Yep. The episode with the CSM was called "Musings of a Ciagrette Smoking Man"-- season 4. It was a great showcase for Bill Davis, he is really underused for all the screen time he gets. I think the interesting part about this episode is the character is given some depth; he's not just a strictly evil caricature.

I would have to really play fast an loose if I were to pick a single favorite episode; I think it would have to be the 2 parter 'Sein und Zeit" and "Closure". But then Again, the whole mytharc of "Biogenesis" "Amor Fati" and "Amor Fati: The Sixth Extinction" is stellar. Oh, wait-- "Post Modern Promethius" is a stand out.

Nope, dont think I can pick out one, but I can say that if Alex Krycek has a decent speaking line, it definitely ranks in the 90th percentile.....