw a blade at a mirror, when I Saw you once. It doesn't make sense to me as to why you'd kill people, threaten me, and then help us."

The bones could be heard popping in her neck, as Lilith's head turned to face Eve, as Linda Blairs' did in 'The Exorcist.' "That was your assumption. You see with my eyes, and I with yours. At times, you do not make sense."

"That's more often than you think." The turn of Lilith's head should have seriously freaked her out, she knew, but somehow Eve sublimated it, and didn't so much as bat an eyelash. "You don't know how to find any of the Steeles? Not at all?" She wasn't really sure *what* she was supposed to say to Lilith, and figured she'd get another negative response.

"Lord Cromwell has them well hidden. We were lucky to find you - or perhaps it was a simple delay tactic on his part. Wait. She wishes to speak with you now."

Her head slowly turned back to where it was before, and the chill in the air seemed to lessen noticeably. The girl rubbed her eyes as if awakening from a deep sleep, and when she fully turned to face Eve, it was indeed like looking into a mirror, stormy grays included. Blinking several times, she had the near-trademark empty doll-eyed expression, before simply saying, "Hey."

"Okay, that was even more creepy." Eve was staring at her counterpart suspiciously. "So let me guess: You're Eve-X, and the *spirit* inhabiting you is Lilith?" *Duh* Eve! It had taken longer to dawn on her, but it made more sense to her now; before, she'd simply thought it a moniker taken on by Eve-X in an effort to distance herself somehow. "But, um, yeah. Hey." Awkward, anyone?

"Sorry. I'm really trying to get her to open up more. That Mr. Roboto personality thing ... " She cringed. "Ugh. But let me fill in the blanks for you. Those visions you've been having are side effect from you and me being connected. Lilith only comes out to 'play' when she senses another Daemon's presence. We've got something of a system: I seduce them to get them alone, and when they think they have a human prey, *we* get them instead. For some reason, they can't sense her in me. So we're like some paranormal bounty hunter."

"So you have some warped little partnership. Okay, creepy on its own, but I can understand that. At least she's after the Daemons. I'm taking it she isn't going to let you stay out long?" More helpful with Eve-X at the front, probably, but given their surroundings ... "What's with the ink?" It popped into her mind suddenly, and in the circumstances, it was an odd question.

"We switch as needed. She finds Jara amusing, and has never seen a male version of us before, so she's studying Evan, per se. Oooh, the ink? Hell if I know. The idea just popped into my head. You?"

"Jara dragged me to the tattoo parlor, and we both got inked while she drooled over the artist. I also got my ears and belly button pierced." A shrug. "So she's watching Evan?" Blink. And she glanced back the way the two had gone.

"She's the one that saved him. He was almost captured by Cromwell's goon squad.

"Belly button, huh? I thought about getting my tongue done.

"... Okay, getting off track here. My bad. We were keeping an eye on you, keeping an eye on us. Cromwell's been using folks to be his eyes and ears - like that poor doctor. She almost caught me with an ax!"

"Okay, that explains where that one came from." Spoken with the slight arch of her brow. She opened her mouth, hesitated, then asked anyway. "Okay, so while I've got you out here...do you have the slightest idea what she Saw or Felt in the mirror that day that did that to her?"

"... Now that I think about it, no. And she won't speak about it, either. Kind of spooky when there's something that can scare a Daemon, huh?"

Brehnic picked that moment to make himself known once again. "Fine. There is a Fantasy Realm out there, and it is called Rhydin. Jara was able to get a lock on it - but if we could, so could Cromwell."

Eve-X winked at her 'twin' before giving way to Lilith once more. "Then we must make haste, for that is where you shall find the three."

"Rhydin. Yeah, why didn't I think of that? That's where they said all that stuff with Christian Christ went down, so it kind of make sense that that's where they'd end up again. In a warped kind of way, I guess." Eve shrugged, straightening from her lean on the window. "Oh, hey, Brehn ... That reminds me ..." And with a little grin at her 'twin,' Eve turned to follow Brehnic back. "What was with the look before, hmm? When I said Evan's name?"

"... We don't have time for this right now." He headed back into the media room, where Evan was putting the final touches on a very interesting looking gizmo. "We are set to go in five minutes, folks. Eve, better hold on to something, because usually the rides are anything but fun." After everyone was inside the room, Brehnic closed the door behind them. Lilith was well ... Lilith, staring at them all, while not staring at them at all.

Brehnic was keeping his distance from Eve at the moment, apparently unwilling to reveal what he knew - at least, not just yet. "And five. Four. Three. Two - " Reality began to slow down around the group, and the sensation of falling *really* fast came next.

"Next stop: Rhydin. I hope." Jara thwaped Evan in the back of the head for that comment.

"Code words for 'I don't wanna talk about it.' Okay, got you, but keep in mind that I will be asking again later." She didn't like the feeling that something was pointedly being with held from her. The expression on her face when she spoke the words said it all, before she shook it off and moved to brace herself.

It was a strange feeling, Reality apparently slowing down. The breath she'd been exhaling even seemed to hang in her chest, just before the dropping feeling. Despite herself, Eve yelped. It was like being on the rocket ride from hell!