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Thread: I voted, how about you?

  1. #61
    moderator CHERIECURRIE's Avatar
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    First and foremost, I have NEVER let just the articles and news make my judgements for me. All I have to do is look at Bush's face and hear his words (or lack there of) to know this is NOT the person I want as CAC!! He's an absolute IDIOT!!! Some people have a sence about things. I trust my gut. And yes, my life experiences have helped me learn to trust that gut instink.
    If you can't see the forest through the tree's, get comfortable with your flock of lambs being led to the slaughter!
    I am NOT a lamb and I am not a supporter of Bush's revenge war! If you are.. then go lose loved one, a leg, arm or your life. That's YOUR choice!!

  2. #62
    Inactive Member NewYorkJettster's Avatar
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    You had it right the first time AMG~ I don't need you feeling sorry for me either. Opinions are like ********, everyone has one. [img]biggrin.gif[/img]

  3. #63
    Inactive Member charlie c's Avatar
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    One basic quality I'd expect from a leader is honesty when putting pur troops in harms way.
    I don't feel "W" has delivered regarding Iraq.
    Look at whats about to happen in Fallujah. We had it surrounded ready to finish early in the year. It was not handled then for reasons determined by the admistration. Now they recognize the need for more action but hold off on the offensive until after the election.

    This is why politics stinks, how many Americans were killed our wounded in the months since we did not act on fallujah? How many insurgents/terroists got away to regroup and inflict more causalties since? Now with us sitting around fallujah waiting for the election to come and go how many insuregents snuck out and how much more effectivley have they been ready to to prepare?

    I don't favor what's going on in Iraq but if our troops are there let them do their job without politics jepordizing thier safety.

    How many folks voted for "W" becasuse they felt a democrat would make us "less safe".

    If you did, you bought into the republican fear mongering.

    The democrats or folks not as far right has "W" and his crew do also love America and are not any less patriotic. We just like to question our leadership if soemthing does not seem right.

    One more rant before I stop this coffee fuled post.

    The Bush crew "cheney, rumsfeld" the people that call the shots, date back to nixon days. Infact the Iraq war pans were on the table prior to the 1st gulf war.Rumsfeld and co. also funded Hussien back years ago.
    Does any one question the bush/cheney connection to Halliburton or the carlsye group? How much $ are his contributors hauling in?

    Hey he said the war would be done in 60 days and the iraq oil will fund it it's reconstruction...
    thats how the war sold to us along with the WMD'S.
    It did not happen.

    I'm sad at the outocome obviously from the election. We have "W" for 4 more years, I'd have some hope if he cleaned house and got some new folks around him. I suspect the only one that will quit will be the most honest and smartest.. Colin Powell.

    Any way enjoy Sunday.

  4. #64
    moderator gus danger's Avatar
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    Sporty! I wrote a whole big response to your post last night and then chose not to post it because I have come to value your friendship!
    Maybe you'll just acknowledge that NOBODY on this board has forgotten 911 and NOBODY on this board is an Iraqi hating fascist traitor and then we can simply agree to disagree!


  5. #65
    Inactive Member sparklelynx's Avatar
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    AMEN CHERIE!!! All I can say is if Cherie and Joan are running in 2008 - then I want to be Sec. of Defense. I have the Military experience to back me up and the bosses with b*a*l*l*s to stand by my decision's and make the right choices.

    CHERIE/JOAN FOR PRESIDENT/VICE PRESIDENT!!!! [img]graemlins/rose.gif[/img]

  6. #66
    Guest amusicalguy's Avatar


    Ok..let me answer these replies one at a time:
    NYJ...well it does seem to me that you do need to be felt sorry for since you don't seem to value thinking for oneself...too bad!
    Gus...Cherie wrote a book telling about all her bad choices and problems arising from them in if she didn't want anyone to comment on the choices she's made, then she shouldn't have written about them! I have never been a rear kisser, and won't start now! And yes Gus you must be living on an island there in liberal Tucson, since over 51% of the country voted for President Bush. Winning as he did by the largest number of votes in recent history IS a mandate! Gus...where exactly did I say everyone should not voice their opinions? What I said is the election is over, and the winner elected...and now it's time to come together as a nation and work to improve things so that everyone will be better off!!! Our founding fathers had a deep faith in a creator, and used their faith to guide them and bring about the most free and independent country in history. Maybe you find that a troubling fact, but I sure don't! What I do find troubling is the fact that far too many celebrities and politicians want to subvert our autonomy to powers outside of this country (ex. the United Nations) who are anti-democratic at best!!
    Cherie...I for one do NOT care who you voted for or didn't vote for. What I DO care about is when people state untruths as fact. And if you don't like or trust President Bush just by looking at his face, then what does that say about you??? I know where President Bush stands on issues, but I could never get a handle around exactly where John Kerry stood on things...I'm sure it had something to do with him being for and against almost every issue he ran on. A recount? What's next...a phone in vote? An internet ballot? Maybe we can just draw straws and the candidate with the biggest piece wins? Isn't it funny that only a very few disgruntled people are complaining about the electronic voting???? I find it funny too that no one in the media has talked about how many of President Bush's re-election campaign headquarters were broken into here in Florida and smashed to bits in the weeks prior to the election? Or that some people in Florida with Bush bumper stickers still on their cars have had them completely keyed up? This is NOT what the founding fathers of this country meant when they set up the rules that govern us. are a genius! I only wish more people here took a total view of the world as it really is like you do! Truly impressive!! [img]graemlins/thumbs_up.gif[/img] [img]biggrin.gif[/img]

  7. #67
    Inactive Member Sportyfan's Avatar
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    Gus, you could have posted it if you desired. I have a pretty high boiling point, so unless you called me bad names I could've handled it LOL. But seriously I didn't mean that anyone on this board had forgotten 9/11. What I did infer was that some may have forgotten why this war is going on. It was true that Saddam was giving money to families of people who blew themselves up in Israel. I think it was $25,000. He also made comments of supporting those who would attack us. That is part of the reason we are there. WMD? Iraq is like a million square miles of sand. Don't you think they could have buried whatever they were hiding? And if they weren't hiding anything then why try to thwart the UN inspectors? Let 'em do the job and get out!
    As far as the fascist thing. That was an attempt to let people know the consequences of hating anyone. Whether it's an Iraqi, just because of where they were born or a Republican because they trust Bush more than Kerry or a Democrat who really felt that Kerry could lead us in a new direction, flaming people leads to more division and division turns to hate.
    But I will say that I have seen alot of nasty stuff on this board from people I respect. Not everyone shares the liberal opinion and yes some people are offended by the right wing conservatives. Diversity is good, but the nastiness of todays politics leaves me cold.

  8. #68
    moderator gus danger's Avatar
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    I used the words "Frankly, I think bringing up Cherie's choices, AS YOU DID, was quite callous." Why WOULD you feel the need to bring up her teenaged choices in that context? I consider that to be hitting below the belt but Cherie handled it herself so I won't dwell on it, except to say I'm sure Cherie, like all of us, hears all the spin and smear campaigns and relies on her gut instinct, the way we all do to determine who can be believed and who can not!
    That's how it works much to bush's chagrin.

    I know Fox reports and you decide but maybe you should listen to someone like Amy Goodman, who REALLY reports, for a change. The other side of the story should not be feared. It can only ring true if it is!
    FREE SPEECH TV rules!

    Your Nov 5th post pretty much told us to shut up, didn't it? Sorry if that was meant to be friendly discussion!
    Anyway...I'm not going to go *** for tat with you about all this but
    I do think an apology to Cherie would be in order for the personal attack!


    PS Sportyfan, I did not call you any names I assure you. I try to never resort to that sort of thing.
    What I wrote came out too sarcastic sounding and I'm glad I didn't post it. Thanks for clearing up those points a bit!

  9. #69
    Inactive Member charlie c's Avatar
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    Thanks for the post and thanks for the service Iowa Farm boy.


  10. #70
    Inactive Member Sportyfan's Avatar
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    Iowa Farmboy,
    I?m not sure whether your comments in your third paragraph was directed specifically at me, but since it looks like I?m the only one who brought up about the rebuilding of Iraq, I?m guessing it probably was.
    First, I didn?t say that the Iraqi?s were responsible for 9/11, only that Saddam supported anyone who attacked us. I?ve already stated my opinion of the war in Iraq and what I believe about it. There was surprise on our leader?s parts (President, military commanders, etc) that the Iraqi?s didn?t receive us as hero?s. Well there?s a reason for that. They don?t trust us and why should they? During the first Gulf War we couldn?t oust Saddam because the coalition wouldn?t allow it. That was not part of the mandate. But we did say that it was an Iraqi problem and we would support them in their attempts to overthrow Saddam. And then what did we do? Get them all believing that they could take Saddam out and in the middle of it we changed our mind! I don?t remember if it was UN opinion, world opinion or just our congress that stopped the support, but it was stopped. And 250,000 Iraqi?s were slaughtered by Saddam. So why should they trust us now? From their standpoint all we?ve done is blow things up and lie to them.
    Secondly I don?t know what your service was other than the stated drenched and roasting in foxholes. But regardless everyone appreciates your service. But just so the facts are straight, I retired out of the Air Force after 20 years and flew in various conflicts around this globe. I?ve been in a few situations where the pucker factor was a 14 on a scale of 1 to 10. So I?ve ?paid my dues? as you say. For someone to say that Bushes tactics are incompetent mystifies me. The President sets out broad based goals and the military tacticians figure out the best way to make it happen. I know because I?ve worked and reworked the military plans to possible Mid-East conflicts for the Squadron I was in. So Bush isn?t there making detailed plans. It?s like when Kerry was talking about how it was Bushes fault that the tons of explosives were missing. Did Bush say to ignore the explosives? I doubt it. What more than likely happened is in the heat of fighting and trying to secure things, it was overlooked by someone. Both of us know how great the military is and how stupid they can be. Okay I?m off my soapbox now.

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