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    Re: pictures

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    Re: pictures



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    Re: pictures

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    Re: pictures

    Ronnie H Freeman is the current sheriff in Forsyth County. His office was in charge of the death investigation of Tamla Horsford.

    There are several issues with his investigation. First, the lead supervising investigator, Andy Kalin, was friends with one of the persons of interest, Jose Barrera. Andy Kalin, a personal friend of the sheriff, was hired after Ron was elected sheriff. Andy had no prior police experience but was hired in at a high position, bypassing the Forsyth County new hire protocol. Which includes a polygraph, background testing, etc.

    Ron Freeman's 2016 Campaign Manager, Anna Debolis is friends with most of the person's of interest. Not to mention that Jose Barrera has been a long time employee that works directly with the Forsyth County sheriff's office.

    The first step in getting Justice for Tamla Horsford is getting Ron Freeman out of office as sheriff, he is corrupt and unethical and is obstructing Horsford's friends and family of justice.

    The hope is if Ron gets fired, sent to jail or whatever, there is a higher chance Tamla Horsford's Case gets re-investigated

    Sheriff Ron Freeman has a history of protecting his own personal interest instead of the community and safety. Of community safety and interest when it comes to justice. He resigned from the city of Brookhaven in 2014 after being caught trying to alter the personnel file of an officer who was fired for posting racially insensitive photos online. Sheriff Ron Freeman had this same officer help his campaign, and he subsequently works at the coroner's office now.

    Jeanne Meyers, Nichole Lawson, Stacy Smith, Jose Barrera, and Tom Smith, need to be re-investigated and questioned about what happened on the night of Nov 4th. Someone knows something, and between Dunkin Donut gift cards,(Jeanne attempted to bribe detectives with gift cards during the investigation) and privilege, someone has gotten away with murder!

    Ron has multiple dealings with persons of interest and allowed them to meddle with the investigation, bully, and harass the victim's friends and family. Their numerous inconsistent stories do not add up. There was evidence that was overlooked or thrown away.
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    Re: pictures

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    Re: pictures

    admin posted: "This excerpt from the last Knowledge Seekers Workshop is an insight into what the new plasma technology can bring to humanity if we allow it to happen. The picture painted is of a future bright with hope. We need to help bring this into being with our pra"

    New post on Plasma In Nature M.T. Keshe?s Vision For The Next Five Years or So. by admin

    This excerpt from the last Knowledge Seekers Workshop is an insight into what the new plasma technology can bring to humanity if we allow it to happen. The picture painted is of a future bright with hope. We need to help bring this into being with our practical support, education and intentions of soul. Hold the vision and do all to see it come to pass.

    Excerpt from 331 KSW June 5, 2020, see the English transcription after the summary.


    An Iranian woman asked Mr. Keshe, what is the vision (for Earth) for the next 3 years or more. He replied, our vision is very simple, we will see world peace. It's laid out very clearly, and actually, we have already entered it, it's just a matter of doing some polishing. It's the time for some nations to cleanup their own house for the wrongs they have done in the past, but that is their own internal war between themselves, and not with us. Like what we see happening in the United States.

    A lot of things will not be what we see or know today, and we'll see progressive evolution in science and technology over the next 3 to 5 years. The main thing we will see is the disappearance of the armies. The military forces will be educated due to 2 or 3 factors. The knowledge we'll bring out will make the present arms obsolete. Additionally, the present situation in the world does not allow any nation to buy arms, because they cannot afford it, unless they are corrupt nations, and their leaders are trying just to put some money in the bank, and don't care about the situation in their country.

    In the next 3 to 5 years we'll see eradication of hunger. I had this discussion in last Tuesday's teaching, when we were talking about using the satellites. In fact, the KF does not need to rely on satellites, because the technology you have is much better than satellites. The system which you will develop, will not only fly, but will also supply the energy needed for food. So in that sense, in reality, satellites have become obsolete.

    We'll see the total and absolute eradication of the use of fossil fuels. This will happen very soon and very rapidly, because once the new technology on the Magnetical and Gravitational fields are released, people will take the engines out of their cars. It's so simple, and hopefully, this is what we are going to do in a very short time in the universities in Iran. This is one of the first projects I want to be in on, and it's on the table for the work that the universities wants to do. And I told them, I am in on it with the KF Knowledge Seekers. We want to bring out a special system to do this, and I will be a part of everything. When this happens, we'll see many old tankers abandoned on the high seas where they will rot and pollute. So we have to make plans for them. With the reduction in the burning of fossil fuels, we'll see changes in the atmosphere that will lead to new illnesses because we won't be used to going back to a clean environment.

    Other things we'll see are, in the next 3 to 5 years, the end of the drugs, and drug trafficking. Kingship and leadership will come to an end as collectively the human race will support itself. Hunger will come to an end through the process I explained earlier, as well as (the use) of medicines.

    As we introduce the new flight systems, the present propulsion flights will become obsolete by their nature. Mankind will keep the Space Station as a memory of the "good old days." Very soon, man will expand out into space, and be able to travel beyond the Moon and Mars, and even the solar system in a matter of minutes.

    What I see is very simple, and is the fact of what I know, about what my technology can do, and what we see that it does. The world governments will change to it, because of the Corona. Corona wasn't that bad, it brought a lot of good things. We will see that the property market, more or less, will crash, and people will give you their houses to live in. In the next 5 to 10 years, with the present knowledge, people will have the option to not need to live in crowded cities.

    One of the first things we'll see in maybe 2 to 3 years, is the end of mining. KF has been working in the background as part of its programs, and has already started setting it up in the Arizona test center. This means we do not have to deplete the planet for resources, nor destroy the farms, gardens, yards, jungles, and whatever. We will have respect for the planet, and the knowledge will come through transfer of the fields, so we don't have to let the earth do it.

    In so many ways, one of the first things mankind will stop is the slaughtering of animals. The nature will find its own balance, and this is because it will be able to deliver food, or what we call, energy for life. It is hundred percent sure that this is on the cards, to eradicate the use of animals. And we will see the end of the use of, and destruction of the planet.

    Especially now, as we start with the Corona, people will have to accept the technology, and then all of these things will come together. And as it comes, and we accept that it works, then we will start building. The research and development of the new plasma technology, and the understanding of the "work of the universe," will change everything rapidly.

    What I see is colonization. Man will start colonizing very, very fast. Now we go to New York for the best restaurant, and soon we will go to Mars for a coffee, and come back. These are not dreams, these are on the cards right now. You will see it. We will make these places to fit us for living. As we have created the "dome of peace," we will create a dome of life, living on different planets. In so many ways, we'll not see entrepreneurs open beautiful restaurants and service stations, but rather they will build these centers across the space that people can watch the beauty of the creation.

    Mankind's way of working will change in the next 20 years. None of us will work to live, rather we will work for the pleasure of it. We'll all become scientists and we'll all become devoted to serve, because everybody else is busy doing nothing, and we all will do what we like to do.

    This is not my vision, I know what is to come. We will see a new life, a new cycle. I see a new birth, and that birth will change everything which comes with it. Birth of a new cycle for man, and with it will come a birth of new cycle for the whole of the universe. We are the tiniest dust but, we will become the important dust.

    I see a lot. I see the end of religions, because every man will become religious to the order of the correct order. We will believe through our own soul, and we'll see what the prophets saw. We'll live by their ethos, not by us talking about it.

    There is one thing for sure, and that's for sure 100%, we'll see a lot of marriages, intermarriages between mankind and other races in the universe, who are here, but too shy to show themselves. We will see this because, now man has quieted, and has matured. They will not hide anymore in the clothes of man, but will be themselves. And this will shock a lot of us, because we won't eat them, we won't see them as food.

    In so many ways, we have changed the course of humanity, and we'll see how the human race will respond to it. My vision is very simple, because I know what I brought, and I know what I planned, and I know what I am delivering, and I know what I am going to get for it. And there is one thing for sure, I will die in the most beautiful place in the universe, in the physical dimension.

    End of excerpt


    English Transcription: (331 KSW 4:16)

    admin | June 7, 2020 at 4:36 pm | Tags: plasma technology | Categories: General | URL: M.T. Keshe’s Vision For The Next Five Years or So. – Plasma In Nature

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