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Thread: My "girls" wanted to chat.

  1. #11
    Guest Felicity_Fan85's Avatar


    Have fun on your trip Rebekah! That must be interesting. I don't know any Jewish holidays and none of my sisters are Jewish. It would be fun to learn something though!

    Yeah, hopefully Susie has a snowglobe. It sounds cute!

    Heheh, Kirsten is going to have get offline soon. So is mommy! She has to read to us and tuck us into bed. But I'll allow them a few more minutes. [img]wink.gif[/img]

  2. #12
    Guest megaagfan1's Avatar


    Nice to meet you Rebecca & Lindsey!!! OOO! !!!! Have fun on your trip Becca!!! & YES!!!!!! Do take LOTS of pics@!!!! That's our fav parts to!!!
    This if fun chatting w/ all you other AG girls!! [img]smile.gif[/img]
    Anyways, Mommy said that Felicity is getting a pet!!! YEAH!!!!! Her name is going to be Posie!!!!! You can check out my diary for more info! I don't want to give to much away because of fear Lissie might come up! She's still sleeping at the moment!!!{Sam w/ Mari! She's gettinga CAT!!! She already knows that!, But she has NO CLUE about her OWN cell phone!! I hope!! [img]graemlins/thinking.gif[/img] }
    They should be arriving soon!!! Mommy's going to help me track them soon! well, Gotta go. We're going to go check the package prosess!!! [img]wink.gif[/img]
    ~Samantha [img]graemlins/rose.gif[/img]

  3. #13
    Guest megaagfan1's Avatar


    Yeah! I'm sure you'll have a really big wardrobe in no time Sam!!! [img]wink.gif[/img] Be sure to tell us if you get anything & what it is!! I'd like to see what you got!!!


  4. #14
    Inactive Member Katie from IL's Avatar
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    We talk about all kinds of things, because so many of us are so different. When I first came here the other girls asked me why I only wear long skirts and long-sleeved shirts, and why I can't watch TV or use the computer on Saturdays and Friday nights, and why I have to go to a special school for Orthodox girls. Lindsey and Allison are Jewish too but they aren't as observant as me and Keren so they go to public school and wear jeans and t-shirts, and go to Hebrew school after regular school like the other reform Jewish kids in the area.

    Me and Keren have to go to private school because they serve Kosher lunches, let out early on Fridays, take off for all the Jewish holidays and teach us Hebrew and Torah along with Math and Reading and the other regular school stuff. Keren and I are always helping Lindsey and Allison with their Hebrew school homework. Josefina and Marisol also go to Catholic school.

    As for holidays, we all celebrate all holidays. I participate with some of the non-religious Christmas and Easter activities with Christian girls and they celebrate the non-religious parts of Hanukkah and Passover and Purim with me, Keren, Lindsey and Allison. We also do things for Kwanzaa, St. Lucia day and some Hispanic, Asian and Native American holidays too.

    Mom tells us that we are celebrating everyones special heritage and she encourages everyone to ask questions about things we don't understand, and we're always told to respect each others differences. So we learn about different cultures but we know we like many the same things.

    <font color="#33CCCC" size="1">[ March 29, 2006 12:30 AM: Message edited by: Katie from IL ]</font>

  5. #15
    Guest megaagfan1's Avatar


    OOO!!!! That's a nice deal!!!
    What outfit is it? Could you post the link or the pic to it? I'd LOVE to see it!!!
    OH!! Speaking of homemade dresses, there's an album of some of our home made dresses!! I hope you like it!!

    Well, our Mommy packed most of our clothes.. [img]frown.gif[/img] We'r moving, & we need to get our 'clutter' all packed up, so the house sells well. So Mommy made sure we each have a pair of jammies, an Easter oufit, & our Meet oufits!! {I snuck an xtra outfit!! [img]wink.gif[/img] Shh!! Don't tell my Mommy!!! lol!!}
    Well, ther'll be more info on what else to pack & all later in our diarys!! I gott go now, & help finish packing some of our Mommy's things!!
    Bye Samantha! I'll be on later!!


  6. #16
    Inactive Member aero_AGdoll_lover's Avatar
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    Hello Girls!
    Marisol here! (Kirsten, Lissie, and Kit are all sitting behind me. Im doing the typing. lol.)
    Mommy is home with strep throat. I hope we dont all get it! [img]eek.gif[/img] We are all keeping mommy company tonight. We have to make her Jello because she cant eat anything else. lol [img]tongue.gif[/img] maybe we will have some too.... any of you girls like Jello?? [img]biggrin.gif[/img] [img]tongue.gif[/img]

  7. #17
    Guest I*love*dolls's Avatar


    Hi Samantha! My best friend is named Samantha! She looks just like you too! Weird, huh? My name is Elizabeth. Wow, your a good typer! Hannah has to type for me because I am bad at it. [img]frown.gif[/img] Oh...Sammy wants to say something....

    Wow! I looked even more like you before I got a new head! I was balding and had to wear hats all the time....I didn't like it. But when I got a new head I had a lot of black curly hair and now I am so happy!

    Bye! *Sammy and Elizabeth wave good-bye*

  8. #18
    Guest megaagfan1's Avatar


    HI Samantha, Elizabeth, & Marisol!!
    It's nice to mee you!!

    I have a sister names MArisol!! She looks just like you!! That's COOL!!!! I hope your Mommy feels better soon!! MM!!!!! I LOVE jello!! Expecially the cherry flavor!! MMM!!!!!

    I used to have dark thick curly hair to, but Mommy LOVED brushing my hair when she adopted me, so it's like how it is now! She hopes to get if fixed soon! I've already gone to the AGH to have led sugury. My leg broke.. [img]frown.gif[/img] I'm all better now! it was a long time ago.

    HI Lizzie!!!
    My sister Felicity told me alot about her friend Elizabeth!! She looks a bit like you to!!! lol!! This is soooo cool!!! Well, Gott go. Nice talking with everyone!!!

  9. #19
    Inactive Member PrincessRuthie's Avatar
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    Hi, Kit here,

    I haven't been feeling well for the past few days, but Mommy made me get out of bed this afternoon. I didn't want to get out from under my blankets! I think I'll go back to bed soon, though, as my eyes are all puffy, and I didn't want to put my glasses on. Nice talking to you all, though.

    By the way, can I have some jello? It sounds so good, but Mommy doesn't even want to think about it right now. She'll have to eat stuff like that when she has her wisdom teeth pulled. I hope I don't have to have those teeth pulled!


  10. #20
    Guest megaagfan1's Avatar


    HI Kit!
    Oh.. I hope you feel better soon!!!We have a cousine named Kit!!!

    For some reason thoughj, she's been in summer clothes durring the winter. I don't get her sometimes...

    Well, I hope you feel better soon!!!


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