Hostboard is forever evolving in regard to the communities it serves. We see all types of communities and we do pay attention to the type of information being shared between both users and "guests". One of the main sticking points over the years is how we have dealt with adult oriented content and how it was being viewed unabated. Well, today we are announcing some new development surrounding the way this will be changing. Phase 2 will be announced at a later time and will continue to expand on how "adult content" is presented.
1. All registered users with a birthdate placing them under the age of 18 will be banned from ALL communities under; Adults, and Alternative Lifestyles. These users will appear in the BAN list in the HBCP and grayed out making them unselectable/editable. These users cannot be removed by Owners or Moderators. Members that were manually banned by Owners or Moderators can be edited as normal. Upon reaching the age of 18 the user ID will be removed from the ban list. Any new community created in these locations will have this implemented during its creation.
2. The META tag will be implemented across ALL these communities allowing for Parental Blocking Software to do its job.
3. An RTA image will be placed at the bottom of each of these communities, noting compliance.