Thread: pictures

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    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    Re: pictures

    **** This!
    These screwdrivers and amazing. Not only can you screw things in, out, up, you can just plain screw 'em sideways (my favorite). In addition these are great for prying stuff when you don't feel like getting the right tool. Or hammering stuff, or just plain throwing across the garage in a fit of rage, just be careful because the screwdriver will have some nice rebound if it hits off it's plastic handle. I definitely prefer throwing these screwdrivers over wrenches anyday. You only need catch a wrench in the head once. The best part is, if you "**** up" these "screwdrivers" Sears will replace them for free. Just don't tell them it broke when you jabbed it through an oil filter then pried it off like a savage trying to open a can of spam. Keep it greasy guys!

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    JayForce-One | Charleston, SC | Thu, Dec 1, 2016 via mobile

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    cant even badmouth nazis anymore

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    cant even badmouth nazis anymore
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

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    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

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  3. #3153
    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    Re: pictures

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    Otto Wagner Pressefoto 01

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    STEP 1 - Backup the registry
    1. Unplug the device from the USB port.
    2. Run regedit.
    Windows XP: Go to Start > Run, type in regedit and then click OK.

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    Betty Holberton - Wikipedia

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    In 1991 SanDisk produced the first flash based SSD in a 2.5-inch hard disk drive form factor for IBM with a 20 MB capacity priced at about $1,000.[5]

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    You don't see me
    My eyes are closed and I swear
    You can't see me
    I want you close but my arms are holding you back
    I'll wait for you with both my eyes shut
    You don't see me
    But come here close,
    Tear my hands down, pull off the blinds
    Look me in the eyes

    I know there's something
    I know there's something real
    Lately I'm haunted
    These shadows hold me here

    Screaming under water (SOS)
    Can you hear me calling (SOS)
    Did it to myself, now I need your help
    Alone and overboard yelling SOS

    My hands are shaking
    Nobody's been here before
    Oh will you see me?
    Is it enough? Will you wake up, pull back the blinds,
    Look me in the eyes?

    I know there's something
    I know there's something real
    Lately I'm haunted
    These shadows hold me here

    Screaming under water (SOS)
    Can you hear me calling (SOS)
    Did it to myself, now I need your help
    Alone and overboard yelling SOS

    I know I want you but I'm drowning in fear
    I know I want you but I'm drowning in fear
    I know I want you but I'm drowning in fear
    I'm finally ready,
    Help me up up out of here

    Screaming under water (SOS)
    Can you hear me calling (SOS)
    Did it to myself, now I need your help
    Alone and overboard yelling SOS

    Songwriters: Teddy Geiger, Meegan Closner, Natalie Closner, Allison Closner

    In all you've seen
    Was it that came down on me that night
    A conjuring, I held on to that moment and lie
    Just to make it alive

    I stood out there in the covering
    In the baskings of a holy night
    Oh I was lucid and conscious
    And hovering like a firefly

    My mind stretched out on the canopy
    It put its arms out slow
    I heard the whispers of silence
    Floating down from the radio

    So come on, come on, I'm ready now
    I got that feeling honey like I'm ready to roll
    You see I'm not gonna wait till the end of me
    'Cos I got the burning fire in the bed of my soul

    I saw the light from a kettle gun
    Sixteen days under a southern sun
    And there were times when I thought that
    I wouldn't mind it if I lost my mind out there

    You wouldn't believe me if I told you so
    The things I saw, were enough to make the man in me
    A man of me, make a man of me

    So come on, come on, I'm ready now
    Go get your things out honey let's get ready to roll
    Oh I can feel a wave coming over me
    I've been waiting for this day too long just to let it all go

    As a child I was wonder eyed
    At the thought that I might know
    A life in the ecstasy of Rock n' Roll

    Oh I'm not taking it slow
    I'm an arrow in a bow
    Oh you think that I don't know
    What it is that makes it glow

    So come, come on, I'm ready now
    I got that feeling honey like I'm ready to roll
    You see I'm not gonna wait till the end of me
    'Cos I got the burning fire in the bed of my soul

    Songwriters: Jonathan Hart, Timothy Hart, David Hosking, Killian Gavin


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    3152 replies | 337246 view(s)
    Last edited by tomt; February 15th, 2021 at 11:28 AM.
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  4. #3154
    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    Re: pictures

    Vincent Jackson 177a9ac8c4c original ratio

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    england cornwall towne country tpt twin cities pbs 2

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    A bitcoin stash worth $68 million was seized by German police but the owner has refused to give up his password

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    s l1600

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    s l1600

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    s l1600
    Last edited by tomt; February 16th, 2021 at 05:35 AM. Reason: excellent
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  5. #3155
    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  6. #3156
    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  7. #3157
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    Re: pictures

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    Citigroup Inc. unexpectedly lost a legal battle to recover half a billion dollars it sent Revlon Inc. lenders, after the embarrassing blunder forced it to answer to regulators and tighten its internal controls.

    U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman on Tuesday ruled that 10 asset managers for the lenders -- which include Brigade Capital Management, HPS Investment Partners and Symphony Asset Management -- don?t have to return $504 million that Citibank said it mistakenly transferred in August while trying to make an interest payment. He said they shouldn?t have been expected to know that the transfer, which totaled more than $900 million before some lenders returned their share, was an error.

    ?To believe that Citibank, one of the most sophisticated financial institutions in the world, had made a mistake that had never happened before, to the tune of nearly $1 billion would have been borderline irrational,? wrote Furman, who presides in Manhattan.

    200x 1

    Jane Fraser

    Photograph: Rodrigo Capote/Bloomberg

    The decision is the latest blow to Citigroup, which is in the midst of a yearslong effort to update its underlying controls and technology after regulators slapped it with a $400 million fine for deficiencies in both areas last year. The New York-based company is also undergoing a leadership change, with incoming Chief Executive Officer Jane Fraser set to take the reins on March 1.

    [h=Not Over Yet]3[/h]?We strongly disagree with this decision and intend to appeal,? Danielle Romero-Apsilos, a spokeswoman for Citigroup, said in a statement. ?We believe we are entitled to the funds and will continue to pursue a complete recovery of them.?

    Robert Loigman of Quinn Emanuel, the law firm representing the investment firms, said they were ?extremely pleased with Judge Furman?s detailed and thorough decision.?
    Citigroup briefly pared gains on the news, but its shares were up 0.9% at $64.18 at 12:33 p.m. in New York.
    Read More: Citigroup Execs Tried to ?Lessen the Pain? of $900 Million Error
    ?The court was constrained by New York precedent favoring finality in business transactions,? Bloomberg Intelligence senior analyst Elliott Stein said. ?Still, it likely isn?t the end of the road for this litigation.? In addition to appealing the ruling, the bank ?may also seek to recoup the mistakenly transferred funds from Revlon, which may result in more litigation,? he said.
    The decision is a boon to the creditors, which have been locked in a battle with billionaire investor Ronald Perelman?s struggling cosmetics company over its May restructuring. They argued that the Aug. 11 payment -- one of the biggest banking errors in recent memory -- settled Revlon?s debt to them under a 2016 term loan, didn?t look like a mistake when it arrived and was theirs to keep. They can keep the money, pending an appeal, but can?t spend it, the judge said.
    Representatives of Brigade and HPS declined to comment. Symphony didn?t immediately return messages seeking comment.
    [h=Impact on Industry]3[/h]The ruling could also have a lasting impact on the role administrative agents play in the syndicated loan industry by exposing them to higher operational and regulatory risks.
    Furman said prior court decisions forced him to conclude that the lenders were entitled to take the money.
    ?The transfers matched to the penny the amount of principal and interest outstanding on the loan,? he said in his decision. ?The accompanying notices referred to interest being ?due,? and the only way in which that would have been accurate was if Revlon was making a principal prepayment.?
    The judge said New York?s top court adopted a ?discharge for value? rule almost 30 years ago, making it clear that banks making wire transfers to creditors should bear the risk of loss in case of a mistake, and fees for such payments have remained low. The ?disastrous consequences? predicted in the wake of that decision haven?t happened, Furman said, proving the court?s conclusion that transferring banks are the best parties positioned to avoid errors.
    Read More: Citi Had ?Six Eyes? on $900 Million Blunder Before It Went Out

    Citibank ?took that role seriously in adopting the six-eye approval process for wire transfers of the kind made here,? he wrote. ?And while that process obviously failed in this instance, the unprecedented nature of the mistake in this case suggests that it has generally been successful. Moreover, banks could -- and, perhaps after this case, will -- take other relatively costless steps to both minimize the risk of errors and increase the probability of clawing back erroneous payments.?
    It isn?t yet clear how the court decision will affect Revlon?s existing capital structure. The debt-laden cosmetics company contended earlier in the case that the money sent to lenders came from Citibank alone and not from Revlon?s own accounts. The loan due 2023 is quoted at below half its face value, around 43 cents on the dollar, according to Bloomberg data. Revlon, which wasn?t directly involved in the litigation, narrowly avoided a bankruptcy filing last year.
    Read More: Revlon Wins Approval for Debt Deal
    A representative of Revlon declined to comment.
    [h=?Thumbed Their Nose?]3[/h]At the trial in December, which was held by videoconference, executives of the asset managers testified that they had no reason to believe the wire transfers were an error. They said the sum was what they were owed, and although the credit agreement required three days? notice for an early full payment of the loan -- notice the recipients didn?t get -- Revlon and the bank had breached the agreement before.
    The pair ?had really thumbed their nose? at the pact, including in the May restructuring, Scott Caraher, head of loans at Symphony, testified.
    QuickTake: ?Unjust Enrichment? and Citi?s Expensive Mistake
    Caraher described the relationship between Symphony, Revlon and Citibank as contentious and complicated.

    ?It?s not that we didn?t want to return the money,? he said. ?We were just paid money that we were owed by a borrower and an agent who were involved in a significant game of chess.?
    [h=Clear Error]3[/h]Citibank argued that the transfers were a clear error and that the firms had no right to them. Under questioning by a lawyer for the bank, a senior loan operations associate at Symphony testified that it?s standard practice to look into fund transfers made without notice and to return the money if it was sent in error. He said he had seen money sent by mistake to his firm or to counterparties before.
    ?We would review the wire, confirm it was a mistake? and, if ?money was not owed, we would send it back,? he testified. Asked whether mistaken interest payments were common, he said they were.
    Citi Lawyer Suggests Revlon Loan Payment Wasn?t a ?Rational? Act
    The error was a painful lesson for the bank, which had to explain it to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Reserve.
    The judge wrapped up the six-day trial on Dec. 16 with a warning.
    ?The industry should figure out a way of dealing with these things even if this was a black swan event,? he said. ?Whatever my ruling is in this case, I hope the world, the market takes notice of what?s happened here and the uncertainties that have resulted.?

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    "Met the Super Bowl streaker at J. Alexander's Restaurant while having lunch before leaving Tampa," the unidentified man believed to be posing alongside a shirtless Andrade in a photo claimed in the direct message. "He bet 50k on a prop bet at +750 that there would be a streaker at the Super Bowl. His buddy went out first as a diversion so he didn't get caught as quickly as his friend. Cost him 1k to get out of jail so he cleared 374k on the bet! No s***."
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