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Thread: Va. Tech vs. Michigan

  1. #31
    Inactive Member R13's Avatar
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    Re: Va. Tech vs. Michigan

    Quote Originally Posted by GC-1 View Post
    Well, since you are the genius, who would you have put in the game to play the mighty, all deserving UM team? Who did they beat that left them so deserving? 9-4 Nebraska? Or Notre Dame? Or maybe it was the Western Michigan win that got them over the top? Eastern Michigan, or SDSU? Michigan wasn't any more impressive than VT.
    I never said UM was almighty, but they were more deserving than VT without a doubt. ND was a solid, solid win, ND underperformed all year but it's not like they were bad...they blew the Michigan game right after they blew the So. Florida one, USC, Stanford in the regular season - beat Mich. St. A play here and there and ND is playing in a BCS game easily, but they didn't deserve to under performing. If VT would had ND's schedule, they're probably playing in the Pizza Bowl. VT got in there because of an incredibly weak schedule, they are slightly over mediocre.

  2. #32
    Inactive Member R13's Avatar
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    Re: Va. Tech vs. Michigan

    Quote Originally Posted by collegetrumpet2010 View Post
    I hope you don't consider this an unbiased statement. That is about the single dumbest comment I have read about the game. Yeah, move the ball well most drives and convert on third and long all night and when you get to the 5 yard line your coach decides to do conservative play calling having to settle for field goals and make a comment like that.

    Goodness you have to be one the most biased people on here.

    Biased? What bias? I'm not some UT fan or UVA fan that makes me hate VT, they are just a sorry team. Yeah, blame it on the coaches when they commit 3 TO's, rack up 7 penalties, can only score more than one 1 td out of FIVE TIMES in the red zone, wasn't a couple of them inside the 5 yard line? I'm biased in some areas of course, that's evident when I only post on certain topics and usually defend/condemn a certain side.... that doesn't mean what I say is false or in any way untrue. And I have no biasness against VT, I just thought it was ridiculous teams like them get to play in a BCS bowl with such a cupcake schedule and their fans hype them up. There are cases where a team is really good and happens to have an easy schedule as well, but in 3 of the 4 'tough' games they had this year, they lost. Why would I think that they are any better than average/slightly above? Those 11 wins don't prove it and they blew three chances to prove to people like me that they were just one of those really good teams that had an easy schedule. It's not being biased when it's truth, they're not that good, hate to burst that bubble VT fans(though I thought Clemson did that twice and UM just did it, figured it might have sunk in).

    Again, while VT led in most stats, they didn't control the game...UM never lost the lead after they went up 7-6 towards the end of the first half. They extended it, then VT caught up mid-way in the 4th, only for UM to take another lead and VT tying it up again with a few seconds left. It's not like VT was had this big lead and just blew it, UM was the one that had the multiple-score lead and VT had to rally back. So what's so dumb about that comment? They played exactly like non-VT fans expected them to, poorly, because they were a vastly overrated team.

  3. #33
    Inactive Member gchs_devils's Avatar
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    Re: Va. Tech vs. Michigan

    1) A BCS game shouldnt let anyone but conference winners play
    2) Frank Beamer is an idiot for the 4th down call
    3) The ACC is a joke (2-6 in Bowls this season)
    4) What the hell is Hokie?

  4. #34
    Inactive Member Eamus Catuli's Avatar
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    Re: Va. Tech vs. Michigan

    Quote Originally Posted by gchs_devils View Post
    1) A BCS game shouldnt let anyone but conference winners play
    2) Frank Beamer is an idiot for the 4th down call
    3) The ACC is a joke (2-6 in Bowls this season)
    4) What the hell is Hokie?
    1) How are you going to handle all of the media and SEC fans that are pissed that Alabama doesn't get to play for the National Championship, or even a BCS bowl this year? Heck, they wanted to have 4 SEC teams in BCS bowls this year.

    2) Agreed. He has been been an idiot for years. Every game we've won in recent history has been in spite of the coaching staff.

    3) Agreed. The ACC is extremely weak, but performs even weaker in big games.


  5. #35
    Inactive Member TheBeast's Avatar
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    Re: Va. Tech vs. Michigan

    Quote Originally Posted by Eamus Catuli View Post
    Heck, they wanted to have 4 SEC teams in BCS bowls this year.
    And the other two (GA/AR) actually would have been legitimate picks for BCS games. The NC isn't actually a BCS "bowl" (doesn't have the word bowl in it nor did it replace one of the original BCS "bowls") so technically the SEC didn't get anyone in a BCS "bowl" game.
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