hello in Jesus? name!
A small time before I found the mission, i thought of looking into getting a game for a small diversion every once in a while. However, even during relaxing time, there?s time to learn and grow, so i didnt want to get a board game or otherwise when i could get an equal game that teaches something. i remembered my long gone magic days and started tossing around ccg ideas in my head.
?it should be realistic! when the players are done examing the works of satan, they should think to themselves after the game ?If someone were playing againts me, what card would they use on ME???
I ran into mission a few days later and was hook. I dropped big $$$ into it and have had fun. It?s a shame there?s not many card players, but me and my wife are movin to mexico anyway! would like someone to trade cards with tho!
Again, i really enjoy mission, i want it to continue, it?s horrible the state of Christian gaming, no one supports them. Why does the mormon church have so much money? forced tithes, what a conviction towards real christians, we should be giving out of love and sacrifice, yet the mormons surpass us! when a christian gets a good job, he thinks about himself not ?maybe God is giving me a good job so i can support those missionaries.? Que lastima!
So anyway, back to the topic.
Ezekiel guy, thank you. The cards make me think about myself, the artwork is great. (My only complaint might be ?lustful intensions? and ?revealing hidden sin? which i think are slightly too graphic, in their own separate ways of course).
Be unrelenting in showing real life, so when i play mission i think about what cards satan is playing on me, what strongholds is he exploiting?
>> How do you think The Mission should be changed when (if) a new set gets released?
You mentioned something about getting the unsaved to play. However, i believe that getting the unsaved to play to get them converted, and getting christians to grow, are opposite game styles. I cant see how you can have both in one game. The christian needs solid food, the unsaved needs to see his sin.
This is where i differ, i can?t see how any nonchristian can be convicted of his sins and his excuses disarmed through any medium other than one to one sharing. Sure some limited ground can be gained, but why in the world would two unsaved people say to themselves
Unsaved Person A: ?hey lets go play this game (or what this movie, or whatever)?
Unsaved Person B: ?yah is it good??
A: ?Well it?s going to show that we?re living as enemies of God, and what we hold dear in this life is an abomination to him and we deserve eternal **** for it. If it?s true, we?ll have to abandoned what we think is right, for what the holy benevolent creator knows to be good. Instead of our 20gig **** collection and illicit sex which gives us worldly pleasure for now and will leave us cold and empty and in **** , he says he offers righteousness so we won?t be found naked and guilty when the day in which he judges the world in righteouness comes. We broke God?s law, he paid our fine through Jesus. He can create in us a clean heart and give us new desires. And though he promises trial, tribulation and persecution; if we trust in him like a parachute steadfast till the end, we?ll enter into his eternal rest and hear him say ?Well done, you good and faithful servant!??
B: ?Joy!?
Ok i went overboard, i dont mean to step on toes, but i honestly believe that we must reach the unsaved one on one. Getting them to listen to our CDs, play our games, watch our TV wont convict them of sin.
Ok im done! more later maybe! give me your thoughts, brothers.
Yikes? you cant say H3ll here?