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Thread: Why is it?

  1. #1
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    Why is it?

    Why is it that people do not stand for what is right anymore? If we as Christians believe in the Word of God why do we not tell people? Is it because we are ashamed? Is it because we do not have the courage? What is the reason? Think about this more people want God in Schools than those who dont... so explain to me why it is a against the law now? Is it because we have remained silent? This is only one example and there are many more.

  2. #2
    Inactive Member jtw61194's Avatar
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    Re: Why is it?

    What is right for you might not be right for others. Being right, in a lot of instances, is a very subjective and gray area. If I chose to pray, meditate, and ponder my future while I'm exercising, does that mean I'm wrong for not doing the same thing in a church? Is it wrong to accept an opposing viewpoint on a particular social topic?

  3. #3
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    Re: Why is it?

    Let us say that right and wrong is judged by the Bible then. Not us but The Word of God.

  4. #4
    Inactive Member jtw61194's Avatar
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    Re: Why is it?

    And I'm sure that if you got a diverse group of people together, had them read a passage, and then had them write about what they read and what lessons they learned, they would have totally different answers. As for religion in school, I believe that it is being taught, regardless of what it is called and what form it is in. When you challenge children to be respectful, caring, non-judgmental, and challenge them to do things that they might not be good at, you are allowing them, in my opinion, to become better people. Isn't that the point of accepting a religion? I don't think you need to justify religious growth by pointing to a specific passage and explaining what it means or declaring, "This is religious time." A lot of what we learn we learn by accident and figure out later.

  5. #5
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    Re: Why is it?

    The passage means what God intended it to mean... but you are right everyone reads it different. We do have good Christian teachers that are teaching good Godly morals and priniples without opening the Bible.. you are right. But the point was we allow it... the na sayers to run things because we do not want to go to battle with it.

  6. #6
    HB Forum Owner R0cketer's Avatar
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    Re: Why is it?

    Pacman, what is right and wrong isn't crystal clear. Again, back to the interpretation. You can read something, and someone else can, and get totally different meanings.

    If that wasn't the case you wouldn't have churches with different doctorines.

    What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it.

  7. #7
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    Re: Why is it?

    That is true... but would you not agree that God meant exactly what he said... he was not thinking of 4 different things when he said one thing?

  8. #8
    HB Forum Owner R0cketer's Avatar
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    Re: Why is it?

    Yes God knew wh at he meant, but man isn't capable of fully understanding God.

    Here, God understands eternity. Can you? I can't. I try to rap my brain around forever and I can't. Why is that? Because man has a finite life. We think 'in the end' but with God there is no end. We can try to understand God's word, we can be lead to see something, to view something, but that doesn't mean that the preacher next door who is lead to believe something else is just wrong, because we aren't lead to that point or God doesn't speak to us with regards to that.

    Again, if it was so cut and dry, there would not be how many different study Bibles? There wouldn't be thousands of commentaries, there would 1 because this is how God meant it, and that's that.

    If God opens up heaven and says 'do not allow capital punishment'. Then holy moley, I think that takes it out of man's ability to interpret. Otherwise, you have people who can read the same sentence and get different views out of it. Is one wrong or one right? I know I have read things in the Bible and took them one way, read them later and maybe thought of another verse that made me think of it a completely different way. I have went to a service and something I never thought of was presented and made me view a passage a completely different way. If you haven't, then sorry, in my view, you are not following God but instead following yourself. Otherwise, why would anybody go to church or read a Bible more than once, if the first time something was given or presented to them, they knew exactly what it meant in God's view, and that was that.
    What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it.

  9. #9
    Inactive Member jtw61194's Avatar
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    Re: Why is it?

    Rock, I really loved that!! You said a great deal and taught me a something. I have had many experiences in my life that have shaped me spiritually and most have had nothing to do with reading the Bible or going to a church service. Please bear with me while I explain a few of them. I was severely injured during my 7th parachute jump when I was in the 82nd ABN. All my buddies told me I would be nuts to continue jumping. I ended up with 19. As utterly terrified as I was, I still found the inner courage to keep finding a way to get out the door. To me, a religious experience. I began running and lifting weights to lose weight and to deal with a stress problem. What ended up happening was that I found time to contemplate how my life was unfolding and where I wanted to go with it. Some of my deepest thoughts and most wonderful revelations have occurred while toiling through a 3-mile run. To me, a religious experience. I have had the most wonderful opportunity to work with students who are severely and profoundly mentally retarded. The lessons that I have learned from them, and past on to other people and students, have been learned without them ever saying a word or knowing that they had done anything. To me, a religious experience.

    If I find fault in religion and how people pursue it, it is in the fact that a lot of people are looking, but they just don't see. Everybody's world is full of potentially religious experiences and they just don't take the time to realize it. To me, the Bible is a guideline for how to lead a better and more wholesome life. The Church is a place to reaffirm and reinforce a set of beliefs. The world, and the lives within it, are where true religion occur. Just my take on things.

  10. #10
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    Re: Why is it?

    I agree... we cannot fully understand God or his word.Do I understand eternity? I do not fully understand it no. I never said it was cut and dry.... but most scripture is so simple that a child could understand. And no I am not following myself... where did that statement come from? Are you now saying it is this way.. and this is the only right way? I do not get that statement. In reality right is right and wrong is wrong... now we must be able to tell the difference.

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