I went to [was required to; employee evaluation and all of that] a seminar given by a professional. She has her patients do this. She claims that it tells her a lot about them.

We have books. We have thousands of books. We are not all that organized. Every room has book shelves. There are books on tables, in piles in the corner and in various places. My office/computer room is full of shelves. I closed my eyes and picked a shelf [this excludes shelves containing technical stuff].

Here is what was on the shelf:

The Bastille, vol I & II Capt. and The Hon. , D. Bingham

The Second World War, vol 1 thru 6 , W. Churchill

The Federalist [Madison and others]

Hemingway, A Life Without Consequences, James Mellow

The Nighmare Years 1930-1940, William L. Shirer

Stalin, Edvard Radzinsky

Candide, Voltaire

Sherlock Holmes, Vol I & II. Arthur Conan Doyle

The Coming Plague, Laurie Garrett

Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck

The Lazarus Effect, Frank Herbert and Bill Ransom

Disraeli, Stanley Wintraub

The History of God, Karen Armstrong

I?m not sure what it says about me; except my books aren?t organized by subject. Try it. Then you can evaluate yourself.

Best Wishes,,,,