Okay, I admit it - I was wrong. You should really write down the date and time on that, because it never happens. Me being wrong? Oh, hell no, that happens all the time. Me admitting it, that's a whole different story.

But when I first picked up the 12" Jack Sparrow figure from Zizzle, I thought it was going to be a festival of suckitude. But then I opened it up, got to messin' around with it, and realized not only is it not a festival of suckitude, it's not even a small buffet of bad. In fact, it was surprisingly decent. Nothing to jump up and down about, or party in the streets, but it's definitely a better figure than I had anticipated from outside the plastic. The big drawback is the pants and boots, which really do look quite silly, but once you get your head past that, you'll see the other highlights.

The guest review is from Sean Teeter, and hits the Final Fantasy VII Cloud boxed set from Square Enix. You can find all the reviews at the usual:


Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!
