I hope you're having a safe and happy holiday season, and that Santa treated you right yesterday! As you know, there's no rest for the wicked, or the toy reviewer, so I'm back at it again today, this time with a review of the new Johnny Lightning Enterprise 1701.

I've actually seen the whole first series of ships, but this one was the only one to scream "Buy me and open me right NOW!". Hey, what can I say - I'm a sucker for TOS. The ship isn't bad, but I think most folks will be surprised by the lack of die cast components. You can check out the review at the usual:


Don't forget to vote in the People's Pick Awards - voting will close on January 2nd!

And site sponsor OMGCNFO.com is having a big three day sale right now, so stop by and check them out. Please remember that the sponsors make it possible for me to keep the site running - visit them when you can! Thanks for reading,
