Our complete cast of Heroes (before the ether expelled Lynliss) spent a very long time exploring a small portion of The Abyss. Endless dreaery landscape with no sun or moon and a sense of forboding and despair led the characters on a trudging quest to get the Hell ..um Abyss.. out of there. They saw the fabled River Styx, a gazillion pits and craters, and approached too close for comfort a mountain with an iron fortress. While Merilin would have gladly led the heroes there, the flying demons in the air and demonic hordes upon the ground made this an unpopular decision. And so you went in the other direction and kept walking.

The party would never have starved to death, having three magical items that would prevent such, items once thought to be quaint tricks now turned out to be potentially life saving. A quick fight against some bestial demons was the most exciting aspect of the adventure. Aside from that, a lot of walking hiding and watching was done.

Finally Jaskyn took a gamble and had everyone join hands as he attempted a spell to get them out of there.

When last the characters were aware of anything, they were slowly, but painlessly, disintegrating.

Anyone who took part in the combat took 675 XP each