Thread: pictures

  1. #1801
    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    Re: pictures

    10899568 1642330149323286 529554181 n


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    12797599 1244001765614599 1520865054 n

    12145390 461621630688335 1698775713 n

    10534879 211164449244643 133048408 n

    10475090 998457666901660 997679231 n

    12797759 989890241103688 1867348771 n

    12142581 1705863169685085 952078262 n

    12825880 1031689316888785 497052959 n
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  2. #1802
    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    Re: pictures

    Gayle Hansen Crow
    Who were these members of US Delegation?
    Like ? Reply ? 1 ? 7 hrs
    Mark Smith ? West Hartford, Connecticut
    GREAT 3D CHRISTIAN MOVIE NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT! Everyone is a critic, but I think most people can agree that this is a worthy project once you go to (click on this address) Home and see the VERY ELABORATE, 4-MINUTE 3D TRAILER. If you are on the fence about donating, consider this: Can I afford the cost of a single movie ticket?.... to get a genuinely original and valuable Christian movie get made? Hollywood and the big money on the east and west coasts - all anti-Christian, anti-conservative areas - will never get behind this project, that's for sure, but it must be made. That means that it will take YOU. If you can truly afford nothing, then please share it everywhere HOWEVER, it is definitely being censored on Twitter so that is useless. Facebook, email, chain telephone calls to friends and other social media and chat sites are great. A few of us so far have decided to get behind this for nothing. These people mean it and this movie needs to get made as an example to all other Christian filmmakers, if nothing else. We hope you help, too. Please take a look. Home
    Like ? Reply ? 6 hrs
    Joseph M. Fergel
    Blind and ignorant liberals would tell you it's all a lie, yet here is more PROOF of his hatred of the Constitution, and America.
    He blatantly throws it right in your faces, and you still don't believe it.

    That's just how truly blind and STUPID liberal/progressives really are.

    Liberalism has proven itself to be a mental disorder over, and over, and over, and over, and over...

    (they won't allow me enough space for the proper amount of "over, and overs" here)

    ...and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again!
    Like ? Reply ? 1 ? 4 hrs

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    Make America Drumpf Again.

    Antonin Scalia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Accusations: Former Victim Claims Scalia Was a Pedophile | Veterans Today

    Scalia Sleeps With the Fishes | Veterans Today

    Thomas F Shaw III ? Kemper Military School, Boonville, MO
    Like ? Reply ? 313 ? 17 February 2016 12:29
    Debbie Molina
    I do too.
    Like ? Reply ? 158 ? 17 February 2016 12:58
    Mary M. Lynch
    So do I.
    Like ? Reply ? 144 ? 17 February 2016 13:09
    Dewey Bowser ? Tolt Jr. Sr. High
    Mary M. Lynch I do
    Like ? Reply ? 129 ? 17 February 2016 14:05
    Ray Berrian ? United Wesleyan College
    Mary M. Lynch The Justice death with a fluffy pillow does not seems as tragic as getting it like JFK did with half of his head lost. Everyone seated in the Supreme court is old or older than Scalia; why the most conservative one among the nine?
    Like ? Reply ? 25 ? 17 February 2016 14:27
    Nathan Burgess ? Word of Faith Bible College-Wofbc
    I mean really, what president in their right mind would immediately start talking about a replacement? Only Obama.
    Like ? Reply ? 58 ? 17 February 2016 14:30
    Patrick King ? Works at Home of New Vision
    Ray Berrian 1 less conservative and Obama picks a Liberal. not so hard really
    Like ? Reply ? 27 ? 17 February 2016 14:57
    Drguadalupem Cortes ? Laredo State TAMIU Laredo
    Ray Berrian Just because he was over 70 does not mean he is old. My mother is law is over l00 yrs old and she is still enjoying life and we are enjoying her. And yes, we are sorry about Pres Kennedy and the terrible way he died, we cried for him and his family...but what does that have to do with the questions we people have w/ ref to Mr. Scalia. So if people who are over 50 can be killed and that is okay. Unbelievable. And to add to insult, a person who did not even seen the body of this person just writes if off as to what she decided happened. There are tooooo many questions w/ ref to this. An autopsy will/can clear all of this for us the people of the USA who loved and cared for this gentleman....who, imo, was doing a good job with lot of integrity.
    Like ? Reply ? 35 ? 17 February 2016 15:08
    Sharon Taylor ? Littleton, Colorado
    Too much about Justice Scalia's death reeks of something not very nice.
    Like ? Reply ? 47 ? 17 February 2016 15:08
    Philip Roger McKee ? Moore Haven, Florida
    Nathan Burgess; truer words were never spoken.
    Like ? Reply ? 19 ? 17 February 2016 15:27
    Mike Mann
    ofcourse he probobly was,look how many people the clintons that have had ties to have been killed or gone missing,no doubt the liberal goons had him killed,he was a strong conservative hero,to them he was the enemy
    Like ? Reply ? 35 ? 17 February 2016 15:30
    Margie Hulit
    Drguadalupem Cortes

    Very interesting ...
    Like ? Reply ? 2 ? 17 February 2016 15:37
    Victoria Wanzer
    Drguadalupem Cortes
    Like ? Reply ? 17 February 2016 15:50
    Victoria Wanzer
    Drguadalupem Cortes An autopsy after embalming (which they did immediately) will reveal nothing about toxicology. He would have been the deciding vote in several cases ready for decision: immigration, planned parenthood, abortion, union rulings...etc. All rulings which Obama and Lying Communist Democrats would have lost. Justice Scalia had to be disposed of to prevent his vote.
    Like ? Reply ? 27 ? 17 February 2016 15:56
    Richard Cook ? Rockford, Illinois
    Victoria Wanzer You are 10,000 Percent correct. It is just too convenient for B. HUSSEIN O. and Hellary.
    Like ? Reply ? 12 ? 17 February 2016 17:13
    Kenan Walker ? Elon University
    Ray Berrian The KGB is/has always been very good at behind-the-scenes murder.
    Like ? Reply ? 3 ? 17 February 2016 18:04
    Kenn Lynn
    I heard something about a cyndrella season.
    Like ? Reply ? 17 February 2016 19:19
    Jackie Lampkins ? Sedalia, Missouri
    Kenan Walker Well, Obama even said he's good at killing people!
    Like ? Reply ? 17 February 2016 20:04
    Bonnie Ducote Bergeron
    Dewey Bowser me too
    Like ? Reply ? 17 February 2016 21:45
    Andrew Johnson ? Arizona State University
    Nathan Burgess, a president doing his job. Maybe the senate can do their jobs as well.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 03:39
    Andrew Johnson ? Arizona State University
    Victoria Wanzer, why do you idiots try these moronic conspiracy theories. The man was almost 80, overweight, smoked. Shock... he died.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 03:41
    Rodney Rice ? Owner-operator at Service 1st auto repair Inc.
    I think he was Murdered too!!
    Like ? Reply ? 4 ? 18 February 2016 04:30
    Britley Park Woodstock Georgia
    Nathan Burgess -- Have you read the Constitution recently?
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 05:04
    Gail Drake ? Works at St. Vincent's Medical Center, Bridgeport CT
    As do I. I respect his family wishes, but the fact that that autopsy was not done is not going to change my feelings that his death was not an intentional act by mortal hands.
    Like ? Reply ? 4 ? 18 February 2016 05:43
    Steve Laverson ? San Diego, California
    Definitely was knocked off to influence union membership decision, US vs. Texas outcome, and others... and to deflect attention from massive foreign policy failures, and to make Republican Congress seem obstructionist in advance of 2016 election, and to prevent conservatives from completely overturning Obama legacy, i.e. Executive Orders, Obamacare, etc.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 06:35
    Jacob Martin ? Campbell University
    I think it is very strange that the "family" hasn't requested an autopsy. If my father died mysteriously, and the death certificate was signed over the phone without the doctor actually seeing the body, and the government going against policy for mandatory autopsy of individuals who die without a witness present, etc. I would want to know. His son is a lawyer, imagine that, I wonder how much he was paid to drop any investigation! For all anyone knows this son and others in the family could have been very opposite in their political standing and this is a great opportunity to help their leftist buddies and cause.
    Like ? Reply ? 1 ? 18 February 2016 06:37
    Martha Bettes
    Sure you do. You are dillusional like most of the GOP. He was old and fat and he died . That is all.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 06:45
    Bob Andres
    I wouldn't put it past Hillary's operatives. Why Scalia? Could it be that he was the most outspoken conservative voice on the court?
    Like ? Reply ? 1 ? 18 February 2016 07:09
    Michael Rodrigues ? Honolulu, Hawaii
    Nathan Burgess I agree. He could have at least waited until rigor mortis set in.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 08:44
    Cheryl Detar ? Louisville, Kentucky
    Nathan Burgess For the same reason, he is not going to attend the funeral.
    Like ? Reply ? 1 ? 18 February 2016 10:43
    Cheryl Detar ? Louisville, Kentucky
    Andrew Johnson Right. All cause of death cases, should be called in over the phone, with never having seen the body?
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 10:45
    Cheryl Detar ? Louisville, Kentucky
    Andrew Johnson If he's doing his job, it will be a first. Oh wait. His job was to destroy America. That is a job, he has done very well.
    Like ? Reply ? 2 ? 18 February 2016 10:47
    Dave Bozada ? Pattonville Senior High School
    i pity you
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 12:05
    John D. Stiles ? Works at Retired
    Me too!
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 12:06
    Madge Fowler Reddington ? Mobile, Alabama
    Family has probably been threatened. I wondered why they didn't insist on an autopsy.
    Like ? Reply ? 2 ? 18 February 2016 13:05
    Joan Mcglasson
    Nathan Burgess EVERYONE should call, e-mail, write the gutless wonder in the Senate - Majoority Leader Mitch McConnell and tell him that he is not to cave into Obama's appointing another Supreme Court Justice. He/She should be appointed by our next president. Ted Cruz has vowed to fillibuster if Obama does - however at this point I believe he is the only one who has. On this point especially, I would be very apprehensive if Trump were president - since he has voted Liberal for years...supported and donated to Democrats. If a Conservative Judge is not our next Supreme, you can kiss your guns, your property, your freedoms and liberties goodbye!
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 14:28
    Marie Veilleux Locke ? Sitting here at Disabled
    Andrew Johnson -- Even with all that, he was still in decent health for an almost 80 year old, and some have suspicions, their own opinions. What you DO NOT need be doing is calling people "idiots" for their opinions, as just as much as you are, they are ALSO allowed their own opinions. What IS it, that when you disagree with someone, TOO many of you MUST call them names? IS it a preresquisite of the left or something?
    Like ? Reply ? 1 ? 18 February 2016 16:25
    Ralph W Land
    Kenan Walker ,you seem to be forgetting about the CIA.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 16:32
    Nancy Valk Misasi
    It was my first thought and no one's convinced me differently with proof it was natural causes!
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 16:59
    Georgia Merola ? Colorado State University
    Debbie Molina : I think so else does one explain the pillow over his head? Maybe they don't want and more family member hurt.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 17:28
    Isla Hendricks
    I felt it immediately upon hearing it.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 17:50
    Katherine Gabriel ? Purdue & Univ. of MD
    Martha Bettes Typical Kool-Aid drinker response.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 18:23
    Nancy Forrest ? Journalist at Information Press
    Jacob Martin My guess is the Scalia family will regret not having the autopsy later when new revelations emerge about the circumstances of Justice Antonin Scalia's death. The Kopechnes later regretted having made the decisions they made regarding Chappaquiddick that allowed Ted Kennedy to evade responsibility in the death of their daughter, Mary Jo.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 19:01
    Mike Aguilar ? Expert and Writer at 2carpros
    Ray Berrian Why the most unhealthy of them all? Why the most obese of them all?
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 19:48
    Mike Aguilar ? Expert and Writer at 2carpros
    Nathan Burgess I mean, what Senate Leader in their right mind would immediately start telling the world he would block all nominations? Only McConnell.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 19:49
    Mike Aguilar ? Expert and Writer at 2carpros
    Drguadalupem Cortes Your mother in law is probably not close to 100 pounds overweight with a heart problem either.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 19:50
    Mike Aguilar ? Expert and Writer at 2carpros
    Victoria Wanzer And remember, his FAMILY requested the immediate embalming. Not anyone in the Obama Administration.

    Conspiracy theories derailed.
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 19:52
    Robert OKane ? Works at Retired
    you would we still saying it was a hitman even if you were present with Scalia holding jhis hand wher he died. Take your hate and being angry at Obozo for not attending the funeral
    Like ? Reply ? 18 February 2016 22:10
    Rita Vernon ? Frankford High School
    Richard Cook reply...there is no more than...100%....
    Like ? Reply ? 19 February 2016 06:32
    Phyllis Thomson ? Works at House Manager/group home for people with disabilities
    Marie Veilleux Locke He is always on here calling people idiots and much worse
    Like ? Reply ? 19 February 2016 09:51
    Suzie Kue ? Teacher in Charge at School of Hard Knocks | University of Life
    Like ? Reply ? 19 February 2016 13:29
    Elaine Morris ? Texas A&M University
    Dewey Bowser So do I.
    Like ? Reply ? 20 February 2016 02:55
    Elaine Morris ? Texas A&M University
    Nathan Burgess He is behind the entire even.
    Like ? Reply ? 20 February 2016 02:58
    Jamie Mclean ? McNeese State University
    me too.....the timing and all....the muzzie in the white house wants the decks loaded to keep his slimy work going.....a very sad loss....prayers for his family and friends
    Like ? Reply ? 21 February 2016 20:01
    Robin Neves ? B.M.C. Durfee High School
    Mary M. Lynch that's shows how sick you people really are. Here is his son telling the world that his father died of natural causes. And you crazy people still come out and say you belive he was murded...crazy. real crazy. God help them. They know not what they do..may God have mercy on there souls...amen
    Like ? Reply ? 22 February 2016 00:29
    Lori Patane Jensen ? West Haven High School
    I also thought that from the beginning//
    Like ? Reply ? 23 February 2016 07:33
    Michael Faith ? Athens, Georgia
    I would not be surprised if the government killed him. There has been a lot of that going around lately...
    Like ? Reply ? 249 ? 17 February 2016 12:30
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  3. #1803
    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    Re: pictures

    an they all stared, at the little girl whight dha white hair ...

    12826219 1691449057800526 1689315590 n

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    a three hour tour -

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    Fort Bragg man Ryan Daniel Walker charged with murder in fellow soldier's death | Daily Mail Online
    Last edited by tomt; March 23rd, 2016 at 01:25 AM.
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  4. #1804
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    Re: pictures

    10919216 1675178856077560 1053462393 n

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    10643991 817147725097141 1418547655 n

    cute girls, need dynomite too -

    12479231 1528964154074054 742026307 n?ig cache keyMTIxMTc4MzE3NDAyNTAxNzE4Mw3D3D2

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    Last edited by tomt; March 23rd, 2016 at 11:17 PM. Reason: 1803 replies | 70681 view(s)
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  5. #1805
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    Re: pictures

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    Ryan has claimed that he cannot make a meaningful statement about Trump or Trumpism, Cruz or Cruzism, ...

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    Let’s admit it. As political provocateur, Donald Trump has a dizzy kind of genius. He feints to the right, then he spins to the left. Either way, the hot subject for political chatter becomes Donald Trump.

    This week, while people everywhere were fretting over his violent talk, the candidate came to Washington and dropped a peace bomb on the neocon editorial writers at The Washington Post and the war lobby. Trump wants to get the United States out of fighting other people’s wars. He thinks maybe NATO has outlived its usefulness. He asks why Americans are still paying for South Korea’s national defense. Or Germany’s or Saudi Arabia’s.

    “I do think it’s a different world today and I don’t think we should be nation-building anymore,” Trump said. “I think it’s proven not to work. And we have a different country than we did then. You know we have $19 trillion in debt. We’re sitting probably on a bubble, and, you know, it’s a bubble that if it breaks is going to be very nasty. And I just think we have to rebuild our country.”

    “I do think it’s a different world today and I don’t think we should be nation-building anymore.”—Donald Trump

    Will anybody give him an amen? Yes, lots of folks. People who read The Nation (myself included) have been saying something similar for a long time. So have libertarian Republicans on the right. But this sort of thinking is mega-heresy among the political establishment of both parties. The foreign-policy operators consider themselves in charge of the “indispensable nation.”

    This new Trump talk is definitely career-threatening for the military-industrial complex. It was particularly playful of Trump to choose The Washington Post as the place to drop his bomb; after all, it’s the Post that has made itself such a righteous preacher for endless war-making.

    The Donald, usually bellicose in style and substance, is singing, “Give peace a chance.” What does his detour portend for national policy? We can’t know for sure, since Trump also has a tendency to casually contradict himself before different audiences. Later on the same day, he addressed AIPAC’s convention and sounded like a warrior for Zion. He got thunderous applause after making the ritual promises that candidates from both parties always make at AIPAC meetings.

    But Trump has, in his usual unvarnished manner, kicked open the door to an important and fundamental foreign-policy debate. It is far more profound than the disputes we usually hear between hawks and doves. He’s proposing a radical standard for testing US policy abroad, both in war and peace: Is it actually in America’s interest? Or has US global strategy become a dangerous hangover from the glory years, when Washington armed and organized nations for the Cold War?

    Trump has, in his usual unvarnished manner, kicked open the door to an important foreign-policy debate.

    Whatever happened in past decades, Trump insists that this US ambition always to be in charge is now actively damaging our country, wasting scarce treasure and drawing us into other people’s conflicts. The Post opinionators must have choked on his words.

    “I watched as we built schools in Iraq and they’d be blown up,” Trump told the editors. “And we’d build another one and it would get blown up. And we would rebuild it three times. And yet we can’t build a school in Brooklyn.… at what point do you say hey, we have to take care of ourselves. So, you know, I know the outer world exists and I’ll be very cognizant of that but at the same time, our country is disintegrating, large sections of it, especially in the inner cities.”

    Trump has thus shrewdly articulated what ought to be a vital subject for debate in 2016. Instead, I suspect, he will be inundated with lordly rebukes by the policy elites. And the editorial writers will explain how half-baked and dangerous his ideas are to the future of mankind.


    We can imagine the labels they’ll haul out from history: Protectionist. Nationalist. Isolationist. America Firster. His challenging proposition reminds me of my childhood, because I grew up in idyllic small-town Ohio, where those skeptical views of “foreign entanglements” defined the Republican Party (there weren’t many Democrats in my home town, and they mostly kept quiet).

    As teenagers, we grew up as Robert A. Taft Republicans and deeply suspicious of the “Eastern Establishment,” who looked down on us as Midwestern bumpkins. The decisive election was 1952, when Taft lost the GOP nomination to a genuine national hero, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower. We were heartbroken. In the Midwest we lived in the middle of a great big country and could reasonably feel that we should stay out of other people’s troubles. The Cold War pretty much destroyed that common sense.

    Ike’s victory ratified America’s commitment to developing a new world order of global alliances and foreign military deployments. That order seemed like the right thing to do 60 years ago, but now it falls to an outsider named Trump to demand fundamental reconsideration.

    I suspect most Americans would agree with Trump’s tough questions, but are not sure of the answers (neither, perhaps, is he). Plus, in these insecure times, people do not wish to sound unpatriotic. In my hometown, we quickly fell in love with Eisenhower the moderate Republican, who resisted the party’s hard right (who thought Ike was a commie).

    At the end of his second presidential term, Eisenhower, the general who won World War II in Europe, was warning us about the dangers of something he called the “military-industrial complex.” I wonder what he would tell us today.

    Donald Trump Could Be the Military-Industrial Complex’s Worst Nightmare | The Nation

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    Is this my home
    Been starting over
    Bathe in the water

    Time after time
    I'm feeling so sorry
    I run out of words to say
    I'm so relieved
    The table are turning
    Don't sacrifice this feeling

    There are no goals
    There is no order
    Paid for in laughter

    Is this my home
    Been starting over
    Bathe in the water
    Last edited by tomt; March 24th, 2016 at 12:24 AM.
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  6. #1806
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    Re: pictures

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    12816793 482373221965586 1925820206 n
    Last edited by tomt; March 25th, 2016 at 11:29 PM.
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  7. #1807
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    Re: pictures



    Cebw1DfWwAA iQq
    Last edited by tomt; March 25th, 2016 at 11:29 PM.
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  8. #1808
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    Re: pictures

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    12747606 248521042152648 1416949610 n

    1807 replies | 71031 view(s)
    Last edited by tomt; March 26th, 2016 at 01:23 AM.
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  9. #1809
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    Re: pictures

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    Last edited by tomt; March 26th, 2016 at 05:17 AM.
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  10. #1810
    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    Re: pictures

    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

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