Dems need to stand up against this shit, instead of caving in to the GOP in their demand to cut the money to education. Let's fund a useless war instead of something that actually helps people.

Washington (CNN) - Senate Democratic leaders have concluded that the only way to pass critical war-funding before the fast-approaching August congressional recess is for the House to drop its insistence that the measure include billions of dollars for unrelated domestic programs, a top Senate Democratic leadership aide told CNN.

The extra money, which includes funds to help cash-strapped states avoid teacher layoffs, has drawn fire from Republicans who complain it's a giveaway to the teachers' unions.

The White House, which doesn't oppose giving states money for teachers, also objects to the House legislation because it pays for the teacher initiative by cutting funding from President Obama's "Race to the Top" education reform program.

"The House doesn't have a choice but to pass the clean Senate bill," the Senate aide said. "There is no other alternative."

To reinforce their point that they cannot overcome GOP objections, Senate Democrats are considering scheduling a vote later this week to prove they can't get the 60 votes needed to overcome an expected Republican filibuster to the House bill.

Late Monday, House Democratic leaders were still pushing for the Senate to try to pass the domestic funding, but a House Democratic aide privately acknowledged the Senate will not be able to get enough votes to do so and the House will be forced to pass a clean bill.

In addition to $37 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the House wants to add over $20 billion in domestic spending, including: $10 billion for teachers, $1 billion for summer jobs programs, about $5 billion for Pell grants, $700 million for border security, as well as funds for emergency food assistance and other programs.

The bill also includes money for Haiti, the Gulf of Mexico, and other emergency programs that Republicans don't oppose.

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