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  1. #11
    Inactive Member 1inStripes's Avatar
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    Re: O b

    The French had the lead in Bosnia too. It seems common with UN led stuff.
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  2. #12
    Inactive Member R13's Avatar
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    Re: O b

    LMAO are some of you serious right now? Really a joke of arguments, where to begin with these gems...

    1) How in the hell can this be compared to Iraq or Afghan? They are actual wars fyi, wars we started, wars launched against another nation...this isn't anything close to either one, this is assisting allies with enforcing a no-fly zone. To sit here and compare actual wars that have had thousands die in with hundreds of thousands on the ground, to this where no combat troops will set foot in the country? Asinine. Hypocritical my ass, that's miles of stretching to even compare the two.

    The "war on terror" was a mistake, a HUGE mistake, a modern day Containment had a legit purpose in the beginning, but that died real quick. Actually looking at attacking a war in one specific country even when the ones who attacked you were Saudi's and was planned in Germany, that makes a lot of sense huh? Carrying out a war over terrorists all over the entire war is impossible, some pretend like they were all in Afghan or those that were there have remained there for 10 damn years.

    Iraq? Joke from the start, what's to be torn over? It was based on nothing, then extended by lies. Start an entire war over faulty intel, which while is incredibly irresponsible and wreckless, could still be one huge mistake...but finding out it was bull, then extending it only to mask your incompetence is what pisses people off. Iraq never has been a justified war, never, not even up for debate.

    2) This isn't attacking anyone, this is enforcing a no-fly zone and assisting allies/helpless civilians. This isn't a war, some of you can't seem to grasp that. It's funny too, we all know this is a personal problem with Obama and any decision he makes...even the dumb big gopers don't argue this needed to be done, their only gripe is he wasn't quicker doing it.

    3) Do you think these people just decided to revolt just because of the weather? That last gem was particularly special, somehow insinuating they are the ones to blame and the aggressors? Wow, I'm really hoping there's just some ignorance to who we're actually talking about instead of the "he's not so bad" bullshit, here's some fun facts that I'm sure will remind you of other rulers that some of you were so trigger happy with(as was I)....

    - He's ordered and had carried out at least 25 assassinations since 1980 against CRITICS of himself and as of several years ago, Libya still has bounties on the head of several critics.

    - Has made Libya the most censored country in all of North Africa and the MIDDLE EAST. From schools and jobs in all sectors being under surveillance to taking out all foreign language in curriculum.

    - Has attempted numerous times to buy nuclear weapons from several different countries and has a stockpile of chemical weapons.

    - Many times ordered the execution of dissenters and broadcast them on television.

    - Has supported, funded, plotted terrorism/attacks and even publicly promised to support terrorist organizations/attacks all over the world.

    Do I need to keep going or have some of you all grasped it? He's every bit as bad of the Saddams and Kim's of the world, yet we need to mind our own business? He's oppressed and slaughtered his own country for 40+, now when they finally rise up and try to take their country back with his resignation, but are threatened by his military and his weapons...we just sit back and watch? Riiiiight, instead of starting actual useless wars that accomplish little, it's just out of the question to help our allies in enforcing a no-fly zone? Unbelievable, I guess that's our curse, we've always known what freedom is, so it's easy for some to sit back and bitch when we do something so minimal to actually HELP. Yeah, where are you champions of freedom now? You can support decade long wars that haven't done much but cause the death and injury of countless people...but not this? It's clear it's a personal issue with the Commander in Chief or just pure ignorance of the situation, probably both.

    5) So yeah, lets compare this to some with a gun walking up to the WH, Christ. One of the most ridiculous things said, like that's the least bit close to what's happening there.

    4) How bad are schools around here or is it just pure hate of France that blinds what's actually happened?

    - France has won numerous wars, where the hell does that even come from? Just because they didn't jump on Bush's dick with Iraq, doesn't mean they are incapable.

    - Everyone remembers what happened during the world wars in history, but somehow forget the Revolutionary War? They sort of saved our ass and are the reason we're even a country.

    - Again, they aren't incapable. They have one of the most advanced and top military in the world, of course no one is close to the US, but they're one of the top countries and a HUGE ally.

    And lastly, are they even the leading force? I know they were the first or one of the first to send jets to enforce the no fly zone, but really leading anything? Haven't read that they're doing anything more that we are or the UK or the other dozen countries.

  3. #13
    Inactive Member Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: O b

    "Do I need to keep going or have some of you all grasped it? He's every bit as bad of the Saddams and Kim's of the world"

    that may be true but he HATES Al Qaeda and is holding them down out of his country. this isnt a war..... yet but it will be. I think we are doing the right thing and Obama made a good call.
    Cant we all just get along?

  4. #14
    Inactive Member 1inStripes's Avatar
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    Re: O b

    One comment about France I would make. They have sucked at warfare basically since Napolean was defeated at Waterloo. Modern warfare has never been their thing.
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  5. #15
    Inactive Member TheBeast's Avatar
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    Re: O b

    I didn't read through all of that nonsense. I'm just going to say that implementing a no-fly zone is an official act of war and your boy can't legally enforce it no matter who is behind it.
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  6. #16
    Inactive Member collegetrumpet2010's Avatar
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    Re: O b

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBeast View Post
    I didn't read through all of that nonsense. I'm just going to say that implementing a no-fly zone is an official act of war and your boy can't legally enforce it no matter who is behind it.
    Not trying to start on R13 but really, he comes across as Obama can do no wrong, conservative Republicans can do nothing right.

    My issue is how it's so wrong that Bush escalated two wars but Obama getting involved is okay. Can't say that most opinions against Bush were just personal problems with him.

  7. #17
    Inactive Member simple man's Avatar
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    Re: O b

    Quote Originally Posted by 1inStripes View Post
    One comment about France I would make. They have sucked at warfare basically since Napolean was defeated at Waterloo. Modern warfare has never been their thing.
    Yep- the surest way to come out on the short end of the stick, is to follow the French.
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  8. #18
    Inactive Member R13's Avatar
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    Re: O b

    Bush started the wars! Damn, not hard to see the difference in that and enforcing a no-fly zone, but I realize there's no real argument against it.

    I know that's the buzz in right-wing blog land with Lugars comments, but I'm pretty sure that's wrong. I haven't read from any reliable source that that was an official act of war, not saying it's completely bullshit, but could you link that to a reliable source beast?

  9. #19
    Inactive Member 1inStripes's Avatar
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    Re: O b

    I wasn't aware of a No Fly Zone being an act of war, but I could only think of it being used in actual wars. I have seen a couple of news reports attaching statements from Gates saying that a no fly zone is an act of war. I have not seen them in quotes though.
    "Call me crazy, but I want to buy the Dallas Cowboys end zone and have the star right at the foot of my bed. That way when I score, I can spike the ball right on the star!" -Woody Paige, Around the Horn 10.9.08

  10. #20
    Inactive Member TheBeast's Avatar
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    Re: O b

    Not the quote you asked for but a very relevant one.

    "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation." Guess who said that. Even one of your own Dennis Kucinich says that Odumbass was wrong and went against the constitution.

    Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says that enforcing no-fly starts with bombing Libya's air defenses back to the stone age so they can't shoot at our planes. That's an act of war.

    This is just bizarre. President Obama's rationale for bombing Libya is exactly the same as Bush's for invading Iraq: to liberate people from a ruthless dictator.
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