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Thread: where has everyone gone?

  1. #11
    Inactive Member Craes's Avatar
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    Re: where has everyone gone?

    you never know, some people may care, no one said it could not operate...assume what you want, but you know what that does.
    I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.

  2. #12
    Inactive Member Jason's Avatar
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    Re: where has everyone gone?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Like an old pair of shoes that has been outgrown/worn out that you have to throw away, this forum has become to me. There's a million other ways that I choose to spend my time nowadays. For the longest time, I have sadly watched some quality people leave this board for various reasons. Some left because of the language. Some left because of the content. Some got fed up with the gay angle, and others left because they simply couldn't disagree on a point without getting run through the mill . Thank God we live in a place where not only can whatever be said, but a person has the right to say "I don't need this" as well. To the frends that I have made on this board: Thank you for your friendship-you all know how to find me. To the enemies I have made-same goes for you. As for the comment Blue made about the board being run correctly without me: Different folks have different opinions of what is "correct" to them, but at the end of the day as I have said many times, this little piddly forum means nothing in the grand scheme of life, so obviously I have zero problem tossing it to the wayside.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree with all you say Unchained. This forum has become a cess pool for bottom dwellers. The administration here absolutely stinks. The mods cant do their jobs because the admin wont let them. Since Jim quit and turned the forum over it has went straight down hill. I urge all that agree to please quit the forum. And to the rest I will be praying for you. Also if anyone is interested in making a nice clean familly forum you know how to find me. That or shoot me an email at [email protected] Also I am not saying all is going to hell. I just really care about the content that kids see on here. I know you have to be 13 to be a member of the board but you dont to view it as a guest. And to the ones that say watch what your kids view on the net. Why should they be turned away from a local high school sports forum? Please dont reply to this if you have no kids. It just doesnt apply to you. You just dont know until you are there yourself. I saw in another post that the ones that agree with the content that has been on here either dont have kids or are actual kids themselves. Just look at it from a parents standpoint for once. PLEASE!

  3. #13
    HB Forum Owner R0cketer's Avatar
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    Re: where has everyone gone?

    Ok hunter, what exactly would you do to fix it. I'm sorry to tell you, that because you agree with someone doesn't make it so, because you don't like something, doesn't make it a sin or abomination. It doesn't make you wrong but you're human and just as capable of sinning as anybody, including judging.

    The ultimate responsibility of being a parent is to the parent, not to everybody else. That is one of the biggest problems with the world, not the fact that some think differently or may be more liberal or open minded than you, but that they expect others to do what they want.

    You don't want your kids to see adult images or something they shouldn't, then don't try to get the tv channel to not show it but monitor what your childen watch. That's the problem to me, too many people want everybody else to do the work for them.

    Its funny, I'm the one who was pushing to get the language filter fixed, I'm the one who is paying to get the stuff done so when you want to come on here and judge on what is or isn't fixing things, get your judgemental self right.

    Now just because something offends you or makes you mad doesn't mean I agree with you, just like something you might like, doesn't mean I disagree with you.

    You don't want to see anything questionable on here, but yet I'm sure there are some (and yes I know there are some) who don't want the bible verse and such that was on here on here, but guess what was said, if they dont want to see it, dont read it.

    The problem with being fair, is that fair doesn't always suite your particular likes/dislikes or for that matter my personal likes/dislikes.

    I care about the content that is seen on here too, one reason I created an old timers forum (trying to make sure if anything questionable was posted it was done in there), but lets not go extreme, or make sure you cancel any catalogs coming into your house, walmart sales papers, etc because I'm fairly sure they have women in bras in them *gasp*

    Fact is, its a hard line to decide what is/what isn't allowed on things especially when what bothers/offends one, might not bother some others and we try to look a bit bigger than one or two people. You're always going to have a few people who don't like something. Like the brokebacks, I don't agree with their taste, but unless they go to far (like Jesse did), they have a right to voice opinions. Now if they go to far, and go into hate and attack, then yes they are gone. If they start messaging every guy and telling what they want to do to them, they are gone. If they defend the lifestyle, thats their right, just like its your right to defend a Christian lifestyle. I don't agree with them, but like is said, I'll defend their right to have their opinions.
    What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it.

  4. #14
    HB Forum Owner R0cketer's Avatar
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    Re: where has everyone gone?

    And sorry if I sound hateful, but obviously you don't realize that things aren't always as cut/dry as you think. There is a lot of grey. I'd say you never thought that some would like to do away with anything religious, I know you have heard that a few think the 316 at the end of your name is 'offensive' just as there was a lot who thought Austin 316 was.

    We just live in a world where everybody wants to blame everybody else for things. If the kid doesn't do well, its a teachers fault. If a kid doesn't play, its a coaches fault. If you don't get what you want, its a politicians fault. Lord knows, I'm as bad as anybody to place blame, but watch the news, read the papers, and you'll see that too many people want the world to raise their kids for them and then act shocked or mad when something happens they don't like.

    Again, sorry if I come off hateful.
    What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it.

  5. #15
    Inactive Member Jason's Avatar
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    Re: where has everyone gone?

    The language didnt bother me. I really didnt see much bad language. It was the pics that you allowed to stay in the avatars. And when I would ask a mod to do something they said you wouldnt let them. And yes I know I sin but I do my best not to. No one is without sin. And as for the Brokebacks I could care less what they post as long as it doesnt go too far. I have nothing against gays. I love each and everyone of Gods creations the same. I dont agree with their lifestyles but that is them not me. All I ask is when certain pics are placed on here that are not in good taste is that you let the mods take action. I know I flew off the handle on Mega before and for that I am truely sorry. I just got fed up with the questionable pics. But like Unchained I bid this site farewell. I will not reply or post again. And after you answer the next question I will not read this site again.

    On a side note: Rock do you have kids yourself?

  6. #16
    Inactive Member Jason's Avatar
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    Re: where has everyone gone?

    If you dont care then please take the 316 off of my name.

  7. #17
    HB Forum Owner R0cketer's Avatar
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    Re: where has everyone gone?

    You can take the 316 off yourself (although not sure where that is).

    And I had spoken to Mega several times before about that, but I have news for you, go to (CBS site) or several other sites, you'll have things as showing as Mega's was, a point that was made to me but not by Mega.

    With the ability to turn them off, it does allow the ability for someone to not see them if they find them offensive. I really wished the ability to turn off a particular one was available to all, not just through firefox and I do agree with your concerns about it, like a_football_fan I think said, you found Megas offensive, someone might have found Burrheads with a bottle in it offensive, someone might have found yours offensive, there is very few 'cut and dry' issues. If the ability was working before, I would have disabled avatars for a bit to have made the point. That was what I was attempting to do but when we had them taken out of signatures, it corrupted something and things weren't able to simply turn them off. I try to treat people like adults and hope that common sense or a bit more public sense works with them. There was good points made on both sides of the issue, and I'm sure some might not agree with decisions made, but some will not agree with any decisions made, that's just the problem with dealing with a large group of people who have differet views on things.
    What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it.

  8. #18
    Inactive Member Jason's Avatar
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    Re: where has everyone gone?

    But do you or anyone you mentioned have kids?

  9. #19
    HB Forum Owner R0cketer's Avatar
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    Re: where has everyone gone?

    Yes several, well I dont have several but other people do have kids. There is nothing wrong with trying to protect your kids, and in a manner shelter them, but its also not really good to think there isn't going to be things out there, and to be honest, if the worst thing they see is what was on here, then you're doing great. I forget where I was the other day, but someone was talking about their kid on the computer, tried to go a disney site I think it was, and as you might guess, most of the close relatives of the sites (see slight mistakes in spelling, different extentions .com .net etc) go to different sites, needless to say they didn't go to quite the same wonderful world of disney they were planning on going to. I mean its like used to be (I have no idea if it still is) was totally not related to but many people clicked it innocently.

    I mean I'm sure that others will tell you this, and if you are around kids in schools, you definitely know this. The parents who think they are sheltering their kids, that their kids are totally good kids, tend to have no idea how bad or how far their kids are.

    Just seriously, food for thought.
    What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it.

  10. #20
    Inactive Member imported_spike's Avatar
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    Re: where has everyone gone?

    [ QUOTE ]
    But do you or anyone you mentioned have kids?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I gotta agree with hunter here. It is different when you have kids of your own. But the pics have since been taken down hunter.

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