Christmas has come and gone once again. Francis tried to tell us to prepare, and we fucked up again. Maybe in March we can meet to talk about Toby's gift for Christmas 2013. Some vaccuum cleaner bags or maybe a pencil holder would be good.
We need to get this assclown something this year. But what ?
how about some new floormats for his car?
Christmas has come and gone once again. Francis tried to tell us to prepare, and we fucked up again. Maybe in March we can meet to talk about Toby's gift for Christmas 2013. Some vaccuum cleaner bags or maybe a pencil holder would be good.
Another Christmas....over. We HAVE to get a present for this cock chugger in Dec. 2014. I suggest a Foreman Grill.
I get the joy of rediscovering you. Oh girl, just stand by me. I'm forever yours, faithfully.
I think Toby already has a Foreman Grill.
Tomorrow is Black Friday so maybe we can get something at 6AM at Wal Mart for him like a necktie?
you can always pound it through the uprights... if you're using a Norm Johnson.
Air fryers are hot. I got 5 bucks. Well, almost 5. $4.39