Allie, using her almost flawless abilities at stealth, moving silently and going unseen, manages to scope out the town, and discovers the following:

Just north of where you are, is a building, likely to be a barn or stable, judging by the attached pens and stalls. This building is populated by a fair number of orcs.

Just north of that, is The Golden Nugget Inn, which seems to be unoccupied.

In the center of the northern segment of town, in the once upon a time Temple of Tor, is now the Temple of Titus, and the High Priest seems to be a Bugbear of some prominence. Other bugbears seem to share the temple lair as his bodyguards.

The Mithral Mug Tavern is just south of this, and is oddly, uninhabited. However, the stables adjacent to this, just west of it, is where you can find a band of Gnolls.

Stables seem to be all the rage in humanoid dwellings, since the stable adjoining The Enchanted Mine Inn, is now the home of kobolds.

While there seem to be wandering bands of these creatures, and guards set up at all 4 city gates, they tend to stick to their areas.